The vision of creating a mythical building is even more amazing than the birth of an eternal treasure.

The Mother Tree of Life can create a mythical building for a powerful tribe in the middle of the Ten Thousand Races List, and it is even more difficult to escape the “disaster”.

However, the disaster of the Mother Tree of Life is not a “natural disaster” such as thunder disaster, but a “man-made disaster”.

The terrifying divine light directly broke through the void barrier of the Lubeis territory, forming a phantom of an ancient tree 100,000 kilometers high in the void outside the Lubeis territory.

This is equivalent to announcing to the world that a treasure has been born in the Lubeis territory.

The tribes in the ancient world did not know about the ancient tree of life, but they knew about Jianmu.

“What is this… Is it the legendary Jianmu!”

“Did someone summon the Jianmu projection?”

Of course, some domain lord-level strongmen knew some top-secret information.

It is precisely because they know the inside story that they are even more shocked.

“How is this possible?! Jianmu was cut down by the Saint Kings of the Gods several years ago!”

“I have had the honor of seeing the phantom of Jianmu. Although the sacred tree in front of me is similar to Jianmu, it is slightly different!”

“Hiss… Could it be that a strong man used supreme magical powers to replant Jianmu?”

“If this is true, it is simply a slap in the face of the Gods. Haha, it’s going to be exciting now!”

In dozens of territories centered on Lubes, the towering phantom can be seen even with the naked eye.

In less than an hour, the relevant images spread to all races, naturally including the Gods.

“Elves? How dare a small tribe that no one has ever heard of cultivate Jianmu privately?”

“My Cangming Heavenly Territory is the closest. We only need to transfer through two race teleportation arrays. Moreover, these two races are vassal races of my God Clan. We can reach the territory of Lubes within a month.”

“Don’t underestimate the enemy. According to intelligence, tens of thousands of mythical soldiers suddenly appeared in the elves. Behind this incident, there may be the shadow of other powerful races…”

Originally in history, Elucia might have cultivated Jianmu hundreds or even thousands of years later.

At that time, the God Clan had relaxed its vigilance.

But it is different now.

In order to prevent Jianmu from reviving, the God Clan has been on edge in recent years.

It can be said that Jiang Chen increased the difficulty of the task several times by himself.


200 billion God Clan Legions set out from Cangming Heavenly Territory.

Two hundred billion God Clan Legions are enough to flatten a powerful tribe with a few thousand on the Ten Thousand Races List.

It is like using a butcher knife to kill a chicken to deal with the elves!

It can be seen that the Protoss attaches great importance to this matter!

In the Whispering Forest.

Elusia smiled bitterly:

“Lord Prophet, the Protoss Army is on the way, and we should take this matter into consideration!”

After spending so much time together, Elusia roughly guessed Jiang Chen’s purpose.

Although there were still many doubts in her heart, such as why the sacred tree in Jiang Chen’s deep space was so similar to the mother tree she was cultivating, she still took Jiang Chen as a “prophet” for granted.

And Jiang Chen has brought out too many good things during this period.

As a cultivator, Elusia could probably foresee what kind of sensation the birth of the Ancient Tree of Life would bring, and naturally suggested extending the time for a few more years.

But Jiang Chen had no choice but to spread his hands and said:

“I understand what you said, but you also know that I don’t have much time left!”

If he is given another hundred years, this task will be a sure thing.

After all, it only took him four years to turn the Blue Star Domain from an ordinary lower domain into a powerful force that could challenge the entire God Clan.

Unfortunately, the Blue Star Domain is his foundation, and he has no time!

“It’s almost there! In another month, the transformation will be complete!”

Although Jiang Chen was anxious, he still had some confidence.

“The Guixu Wall of Xianqin should be able to hold out for a while. Even if it is defeated, the Blue Star Domain has enough strategic depth and can deal with it with the home advantage.”

“Now I just hope that the casualties are not too great…”

If there is no Guixu Wall, Jiang Chen may have really given up the mission.

It’s over now.

Elusia could only put away her hesitation and said with a firm look:

“I will gather other elf tribes right now. Even if the race is wiped out, we must keep the mother tree…”

With a vision of 100,000 kilometers above the territory, Elusia has nowhere to hide!

20 days later

The Protoss army arrived as expected, and countless lords of other elf tribes also came to support through the only race teleportation array in the Whispering Forest.

In 10 days, the Mother Tree of Life will be completely transformed.

Because of the existence of the Mother Tree of Life, the contradictions between the two sides are irreconcilable, and the war breaks out instantly!

