Although Li Shuwen was still complaining about Jiang Chen just now.

But at this moment, it is no longer the time to care about personal gains and losses. The importance of the divine domain is above all else.

Zhuge Qingyun said solemnly:

“In this case, Brother Li, let’s speed up. Brother Wang has the support of Brother Zhou and others, so maybe we can still make it in time!”

After that, hundreds of billions of spirit stones burned, and several halos fell on the army below.

This made the army’s speed surge again, even reaching 3 times the speed of sound, which is thousands of kilometers per hour.

They are just civilian resistance forces. Unlike the official ones, they do not have the tax revenue of a domain. Hundreds of billions of spirit stones are enough to hurt their bones.

But at this moment, they can’t care so much.

The resistance army rushed all the way.

Along the way, they encountered a Qingyu coalition army. With the powerful mobility of all legendary soldiers, they naturally avoided it easily.

After more than ten hours of marching, the resistance army finally approached the core area of ​​the Fantasy Sea Desert.

“Mr. Zhuge, dozens of Qingyu lords were found two thousand kilometers ahead.” The young lord in charge of intelligence reported loudly.

A Qingyu lord who was alone?

Zhuge Qingyun was stunned.

“Is it a scout lord?”

“It doesn’t look like a scout lord, but more like…” At this point, a trace of doubt flashed in the young lord’s eyes, but he still said, “It looks a bit like a broken army.”

Qingyu’s broken army, how is this possible?

According to intelligence, Qingyu’s dozen of ambushes, each with hundreds of billions of troops.

Even if the God’s Domain has the Sky City and more troops, it will probably take a day to decide the outcome against such a legion.

Li Shuwen shouted: “Catch them and ask them!”

After that, his figure soared into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a small dot.

“Follow me!”

Zhuge Qingyi was worried, stepped on the Bagua formation map, and each step was a kilometer, and followed at a speed not slower than Li Shuwen.


The two of them arrived at the target with thousands of speed-type soldiers.

“Sure enough, they are fleeing soldiers!”

The dozens of Qingyu lords in front of them only brought less than 10,000 troops, and they were all in a mess.

There was no need to fight at all.

Li Shuwen stabbed with all his strength, and a deep pit with a depth of hundreds of meters and a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared in the desert, and a scorching breath was still coming out of the pit.

“Ah, it’s Li Shuwen, the magic gun Li Shuwen!”

A Qingyu lord screamed, and then said incoherently:

“From now on, we will turn over a new leaf and never be dogs of Qingyu again. Long live the Divine Realm…”

As if afraid that Li Shuwen would not believe it, the Qingyu lord cut off his braid at the root.

Li Shuwen was stunned: “Do I have such a strong deterrent power?”

According to the rules of Qingyu, only lords with Tartar heads can obtain official positions and get bonuses such as pit positions.

These people cut off their braids, which was equivalent to completely severing their relationship with Qingyu.

Zhuge Qingyun laughed dryly and said, “Brother Li, although it may be a bit disrespectful to say this, they are afraid of… not you!”


As several former Qingyu lords told their stories, the eyes of the resistance army widened.

“You said that the 10 billion coalition forces…were defeated by the Divine Domain in less than an hour?”

Li Shuwen asked a series of questions in rapid succession:

“Which team did the Divine Domain defeat? Where is the main force of the Divine Domain now? Did the Divine Domain suffer heavy casualties?”

But the Lord of Yuanqing Domain smiled bitterly:

“You are joking, the entire Fantasy Sea Desert is banned, and we are just ordinary soldiers, where can we get this information channel?”

Zhuge Qingyun calculated quickly with his fingers, and then said excitedly:

“Based on the positions of more than a dozen ambushes in Qing Domain, if everything goes well, this long time is enough for the Divine Domain to defeat four or five ambushes, which means that most of the Qing Domain coalition forces are left, about 200 billion…”

Li Shuwen also instantly understood what Zhuge Qingyun meant.

“Find the main force of the Divine Domain, rely on the strength of the Divine Domain, and our hundreds of millions of legendary legions, and keep the 200 billion Qing Domain coalition forces in the Fantasy Sea Desert forever!”

As soon as this was said, all the lords showed excitement.

Although Zone 555 is the strongest war zone and has been developed for more than a hundred years, countless new lords pour in every year.

But hundreds of billions of main battle corps are still a strong force, enough to injure the enemy.

Based on the known intelligence, Zhuge Qingyun quickly deduced the battlefield situation, and then said loudly:

“Without further delay, the Wind God Pterosaur and other high-speed corps will immediately explore these coordinates and report back immediately after discovering the main force of the Divine Realm.”


“Almost done!”

Jiang Chen looked at the battlefield full of corpses and said to Ying Yinman and others:

“We will immediately withdraw from the Fantasy Sea Desert from the west!”

In the past 3 hours.They defeated the Qingyu coalition army, which was composed of three enemy armies and had a total of 100 billion.

Although the Divine Realm still had an absolute advantage, the casualties were as high as 2 billion. Fortunately, most of the casualties were excellent soldiers.

Ying Yinman was a little reluctant: “Aren’t you going to continue?”

