It was just such a coincidence.

The death of Emperor Ming and the settlement of the national destiny bet were actually on the same day.

The rewards for the winner of the national destiny bet will not be affected by the disappearance of the enemy’s territory or the consumption of national destiny. Otherwise, Jiang Chen would not be able to consume national destiny and mobilize the power of the world.

Ying Yinman exhaled lightly: “Another 63,542 points of national destiny have been obtained. Even if half of it is taken out, millions of new official positions can be added…”

This finally eased the depressing atmosphere a little.

Jiang Chen also smiled and said: “Take out 50,000 points of national destiny to divide the official positions. You can decide how to divide it between Xiaoman and Yiren. I will keep the rest for emergency use.”

Everyone naturally knew that “untimely need” refers to mobilizing the world’s power to fight against the powerful enemies of hell, so naturally there is no objection.

But they don’t know that after Jiang Chen’s continuous killing and plundering in the past few months, the national destiny of the God Realm has reached as high as 180,000.

Jiang Chen’s exclusive national fortune has reached 70,000, and the total attribute increase of the Lord of the Divine Realm has increased from the initial 120% to 136%.

When facing the God Clan, it is as high as 272%…

Zhu Yeqing said anxiously: “Boss, with millions of new official positions, our Divine Realm’s strength has increased again. When will we go to the Qing Realm?”

Even the mature and steady Zhu Yegong looked at Jiang Chen expectantly.

Jiang Chen’s words just now made them feel a strong sense of crisis in their hearts, and they wanted to start the battle of the sky immediately and ascend to the sixth heaven.

“I know you are anxious, but don’t worry!”

Jiang Chen comforted:

“Ming Realm is in its heyday, even if it is chaotic, it will not happen overnight. And sooner or later, I will lead you to the Yellow Spring Ghost Realm. At that time, not only the Ming Emperor, but also Lanlan and Susu will be awakened together.”

As soon as these words came out.

Not only the Zhu family, but also Wang Zhengyi and the little fox, their eyes lit up.

“Great, great!” the little fox shouted, “I will definitely teach that damn girl Susu a lesson. I burned so many good things for her, but she didn’t even get a reply.”

Jiang Chen stroked the fox’s head twice, and then said loudly:

“Everyone go and get busy. After digesting the gains from the battle with the Edo Shogunate, we will go to destroy Qingyu.”

Everyone stood up and said goodbye, each of them was full of energy.

The first heaven.

In the center of the vast territory of countless billions of miles, there stands a sacred mountain, which is thousands of miles high. Countless mythical beasts in the mountain stream kneel devoutly, and the sound of Sanskrit is endless.

Occasionally, a space wave flashes by, and you can peek into the magnificent internal space.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi, nothing is better than this.

On the top of the sacred mountain, there is a magnificent palace. The two ancient characters “Lei Yin” on the plaque are fascinating, as if they contain the great truth.

In the center of the palace, five hundred-foot golden bodies were suspended in the air, majestic and solemn.

Below, hundreds of “various races” of strong men also looked solemn.

If other ancient Buddha clan leaders were present, they would definitely be shocked.

Because more than half of the high-level officials of the Possa Buddha Realm gathered in the main palace, at least they were all Arhats with mythological six-star or above titles.

Even five “Tathagatas” were present.

“Tathagatas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, this is all the information about Jiang Chen.”

After finishing the report, the pagoda-holding Arhat took a step back, clasped his hands together, and waited for the next instruction.

Looking at the projected PPT, the Arhats at the scene began to discuss in a low voice and whispered to each other.

Many Arhats still had incredible expressions on their faces.

A female Bodhisattva with a dignified and compassionate face exclaimed:

“Law of Heaven and Earth! Jiang Chen’s talent is no less than that of Dou Sheng Buddha to be able to cultivate the Law of Heaven and Earth in the seventh heaven.”

“Having a strong body means that he can mobilize the power of the world almost unlimitedly, and even when he condenses a small world in the future, he can get twice the result with half the effort.”

“Not to mention that he is the master of the God Realm! The chance of winning the eternal throne is 30% higher out of thin air!”

As the housekeeper of the Posuo Buddha Realm, she had heard of Jiang Chen’s name a long time ago, but she didn’t take it too seriously.

But she didn’t expect that in just over a year, Jiang Chen had done so many great things.

It even involved the ancestor of the God Clan, the Holy King.

When they heard the word “30%,” many Arhats below showed envy in their eyes.

