“What a powerful armor!” Wang Zhengyi’s voice was also heard not far away.

Li Shuwen looked over and was immediately overjoyed: “What a sword saint, he actually came from behind and killed the enemy before me!”

Wang Zhengyi adopted the same tactics and had already killed Hattori Masanari.

Wang Zhengyi laughed and said, “Can we still fight?”

“Of course!”

Although the two activated the fourth star, they were still eager to fight under the dual repair of life source and life absorption.

The short and fierce battle between the four strong men instantly attracted the attention of everyone on both sides, even the strong men of Heaven Mountain and Blood Throne, and they looked solemn.

Because the combat power of the four people was no weaker than the strongest of their race.

Xingtong sighed: “Sure enough, once the weak race breaks through, its strength generally exceeds the innate strong race, just like the eternity of the Hundred Flowers Clan.”

And many war correspondents have naturally broadcast the scene live.

This made all the big guys who paid attention to this war, even the big guys of foreign races, all amazed.

“Two of the Tokugawa Sixteen Generals, the most powerful lords of the Seventh Heaven, died just like that?”

“That Hattori Masanari is the leader of the Iga Ninja!”

“But… what kind of burst skill can make their attributes increase several times without too many sequelae?”

“It’s not that there are no sequelae, but the armor! Did you notice that their armor is the same, and it seems to be able to absorb the life force of each other. And to drain the life force of a mythical military hero so quickly, I’m afraid it must be mythical.”

When this speculation came out, everyone was shocked.

Mythical standard armor? !

If it’s true, it’s a bit awesome!

Ashoka said to Ying Zheng: “It turns out that the God Realm has such a good thing. With that burst skill, the comprehensive combat power of the God Realm strong can be more than doubled.”

Ying Zheng was also shocked in his heart, and at the same time secretly sighed that a girl can’t be kept.

This kind of good thing, Ying Yinman didn’t even tell him.

Although he was shocked, Ying Zheng remained calm and said:

“It’s just a trifle!”

Ashoka said expectantly: “Your Majesty, can you help me with some connections? I want to purchase a batch of this mythical armor. The price is negotiable.”

Mythical equipment can consume energy to upgrade, so even if you get the third heaven, it is a treasure.

“Your Majesty, Ashoka, do you think mythical armor is cabbage?”

Before Ying Zheng answered, Xu Fu’s shadow suddenly appeared and said lightly:

“It’s amazing that the Divine Realm can have dozens of such powerful armors. It’s simply a fool’s dream to want to turn the tide of the battle with dozens of armors.”

But as soon as he finished speaking, Cleopatra’s sweet laughter came. The beautiful Egyptian domain master pointed to the live broadcast room and said:

“Although it’s not cabbage, it doesn’t seem to be the dozens of sets you said.”

Xu Fu glanced at the live broadcast room and his face darkened instantly.

Just when the four of them were fighting, the army of the Divine Realm and the Edo Shogunate also began to fight hand-to-hand.

The angel army was stopped as soon as it appeared.

Xingtong shouted: “Hypocritical angels, your enemy is me!”

Both sides are flying races, fighting at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Every moment, countless soldiers fell.

And the Abyss just showed its power. In addition to Li Shuwen and the two who tried their hand at it, the happiest ones were Zhu Yeqing and other mythical military lords.

Zhu Yeqing shouted: “If you wear the Abyss, as long as the killing speed is fast enough, can’t you keep the seven-star life point open for a long time?”


Jiang Chen actually did an experiment on this point:

“You are all mythical military lords. Only the life source of the same mythical strong can instantly replenish your consumption, unless you can kill mythical strongmen continuously.”

“Of course, if you only open one star, it is still very easy to increase your endurance by a hundred times.”

Dian Kang hummed : “One star doubles all attributes, equivalent to the Seraph [Divine Will]. Originally, one star can last for 1 minute, but now it can last for nearly two hours. I am invincible!”

Zhu Yeqing soared into the sky and rushed to the Sakura defense line: “Hahaha, Lao Dian, last time I was injured by the bald donkey, and the game was terminated. This time we must decide the winner and see who kills more?”

With the strong men of the Dragon Kingdom in the two war zones, and the blessing of Wang Zhengyi’s “Wenwu Yixue”, the number of mythical military lords in the Divine Realm has reached 72.

They all wear the Linyuan, activate the seven-star life, which is equivalent to 72 mythical military lords of level 160.

That’s not all.

Jiang Chen’s Nine Heavens Goddess, Goddess Warrior and other mythical soldiers also wear Linyuan.

Goddess Warrior Thunder WarriorAlthough the increase in body power is not as good as the Seven Stars, the consumption is also small.

The Abyss-siders plus the Mother River Essence can almost allow the goddess warriors to expand infinitely.

What Cleopatra, Xu Fu and others saw just now was this scene.

Although a thousand powerful people could not turn the tide of the war, they could definitely cause huge losses to the Sakura defense line in some areas.

Within a dozen seconds, they destroyed hundreds of fortresses in the Sakura Kingdom.


Tokugawa Ieyasu roared, but had to force himself to get out of the grief of losing two gods.

“Shikigami Lords, Military Honor Lords, Myth Legion, all take action, tear them apart for me!”

“Allies of Qingyu and Lighthouse Kingdom, please take action too.”

At his command, countless strong men shot out from the Sakura battle formation, including tens of thousands of Shikigami Lords of various shapes.

And hundreds of them were as tall as a hundred meters, but moved like the wind.

It was the hundreds of Shikigami Lords who had never taken action in 400 years.

400 years of accumulation made their combat power terrifying and abnormal, and their attributes were twice as strong as Watanabe Moritsugu. Even Zhu Yeqing and others who opened one star could only barely hold back one.

Even ten Shikigami Lords joined forces to force the Tianji, whose combat power reached the quasi-eternal level, to retreat step by step.

The Qingyu and Dengta legions that were in cahoots with the Sakura Country were not idle either, and tens of thousands of mythical or mythical strongmen rushed into the battlefield.

But Tokugawa Ieyasu looked gloomy.

“More than 90% of the top strongmen of my Edo Shogunate have been dispatched, and with the help of allies, we are only evenly matched in mythical combat power…”

The Shikigami Lords can only last for an hour at most.

Although the battle between hundreds of thousands of strongmen could not affect the outcome of the war of the trillion legions, the Edo Shogunate would also have to pay a heavy price if these gods continued to kill.

With such a big advantage over the Edo Shogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu naturally wanted to destroy the Divine Realm without damage or at a very low cost, rather than both sides being hurt.

Thinking of this, Tokugawa Ieyasu bowed respectfully to those not far behind him and said:

“I beg the seven majesties to take action!”

As soon as the words fell.

Seven figures with powerful auras slowly emerged from the void.

They were the seven evil gods of the spirit world, the top existences in mythology. Although they were only projections in front of them, they should not be underestimated.

One of them was a blood-colored vertical eye hundreds of meters long, looking at the Sky City with violent murderous intent.

The other was a fat man hundreds of meters tall. He picked up a Kodo giant beast and stuffed it into his mouth, and blood and flesh splattered.

They were Jiang Chen’s old acquaintances, the Lord of Slaughter and the Lord of Gluttony.

As for the Lord of Lust, she still looked like the human girl she was back then.

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