Jiang Chen shook his head: “According to the intelligence collected by the Crystal Maiden, it won’t be long before the 7 Qingyu coalition armies on the east side will meet, with a total of more than 200 billion.”

After being banned, ordinary lords naturally cannot communicate.

But the enemy represents the most powerful official forces in District 555, and it is normal for the top leaders to have some special means of communication.

Ying Yinman instigated: “You haven’t used your peace bomb yet! And we also have reinforcements!”

As he said, he pointed to Feng Qishan, who was staring at him.

Feng Qishan hurriedly said: “Yes, yes! We sisters have just arrived and haven’t taken action yet…”

In the past ten hours, the Divine Realm has not been idle.

Many lords whose descent was interrupted by the sudden ban on flying also formed teams to descend on the western edge of the Fantasy Sea Desert after learning about the expeditionary army’s situation.

Fast flying arms, such as the Phoenix Clan, the new residents of the Divine Realm, have arrived, which has greatly increased the strength of the Divine Realm Expeditionary Army.

Jiang Chen thought about it and shook his head.

“If there is a decisive battle, the Divine Realm Army still has a great advantage, but the casualties may exceed 10 billion.”

Jiang Chen was unwilling to use the Divine Realm assets he had accumulated with great difficulty to fight the enemy to the death.

As for the peace bomb, each use requires a huge amount of immortal stones!

After seeing the power of the Law of Heaven and Earth, Jiang Chen urgently hopes that the Empress, the Nine Heavens Goddess and others will reach the realm of the Eight Nine Mysterious Arts. It is far from enough to rely on the sect luck of the Tianyin Pavilion alone.

Although everyone is a little regretful, they still have to listen to Jiang Chen.

An Chuxia smiled and comforted: “Paying less than 3 billion mid-level troops, defeating 200 billion enemy troops is already a glorious victory.”

Yu Fengwu said with emotion: “More than glorious? Our resistance army has never achieved such a great victory in hundreds of years.”

“The props harvested on this day are comparable to the resistance army’s 10 years of hard work.”

“If the news spreads, it will definitely shock the entire 555 area. Many wavering states in the Qingyu area may surrender.”

Speaking of this, she couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Chen.

To achieve such a record in one day after entering the 555 area, it is far from enough to rely on strength and luck alone, and the enemy’s perfect cooperation is also required.

Sometimes I think that Jiang Chen is really a person favored by heaven.


She looked at the countless phoenixes flying in the sky again!

This is a phoenix, not a pig. How can it be in groups?

The original inspiration of the Fengwu Legion came from a phoenix.

If there were so many phoenixes for her to observe and study, I wonder if the Fengwu Corps could be promoted to a legend…

After a simple cleanup of the battlefield, the Sky City launched again and marched westward with the army.

Jing Qi suddenly said:

“Lord, a team of wind god pterosaurs appeared in the east and are approaching us quickly.”

Jiang Chen frowned and said, “Why didn’t you intercept them? Has the enemy broken through the blockade?”

Tens of thousands of fairy dragons and thousands of crystal maidens have been scattered over a map with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers. While detecting news, they also cut off the enemy’s scouts.

And those coming from the east are naturally enemies.

“I don’t know! But dozens of fairy dragons are surrounding this team of wind god pterosaurs in the middle.”

“Oh?” Jiang Chen pondered for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, “Could it be local reinforcements?”


The mythical fairy dragon Susi personally escorted a team of wind god pterosaurs back to the Sky City.

“My Lord, this Dragon Lord has no braids, and he took out a video recorded by a Lord named Zhuge Qingyun!”

The soldiers under Jiang Chen’s command are naturally not machines that can only kill. When encountering such special situations, they know very well how to deal with them.

The name Zhuge Qingyun is naturally well-known to Jiang Chen!

When Zhuge Liang came, he was mistaken by many people as Zhuge Qingyun.

The rebel lord looked at the Sky City and countless units exuding a tyrannical aura in awe, and then said loudly:

“After learning that His Majesty Jiang Chen was trapped in the Fantasy Sea Desert, Mr. Zhuge and Master Li immediately organized us to come to the rescue. Mr. Zhuge has something to say to you…”

As he spoke, a video popped up.

“It is indeed Brother Zhuge!” Yu Fengwu quickly confirmed Zhuge Qingyun’s identity through unknown means, but it was definitely not his appearance.

“Join forces to attack and annihilate the enemy?”

Jiang Chen did not immediately respond to Zhuge Qingyun’s suggestion.

Ying Yinman shouted:

“Jiang Chen, let’s do it! With over 300 million legendary troops, we can definitely defeat the enemy easily if we join forces.”Zhu Yeqing added: “After several battles, it can be confirmed that the enemy’s fighting spirit is not strong!”

Fighting or not fighting, each has its pros and cons.

However, after Jiang Chen looked around and saw the high morale in everyone’s eyes, he smiled and said:

“Okay! Then fight! But wait, my Sky City will go first!”

Ying Yinman enviously said: “You are going to use the Peace Bomb again!”


Jiang Chen nodded:

“I will consume a wave first, which can not only hit the enemy’s morale, but also reduce casualties in the Divine Realm!”

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