As if she thought of something funny, the corners of the female Bodhisattva’s mouth curled up.

“Seeing that Jiang Chen is also reckless, I wonder if he will learn from Fighting Buddha and go to the Yellow Springs Ghost Domain to cause trouble.”

Another Bodhisattva with a scar on his head laughed and said, “From the information, although Jiang Chen is reckless, he is quite methodical in his actions and plans before making a move. He is not so reckless.”

The female Bodhisattva nodded after hearing this.

After a moment.

A loud voiceThe sound came from a golden body above, making all the Bodhisattvas and Arhats look solemn.

“I have deduced countless times, and the result is that Jiang Chen and my clan are destined to be together.”

Although the words are concise, Buddha always speaks in a vague way, saying half a sentence and leaving the other half, which requires careful consideration. Fortunately, the people below are used to it.

The compassionate-looking female Bodhisattva heard the sound of the string and understood the elegant meaning. She nodded and said: “In accordance with the decree of Sakyamuni Tathagata, I will immediately come up with a plan and prepare to start the second “Journey to the West” plan.”

It is obvious that Sakyamuni Tathagata is very satisfied with the comprehension ability of his capable men, and continued to instruct:

“For this plan, we must pay attention to the result orientation, build a stable Buddha domain middle platform, fully optimize end-to-end collaboration, avoid irrational changes, and actively embrace changes…”

The words are profound and unfathomable, and the Arhats below are confused.

Some Arhats who are shallow in Buddhism even feel dizzy, and they hold their breath and concentrate, not daring to comprehend it rashly.

However, this was not difficult for the female bodhisattva who was profound in Buddhism.

“I have made a note of it! But I need the cooperation of Manjusri, Tota and Jinshou.”

Sakyamuni said concisely: “Yes!”

The matter was settled.

The female bodhisattva was observant and obviously felt something unusual.

“Jinshou, do you have anything to say?”

Jinshou was made of gold and was obviously a lord of the Golden Clan. Upon hearing this, he immediately said:

“There are millions of Qingyu lords in the Blue Star Region where Jiang Chen is located who have just applied to put down their butcher knives and live in seclusion from now on. And they… are Jiang Chen’s mortal enemies, the kind that will never stop until they die.”

As Jinshou explained, the female bodhisattva frowned slightly.

The essence of the “Journey to the West Plan” is a law-level PUA, which involves both kindness and force.

According to the rules of the Ancient Buddha Clan, any lord who puts down his butcher knife will be blessed by the Ancient Buddha Clan.

Are we going to confront Jiang Chen head-on before we even start planning?

This is not a good start.

However, such a small matter does not require the Buddhas to make a decision.

The female Bodhisattva thought for a while and said, “The Buddha said: Embrace change. These people have committed serious sins. Even if they put down their butcher knives, they may not be able to become Buddhas right away. I think it will take another year to test them.”

The Venerable Jinshou suddenly realized.

So this is what “embrace change” means! !

Otherwise, why do they say that others are Bodhisattvas and they are Arhats.

This is the difference!

Several venerables said sincerely:

“Respect the Dharma order of the Bodhisattva!”

After seeing that there was no objection, Sakyamuni Tathagata said softly:

“You should work together to convert Jiang Chen and add another eternal to my Pure Land of Possa. And I will complete the merger of the Chanjiao as soon as possible to help you achieve enlightenment and become Buddhas.”

Hearing this, several Bodhisattvas, including the female Bodhisattva, all showed joy on their faces.

Although they are all peak myths, their strength growth has reached a bottleneck due to their limited talents. According to the normal path, there is little hope for them to advance to eternity.

So some people take a different approach and use great supernatural powers to separate a trace of their souls to “practice a small account” to continue to increase their strength.

But practicing a small account will also face various problems.

For example, the female bodhisattva, her small account is called Cihang Daoren, and she has developed an independent consciousness and does not want to merge with her. Not to mention, she is also protected by the second heaven of the Chan Sect.

The Chan Sect also has eternal strongmen.

If the Chan Sect merger is completed, then she can use a strong hand to merge the small account!

The female bodhisattva said sincerely:

“My Buddha is merciful!”

One month passed quickly.

Area 202.

The place where Qingyu Longxing is located, the palaces stretch for tens of thousands of miles.

The army of the God Realm has also arrived.

“Jiang Chen, you are doing evil! My Buddha will not let you go!”

Cile’s voice rumbled, full of confidence.

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