Buzz buzz buzz —

The teleportation point at a height of a thousand meters flashed wildly. In just a dozen seconds, powerful armies several times or even dozens of times the number just now poured in one after another.

Millions of armies were crowded in a radius of more than ten kilometers, so densely packed.

Boom boom boom —

Every moment, countless attacks fell on the Mother River, as if countless meteorites fell, causing the Mother River to roll up turbulent waves, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

Even so, she was desperately protecting her millions of people.

Under such an attack, even the mythical goddess warriors did not dare to show their heads, and could only throw thunder guns in the rolling waves.

“Hahaha good good…”

Bruce’s laughter came:

“See how long you can bear it?”

But he had already hidden behind the legion.

He did not want to bear the power of the eternal sun.

On the wall of Guixu, the goddess warrior who was in charge of communicating with the mother river beside Ying Yinman suddenly spoke up anxiously:

“With such a violent attack, my mother can only withstand a few minutes at most!”

Ying Yinman showed an excited look on her face:

“Don’t panic, I have sent the coordinates to Jiang Chen!”

As soon as the voice fell.

There was a faint exclamation from the coalition forces on the battlefield.

“Anywhere Gate? ! ! Isn’t it already sealed in space? How could the Anywhere Gate appear behind us?”

“What kind of bird is this? Such powerful energy!”

“Ahhh! Get out of the way! This is the explosive form of the Great Sun Golden Crow, the Eternal Sun is about to explode!”

In the center of the coalition forces that Ying Yinman could not see, near the teleportation point, as the Anywhere Gate unfolded, a mini version of the Great Sun Golden Crow suddenly shot out.

Although this Great Sun Golden Crow was only a few meters long, it exuded terrifying energy fluctuations all over its body, as if each of its fire feathers contained the power to destroy the world.

What’s more terrifying is that its body is like a porcelain that failed to be fired, with countless cracks appearing and becoming more and more dense.

The fatal threat made several mythical strongmen nearby feel numb.

The first thing they thought of was not to attack, but to retreat frantically – although they were also mythical, they were all high-attack and low-defense soldiers.

The next second.

Boom –

The dazzling sun burst out, swallowing the entire space, and countless screams came.

When the luck of Longyuan Town reaches 10,000 points, the awakened characteristics can resist the space ban in the town space.

In other words, in Longyuan Town, the Tudor coalition cannot open any door, while the Longyuan Town Legion can teleport at will.

This is simply a huge advantage.

The coalition quickly realized this.

“Damn it! It must be the awakened town characteristics of Longyuan Town!” Bruce’s low roar came, “How can we fight this?”

The flames slowly dissipated, revealing the scene inside.

In such a small space, the Eternal Blazing Sun exerted unimaginable power.

The most important thing is that the location where the Eternal Blazing Sun erupted was right behind the coalition forces, which were full of high-attack and thin-skinned soldiers.

Even though the coalition forces reacted quickly and launched various defenses at the first time, a space with a diameter of several kilometers was cleared with the teleportation point as the center, and only a few of the strongest soldiers survived.

However, after all, the level difference between the two sides was huge. After annihilating hundreds of thousands of legions, the power of the Eternal Blazing Flame had been exhausted.

The coalition forces had a dense formation and resisted 99% of the power of the Eternal Blazing Sun. Even so, the remaining power shone on the Mother River, and white mist rose up.

Bruce, the military legend, was naturally unharmed, but he was so distressed when he saw that one-tenth of the high-level legions fell in an instant.

The development of things has completely exceeded his expectations.

Longyuan Town can open any door, which means that the Eternal Blazing Sun can be detonated instantly at any coordinate.

If this continues, all these millions of top military commanders will probably be killed here.

But before he could give the next instruction, another portal opened.


The second Eternal Blazing Sun exploded in the narrow space.

Then came the third, the fourth…

“How long can Mother River hold on?”

Looking at the blazing suns flashing across the battlefield ahead, Ying Yin Man was excited and asked the most concerned question to the goddess warrior beside her.

The goddess warrior had been communicating with Mother River and said:

“Although Mother has a strong immunity to fire damage, she can only withstand a dozen times at most when facing the Eternal Blazing Sun. But if the Tudor coalition can resist the damage every time, then resisting hundreds of times of damage is no problem.”

