Jiang Chen smiled upon hearing this:

“It’s just a joke, Mayor Eva, don’t be angry. But as a human lord, I am also obliged to face the invasion of the spirit world.”

The female lord opposite is the mayor of the town where Jiang Chen is at the moment. Her name is Eva, which is the same name as Wei Ming’s hero.

“Hmph!” Eva snorted coldly, “Kerry Town is one of the bridgeheads to resist the invasion of the spirit world. Once the town is lost, we lords will be dead. You have to think it through.”

It is obvious that this female mayor is also a person with a cold face and a warm heart. She scares Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen nodded seriously:

“I have thought it through. You are busy with your own things. Don’t worry about me!”

Eva is indeed very busy. Seeing that Jiang Chen is not interested, she stopped persuading him. While mumbling, she turned off the video.

Jiang Chen fell into deep thought.

“Is it the control of the mind by the Heavenly Dao, or is this the real world…”

Jiang Chen has been thinking about this question for a long time, but this time he made a bold attempt, but still got nothing.

There was no time for Jiang Chen to think too much.

“Woo woo woo——”

The shrill alarm sounded suddenly throughout the town, and the latest battle report was refreshed in the town channel.

“The first line of defense has been breached, and the Spirit World Army is still a thousand kilometers away from Kerry Town! All the legions gather at the town teleport point and prepare to accept the impact!”

Jiang Chen also quickly understood the defense mode of the Galan Domain.

Unlike the previous tactics of the God Realm to clear the fields when facing the invasion of the Gods, the Galan Domain adopted a distributed defense tactic.

On the big map, a circular defense line is established with the state capital as the core.

And because the small town space is easy to defend and difficult to attack, defense is deployed simultaneously in the small town in the center of the defense line. In this way, when the Spirit World Army attacks the defense line, it will be attacked and restrained by the town behind. If the location of the town is special, it can even form a formation with the entire defense line.

Of course, if the Spirit World Army is determined to destroy a certain town, the town’s power and strategic depth will not be able to resist it, but it can also greatly delay the Spirit World Army’s pace.

Therefore, the lords who volunteered to participate in the defense of the town are basically dead men who put life and death aside, except Jiang Chen.

“It’s a hellish difficulty start, the heaven really thinks highly of me…”

Jiang Chen complained, and then used the town’s newly obtained rights to open a random door, and the huge Sky City squeezed in.

In the mission space, Jiang Chen naturally had no scruples.

“Sky City?”

“Hahaha, our Kerry Town actually has a Sky City to support it?”

“But why does this Sky City look a little small?”

On the eastern defense line, the appearance of a Sky City caused an uproar.

Eva happened to be on the eastern defense line, and was also shocked when she saw Jiang Chen standing proudly on the Sky City.

“Aren’t you the young man just now? No wonder you dare to join the town’s defense line. It turns out that the Sky City gave you the courage?”

However, Eva was not too happy. Instead, she said with great sorrow:

“It would be a pity if the Sky City, a level 33 city, fell here!”

In her opinion, even with the defense of the Sky City, it would not last long with such a huge difference in level.

But at this time, even if she wanted to send Jiang Chen out, it would be impossible.

Because the town space has been sealed.

Even with the size of the Sky City, it is impossible to break through in the town.

Eva could only comfort Jiang Chen: “You have more room for growth than us. Don’t show off. We will try our best to delay time until the end of the war.”

Jiang Chen nodded, then waved his hand and shot out millions of golden rays of light:

“Here are some military symbols I have accumulated. Just take them as rewards!”

Eva was stunned.

Because Jiang Chen threw out all the legendary military symbols.

The Kalan Domain is the upper domain of the human race. So many legendary military symbols are nothing in the entire Kalan Domain, but it seems a bit extravagant to put them in a small town.

After a moment of stunned silence, the other lords burst into cheers.

Although the loyalty, skills, and skills of the newly recruited soldiers cannot be compared with those of the soldiers who have been trained for hundreds of years, they are all legendary soldiers no matter how bad they are!

At the moment of life and death, they didn’t care to consider where Jiang Chen came from.

Soon, teams of legendary legions walked out of the portal one after another and joined the town’s defense line.

As for the “reward” mentioned by Jiang Chen, including Eva, they were all confused, but they didn’t take it to heart.

