“Damn it! Didn’t Jiang Chen recruit a large number of mythical farming lords? Why am I ranked among the thousand?”

“It’s already 500, why is it still our Blue Star Human Lord?”

“One hundred! Hahaha, there is no alien farming lord, everything is the credit of the great Lord Xiussara.”

Shegaier roared:

“It’s actually true!!! Lord Xiussara actually turned the tide with his own strength and led the Blue Star Region to the first place in the Ten Thousand Races Business List.”

“This is not a mythical farming lord, it’s simply an eternal farming lord!”

All the lords of the Asan Kingdom fell into madness, shouting “Long live Xiussara” and “Long live the Maurya Dynasty”.

Soon entered the top ten.

[No. 10: Zhu Yeqing, reward all attributes 10,000 points, reputation * 20,000, legend * 20, luck gold talisman * 20. 】


[6th place: Tushan Yueyue, rewarded with 10,000 points of all attributes, reputation*20,000, legend*20, luck gold talisman*20. 】


[3rd place: Ying Yinman, rewarded with 20,000 points of all attributes, reputation*40,000, legend*40, luck gold talisman*40. 】

The little fox cheered: “Great, brother Jiang Chen is second!”

As a result, Ying Yinman rolled his eyes.

[2nd place: Xiussara, rewarded with 30,000 points of all attributes, reputation*60,000, legend*60, luck gold talisman*60. 】

But after the second place was announced.

Everyone was silent!

Xiussara was second!

Then there was only one possibility for the first place: Jiang Chen!

Everyone just felt dizzy.

Shegaier was trembling all over, not looking like a leader of the Northern Bear Nation. He sat on the ground and stared blankly at the list in the sky.

“It’s Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen is actually a legend… No, he is a farming lord who is far beyond the legend level!”

And the Blood Emperor Susan, who has already controlled all the blood clans in District 666, has also lost the appearance of a blood clan. Her face, which should have been pale, is actually red.

She thought about Jiang Chen’s appearance in her mind, but her legs were tightly entangled.

After a while, Susan let out a loud moan from her red lips, and then collapsed on the chair weakly, panting violently.

“Except for not growing eternal spiritual creatures, Jiang Chen is simply an eternal farming lord!”

“How many blood thrones are there? It seems to be 612! Jiang Chen actually killed the entire blood throne in seconds with his own strength!”

“Return to the damn blood throne? As long as I follow Jiang Chen’s footsteps, when Jiang Chen reaches the top of the Ten Thousand Races, I will be a loyal minister! No… How can a minister be enough? I have ideals, I must be a concubine.”

And the lords of the Asan Kingdom, who were just reveling, were stunned in an instant, as if the sky had fallen, and they roared in despair one by one.

But what made them even more desperate was still to come.

[In view of the death of Lord Xiussalo, the personal reward is cancelled. ]

[Xiussalo’s personal lord reward will be inherited by the first lord of the Blue Star Domain Personal List of the Ten Thousand Races Business List. ]


Xiussalo was second, but he died?

It was okay to die, but the reward was inherited by the first place?

Some of the Asan lords were so angry that their eyes rolled back and they fainted.

Seeing that everyone in the Blue Star Region had guessed the first place, Tiandao no longer kept it a secret.

[No. 1: Jiang Chen, rewarded with 50,000 points of all attributes, reputation*100,000, legend*100, luck gold talisman*100. ]

[Lord Jiang Chen inherits all personal rewards of Xiussalo. ]

“I know!!”

Salman, who was standing there in a daze, suddenly shouted:

“Jiang Chen did hide a group of mythical farming lords, but these mythical farming lords gave all their mythical items to Jiang Chen to sell!”


This guess is not impossible.

But it doesn’t matter anymore.

Even if Salman’s guess is true, Jiang Chen can make these mythical farming lords willing to give up their top 100 rewards and obediently hand over all their spiritual objects, which is also Jiang Chen’s awesomeness.

As the Blue Star Region was boiling again, the various forces and masters who had long since set their sights on the Blue Star Region because of its first place in the Ten Thousand Races Business List also quickly obtained this news through their own channels.