Ying Yin Man said excitedly: “The first line of defense can consume so many enemy legions, which is enough! I just don’t know how many Golden Crow Legions Jiang Chen has…”

The Eastern Theater 70,000 kilometers away.

A line hundreds of kilometers longThe Guixu Wall wraps the space including the eastern teleportation point into a battlefield with a diameter of 100 kilometers.

The eastern teleportation point has a different defense line from the western teleportation point, and the battlefield is more open.

Therefore, the legions sent by the coalition are not just legendary legions, but all regular legions, numbering hundreds of millions.

On the Guixu Wall, tens of thousands of mythical legions and hundreds of millions of legendary legions from Longyuan Town are fighting against the coalition.

If there is only the Guixu Wall, it will definitely not last long.

But Jiang Chen took the Sky City and cut directly into the battlefield. If there is a crisis on any section of the wall, the Sky City will directly crush it.

With the blessing of “Iron Wall +1” and “Wormhole Defense Barrier”, the Sky City actually blocked the attack of countless level 200 legions.

Tianyin Legion, Angel Legion, Crystal Maiden Legion, Fairy Dragon Legion, Tianji, and Lolita also made their best efforts.

The empress, who reached level 185 after wearing the Judgment Suit, even manifested a nearly 3,000-meter-high Law of Heaven and Earth, fighting three 200-level mythical military lords alone.

With Jiang Chen’s containment, the pressure on the Guixu Wall was greatly reduced.

Jiang Chen stood on the deck and continuously opened a series of arbitrary doors according to the coordinates provided by Ying Yinman. The arbitrary doors were not large, only a few meters high, just enough for a compressed Great Sun Golden Crow to pass through.

Behind him, there were more than 1,100 Golden Crow Corps on standby at any time. Their only task was to burn their lives and burst out the most brilliant blow.

Looking at the battle reports that kept being refreshed, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but curl up his lips.

Although each Eternal Sun in the Western Theater could only kill hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, they were all 200-level legendary legions.

Whether in terms of energy or items, it was a big profit.

“Lord, my energy will be exhausted in 3 minutes! Unless I consume immortal stones to replenish energy!”

Tiantian’s voice suddenly came.

Jiang Chen raised his head, looked at the chaotic battlefield outside, and ordered:

“Sky City will return first, Jinwu Corps prepare!”

Although it can still hold on for a while, 3 minutes has reached the alert value set by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen gave an order, and all the strong men under his command began to shrink towards Sky City.

Seeing this, a 200-level mythical military lord shouted: “All war skills are activated, stop Sky City at all costs. As long as Jiang Chen can be killed, Longyuan Town will fall without a fight!”

The coalition forces were like crazy, and their attacks on Sky City instantly became several times stronger, and several war skills that covered the sky and the sun smashed over at once.

Unfortunately, Sky City has never left the ten-kilometer range of Guixu Wall.

One minute later, the coalition forces could only helplessly watch the huge hull of Sky City slowly sink into Guixu.

“Damn it!” The mythical military lord roared and changed his target, “Leave the empress!”

As a result, they were eager to make achievements and chased them within ten kilometers of the Guixu Wall.

Millions of Tianyin goddesses who had been prepared at the same time slashed out their spiritual swords and blasted into their souls, making them pause.

Seeing this, the empress immediately turned back and slashed down with all her strength with a giant sword several thousand meters long like a pillar supporting the sky.


It was also their fate.

With a flash of green light, a team of mythical demon kings suddenly appeared using their spatial talents and met the empress from bottom to top with sharp blades.

Puff puff puff——

The powerful 200-level mythical soldiers only delayed the empress’s attack for a moment, and were chopped into a ball of blood mist, without even having time to change their expressions.

It was at this moment that the three mythical military lords came to their senses and retreated several kilometers in a flash.

They looked at each other, and could see the disbelief and fear in each other’s eyes.

A 200-level mythical military lord, the top combat force in the sixth heaven of the Blue Star Domain, was three against one, and almost died at the hands of a newly ascended lord.

This was outrageous.

The empress glanced at the three lords indifferently, and did not chase them, but took a few steps and sank into the abyss.

After Jiang Chen saw that all his troops had withdrawn from the battlefield, he waved his hand lightly.

On the battlefield, with the teleportation point as the center, three arbitrary doors appeared in a triangular shape.

The three large sun golden crows that had been prepared long ago rushed into it.

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