The Whispering Forest directly turned into a slaughterhouse.

Of course, more than 99% of the casualties were from the Elf Legion, and the only value of their lives was to delay time.

ButIn just a few days.

The Protoss Army still reached the core area of ​​the Whispering Forest, which is where the territory of Elusia is located.

The elves lost more than a trillion troops, but only caused less than a billion casualties to the Protoss Army.

A thousand to one loss!

“Such a weak race, why bother to make a meaningless resistance? It’s really sad!”

The Protoss Army Lord, a 180-level God King, didn’t even bother to say anything nonsense like “Hand over Jianmu and I’ll spare your life.”

Because the strength of both sides is not at the same level at all.


At this moment, a column of blood and light suddenly rushed into the sky, and one blood-colored giant after another appeared.

“This is the myth army! Haha, tens of thousands of myth soldiers, I hope some good things will explode!”

Looking at the sudden transformation of the Dragon Blood God of War, the Protoss Army Lord finally showed a hint of interest on his face.

But it was just interest!

If tens of thousands of mythical armies were to fight guerrilla warfare, they might still cause some trouble to the Protoss army, but now it was a decisive battle on the front battlefield.

Moreover, he also had 20,000 mythical warriors under his command!

However, as time went on, the expression of the army lord changed from indifferent to solemn, and finally from solemn to unbelievable!

“How can there be so many legendary arms?!!”

The legendary arms that have appeared in the elf army have reached hundreds of millions!

Among them, there are millions of legendary nine-star warriors.

The army lord of the Protoss rubbed his eyes, making sure that he was not mistaken.

“More than 90% of them are the arms of the elves!! The elves are really a weak race that can’t even make it to the Ten Thousand Races List!”

“Hiss… Are those human arms using the true fire of the sun?”

This is not over yet!

An invisible wave came.

All the elves, whether lords, heroes or arms, had a green halo under their feet at the same time.

Under the amplification of this halo, the attributes of the elf warriors increased by 30% again!

This is another trump card of Jiang Chen – the passive enhancement of the tree of life to the elves.

The age of Lolita is over 20,000 years old, with an enhancement range of up to 2,000 kilometers and an enhancement rate of 30%.

In addition, for the mission, Jiang Chen took out all his family assets. In addition to cultivation, he spent all his time on strengthening.

According to the average strengthening every few seconds, Jiang Chen can strengthen millions of times a year.

It has been 10 months since he came to the ancient world, and more than 80 years in the deep space.

All the time Jiang Chen spent outside of his own cultivation was used for strengthening.

In the past few decades, he has strengthened hundreds of millions of times.

In addition to millions of territory advancement talismans, all the others are legendary military talismans, hero orders, hero souls, and military souls!

And all kinds of spiritual objects including dragon tooth rice, as well as the Lingxi sword produced by the sword tomb, have also been cleared out.

In addition, all the luck of all sects in Tianyin Pavilion is used to make Tianyin branch drawings, a total of more than 100,000 sheets.

Jiang Chen opened fire at full power, and with the elites gathered from dozens of elves, the legendary army of the Whispering Forest approached 1 billion, and the legendary nine stars also reached nearly 10 million.

In terms of the number of legendary strongmen alone, it has exceeded the Protoss army.

After a long time, the Protoss Army Leader finally digested the horrifying scene in front of him.

He looked at the image of the sacred tree that was about to become solid above his head, and shouted:

“My race paid the price of the death of three holy kings and hundreds of eternal soldiers, and only then did we cut down Jianmu.”

“If the elves are not eliminated today, they will become a great concern for our race in the future!”

“This is a battle for the survival of the race. You should fight to the death and live up to your ancestors!”

The Protoss is not only powerful, but also has an extremely firm fighting will, at least far beyond the human race.

At the command of this army leader, all lords, heroes, and soldiers shouted “Fight to the death and live up to your ancestors”.

The terrifying fighting spirit rose up to the sky, slowly forming a shadow of the God Clan hundreds of kilometers high in the sky.

Although it was far inferior to the shadow of the Mother Tree of Life, it was also extremely terrifying.

Under the gaze of this shadow, all the God Clan legions also greatly increased their attributes, almost wiping out the increase brought by Lolita!

“The will of the God Clan is coming!”

This scene made the God Clan army leader also inexplicably surprised, and he roared:

“Kill, kill, kill!”

And Jiang Chen, who was thousands of kilometers away, saw the huge shadow above the God Clan legion and subconsciously took a few steps forward.

“What a terrifying fighting spirit, it actually triggered the will of the race!”

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