Chaos Star Region, Supreme Heaven Region, Five Elements Heaven Region, Misty Heaven Region, Galan Region…

The Three Emperors of Dragon Country, Caesar, Arthur, Ayu, Hammurabi, Cleopatra…

Even the Blood Throne, the Abyss, the Heaven Mountain, the Blood Crystal Region, the City of Life, and the Azure Region, the foreign regions, quickly received the news.

Even the lords who had not paid attention to Jiang Chen at the beginning were either forced or took the initiative to understand him at this moment.Jiang Chen, became a believer of Jiang Chen.

The power of faith like a tsunami, roaring towards Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen looked at the divine power crystals that had exceeded 100,000, and subconsciously burped.

“Damn! It’s really this guy!”

“It’s outrageous! How did he do it? It’s impossible to have space attributes!”

“Cough cough cough…”

In the third heaven, the three emperors’ eyes were about to pop out.

And the Ming Emperor was about to die, and because he was too excited, he coughed violently.

“Could it be…” Ying Zheng widened his eyes, “His territory also has time attributes?”

The Tang Emperor was also shocked. After a quick calculation, he said strangely: “Doesn’t that mean that Jiang Chen naturally owns 60,000 space-time farms?!!!”

Hearing this number, the Ming Emperor’s eyes were straight, and his coughing became more violent.

The area of ​​a spiritual field is a standard 10*10 meters, which is 100 square meters.

The internal space of a space-time farm is the size of a standard farmland.

The 23 territories along the “city” route cover an area of ​​6 million square meters. If the deep space is equal to the surface space as they previously inferred, there are exactly 60,000 space-time farms.

You know, space-time farms are special legendary equipment, and their value far exceeds legendary weapons and armor.

Xiussaluo used Shennong’s great prestige to collect only a dozen space-time farms in half a year.

“No wonder this kid chose the city route!” Ying Zheng envied, “If I had such a strong territory talent, I would also choose the city route, but…”

Ying Zheng frowned and said:

“I don’t know what opportunity this kid got, but he actually believed in the Conferred God directly? It’s too impulsive!”

“With his life experience of only 20 years old, it’s probably a disaster rather than a blessing to open the perspective of the gods too early and be washed away by a huge amount of information in his spiritual world!”

“Such a big thing should be discussed with someone!”

As a strong man who built a domain and became the emperor, Ying Zheng also chose to believe in the Conferred God in order not to waste his reputation.

Of course, for his own strength, the little increase in strength brought by the gods is just icing on the cake.

As a god, he naturally felt Jiang Chen’s changes at the first time.

In layman’s terms, the relationship between the two has changed from “unilateral attention” to “mutual fans”, that is, they are pan-believers of each other.

Emperor Tang said, “Extraordinary people can only achieve extraordinary achievements by doing extraordinary things! We cannot look at Jiang Chen with the eyes of ordinary lords.”

Of course they didn’t know.

Jiang Chen was forced to become a god before he figured out how to use the godhood.

They didn’t know that Jiang Chen was different from them. Jiang Chen didn’t need to deal with the terrifying information at all. He just needed to be a hands-off boss and collect the crystals of divine power.

“It’s come to this, I hope so!”

Ying Zheng stood up and said with a headache:

“Jiang Chen is such a troublemaker! After today, the Blue Star Region will be the center of the storm for quite a long time! Not to mention that the Brahma Star God Clan is eyeing us covetously!”

“I’d better go to the lower world!”

Hearing the word “God Clan”, Emperor Ming suddenly said: “I heard that the God Clan of the Third Heaven has also been moving frequently recently, brother, you have to hold on!”

Hearing this, Ying Zheng showed a hint of pride on his face:

“With the Guixu Wall, plus Fusu and Meng Tian stationed, the God Clan will not be able to shake Xian Qin in a short time!”

Three days later.

Jiang Chen rushed at lightning speed and finally entered the outer domain of the Blue Star Region.

After returning to the territory through the arbitrary door, Jiang Chen did not stop and contacted Ye Yiren as soon as possible.

“Yiren, I asked you to select a group of military lords before, how are you now?”

What Ying Zheng expected, Jiang Chen naturally expected.

For the Blue Star Region, which has become the center of the storm, it is imperative to enhance its strength.

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