Upon hearing this news, everyone in the God Realm looked gloomy, even Jiang Chen was no exception.

Ying Yinman was shocked and said angrily: “Heaven Mountain has also sent troops. What benefits did the Edo Shogunate give to make Heaven Mountain take action?”

Heaven Mountain is the upper domain of the Angel Clan, and its strength is no weaker than Daluo Tianyu, Wuliang Buddha Realm, and Blood King Court.

Don’t think that Jiang Chen can sweep the upper domain coalition of the God Clan alone, that’s because Lolita has four times the attack when facing the God Realm, plus the full attribute blessing of [God Killing] 120% and [Lord of the God Realm] 360%.

If it were any other race, Jiang Chen would be beaten back to his original form in an instant.

Jiang Chen’s mind moved, and he asked, “Is Heaven Mountain for the faith of our Blue Star Region?”

“There is indeed a reason for this!”

Xingtong said elegantly:

“Your “Jiang Huang Benji” has been in the limelight recently. You should know that unless it is the same divine system, the battle of faith is a battle of life and death. Moreover, the rise of the divine domain is not in the interests of Heaven Mountain in the long run. In addition, creating angels has always been a taboo area of ​​God, and you violated this taboo, which greatly damaged the majesty of God… In short, there are too many reasons!”

Jiang Chen thought carefully, and the reason was quite sufficient.

“But what does this have to do with the Blood Throne?”

Jiang Chen has planted the Lust Legion in the Sakura Country, and naturally he is afraid that the Blood Throne is here to play Infernal Affairs.

Xingtong curled her lips when she heard this.

Anyone would feel uncomfortable if they rushed to help, but were questioned in the end.

However, thanks to the scandal with Jiang Chen, she has condensed hundreds of millions of divine power crystals this year.

Especially after the recent booming of the Jianghuang Church, she, the rumored girlfriend of the Jianghuang, has also benefited a lot.

After tasting so many sweet things, what does it matter if I suffer some grievances?

Xingtong took a deep breath and said:

“This is a personal grudge between Lilith’s ancestors and that God. I am not in a position to disclose the details. Moreover, the Blood Throne also needs a war to make its voice heard. Heaven Mountain is a good target.”

It’s the same as saying nothing.

However, Jiang Chen, relying on his past life memories, recognized Xingtong’s statement-this Lilith, like Lucifer, seemed to be one of God’s subordinates, but later defected. Jiang Chen couldn’t remember the details.

In addition, Xingtong also had the motive of “riding on the popularity”, so this matter was probably credible.

In the next half an hour, Jiang Chen and Xingtong discussed some details, and then said: “In this case, please express my gratitude to Her Majesty Lilith.”

With the current strength of the Divine Realm, if the Lord of Lust is not counted, it would be difficult to compete with the Edo Shogunate.

If we face the strong men from the old area of ​​Tiantang Mountain, it will be very troublesome, even if Tiantang Mountain only sends out a small part of the army.

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty Jiang Chen. No matter how many angels are sent out, we will leave it to the Blood Throne.”

Xingtong promised, and then curiously said:

“But as far as I know, Sakura Country has received assistance from many forces including the Lighthouse Country and Qingyu in your Blue Star Region, plus the unremitting support of the Lord of Lust. Even if your Divine Region has an ally like Fei Lengcui, it is not optimistic!”

Jiang Chen smiled when he heard this, and then stretched out his big hand and pressed on Xingtong’s shoulder without hesitation.

“Don’t worry, Tongtong, I still have a trump card, which can at least increase the chance of winning to 20%.”

When the people in the Divine Region heard the word “trump card”, they were numb.

Xingtong was moved!

Then came curiosity.

Judging from the current strength comparison between the two sides, the Divine Region does not even have a half chance of winning.

It seems that Jiang Chen’s trump card should not be underestimated!

What a mysterious man.

“In that case, I will wait and see His Majesty Jiang Chen’s might.”

Looking at Xingtong’s reaction, Jiang Chen also understood.

Although Xingtong came to help, it was obvious that she would only fight against Heaven Mountain.

The enemies of the Blue Star Domain still needed to be dealt with by the Divine Domain itself.

The blood race of the Blood Throne was not like the blood race of the Blue Star Domain that had long been tamed by Jiang Chen, but was cannibalistic.

In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, Jiang Chen and Xingtong agreed that the Blood Throne would go directly to Area 282 at that time, instead of joining forces with the Divine Domain.

In order to show goodwill to the Divine Domain, Xingtong announced in his personal name that he would no longer eat people from now on, which greatly gained a wave of goodwill among the Divine Domain lords.

This is the value of the battlefield of all races. It is normal for two races to eat each other, and Jiang Chen is powerless to change it.

If Jiang Chen announced at this moment that the Divine Domain lords were forbidden to use dragon flesh and blood, then the Immortal Dragon Domain would also thank Jiang Chen.

There is no difference between the two!

Two weeks later.

In Area 666, Area 632, and Area 555, countless golden lights shot up into the sky.

The target was Area 282.

There were many criteria for the destruction of a domain, one of which wasAll the “original prefectures” have fallen.

As the birthplace of the Edo Shogunate, its original prefectures are naturally all in District 282, a total of 16.

Not only that, because of the strength of the Sakura Country, the Blue Star Region of District 282 has gradually been occupied by the Edo Shogunate.

This is also the only way for a domain to rise.

It’s not the case for the distant ones, but also the nearby God’s Domain.

District 282 has been opened for nearly 400 years.

Although 400 years have passed, many of the earliest “original lords” of the Edo Shogunate have ascended to the upper realm, and the rest are old and dead.

But according to incomplete statistics, there are at least 1 million war lords.

These 1 million war lords are all powerful lords who have developed for 400 years.

Apart from other things, just talking about the combat power of the lord himself, if he didn’t have a certain strength, he would have died of old age.

And there are at least hundreds of Shikigami lords who have never taken action in 400 years.

The accumulation of 400 years of accumulation, concentrated in an hour, is enough to make people’s scalp numb.

Not to mention how many skills can be cultivated and how many equipment and props can be accumulated in 400 years.

This is also the reason why many people are not optimistic about the God’s Domain.

One hour later.

The 500 billion troops of the God’s Domain and the 100 billion troops of Florence have all been assembled.

The Blood Clan Army assembled thousands of kilometers away, coordinating with the God’s Domain Army.

“Fortunately!” Zhuge Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief, “We were not ambushed this time.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “An hour ago, I sealed all the maps of the entire Edo Shogunate for tens of millions of kilometers.”


Zhuge Qingyun subconsciously calculated how many space sealing scrolls were needed…

With the previous experience, Jiang Chen was indeed much more cautious this time.

Even Ying Zheng sent tens of thousands of strong men from the Yin-Yang family to help the God’s Domain shield the secrets of heaven.


The mighty army marched towards the original prefectures of the Edo Shogunate.

The 16 original prefectures of the Edo Shogunate were naturally connected together. Three days later, the Divine Realm coalition arrived at Owari Prefecture.

[Hint: You occupied Zhangwei Prefecture. ]

Surprisingly, the Divine Realm coalition easily occupied Zhangwei Prefecture without encountering any resistance.

But the crowd did not show any joy.

“Really cautious!”

Ying Yinman also gathered in Jiang Chen’s Sky City at this moment. Seeing this situation, she frowned and said:

“It is obvious that Tokugawa Ieyasu, because he could not predict where we would land and did not want to divide his troops, directly gave up the outer prefectures and chose to concentrate on protecting several prefectures, or even one prefecture.”

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