Eva bowed solemnly and said, “I apologize for my previous unreasonableness. Please rest assured, brother Jiang Chen, even if the town of Kerry fights to the last soldier, it will definitely protect you.”

Jiang Chen looked at the prompt of the Heavenly Dao, but couldn’t help curling his lips.

[Prompt: You contribute to the coalition and get task points*100Ten thousand. 】

“Not worth it!”

Because the task description is “According to the size of the contribution, get task points”, not “According to the number of enemies killed, get task points”.

Contributing materials to the Galan Domain is naturally considered a contribution.

Jiang Chen had expected this, but he didn’t expect the points to be so few.

“Damn it, a legendary military token only has one point. It’s a fool’s dream to want to get 10 billion task points from the mythical state city by contributing materials. The way of heaven really doesn’t let people take advantage of any loopholes!”


A few minutes later.

Countless lustful legions rushed in from the teleportation point.

They were all confused by the evil god and attacked the town’s defense line frantically.

All the lords were facing a great enemy, except Jiang Chen.

In Jiang Chen’s eyes, these were all points.

So he didn’t play the pig to eat the tiger, and then make a move to turn the tide at the last moment.


At Jiang Chen’s command, the Empress, who had reached level 190 after wearing the Judgment Suit, expanded rapidly to three thousand meters in height.

After the level was raised again, even if the 120% attribute blessing of the divine environment was lost, the Empress’s combat power was no less than the peak period of the battle of Longyuan Town.


In the stunned eyes of Eva and all the lords of Kerry Town, the Empress punched out lightly.

“Spirit Explosion!”

With the teleportation point as the center, the violent energy was wildly stirred within a radius of ten kilometers, and even the solid space was blasted with fine cracks.

The tens of thousands of spirit world troops who had just entered the town were torn to pieces before they could react.

[Your heroic empress killed the fallen centaur chieftain, and you get energy*8.3 million, spirit stones*200,000, mission points*1, epic treasure chests*3…]

[Your heroic empress killed…]

Jiang Chen looked at the tens of thousands of battle reports that were instantly refreshed, and finally showed a happy expression on his face.

“Killing a level 200 excellent monster will give you 1 mission point, not bad!”

With one blow from the empress, Jiang Chen gained nearly 10,000 points.

Although it is still far from the 10 billion goal, the empress is not fighting alone.

At the other three teleportation points, Tianji, Yan, Li Hanyi, Boss Bai, Cynthia, Jiutian Shengji, Goddess Warrior, Paris, Avril and other strong men also took action!

Although not as powerful as the empress, it is not difficult to guard the three teleportation points in a short period of time.

Especially Fanyintian and Zizaitian, who also have the Judgment Set, have a combat power that exceeds that of ordinary level 200 mythical military lords.

“33 Lord! I guard the whole town by myself…” Aiwa’s eyes widened, and she murmured, “Where did this tough guy come from?”

Jiang Chen looked at Aiwa, but said apologetically:

“I have contracted the spiritual army of this town, and the military tokens just now are my reward.”


Aiwa finally understood what “reward” meant.

She and others were facing a great enemy, but others were contracting the leveling point? ! !

On the big map outside the town.

A huge crack thousands of kilometers long crossed the entire grassland, as if the whole world was torn by a huge wound.

Countless creatures controlled by the evil gods of the spiritual world poured out like a tide, and soon submerged the mountains and rivers within a radius of thousands of kilometers.

The evil gods of the spiritual world have always manipulated the creatures and even the lords of the material world through desire. In addition to the pure and unselfish logic clan, crystal clan, mechanical clan and other races, the spiritual army in front of them is simply all-encompassing.

From the thousand-meter-long mythical dragon to the dog-headed man holding a mace, from the savage ogre to the elegant elf, there is nothing you can’t see.

On the periphery, a circular defense line with a diameter of thousands of kilometers and the state capital as the core tightly surrounds the crack.

Hundreds of small towns dotted the battlefield like stars, restraining the spiritual army. The rich light in some small towns shot up into the sky, echoing with the state capital from a distance, as if it was some kind of formation.

Dozens of imposing figures were floating above the state capital tens of thousands of meters high, overlooking the entire battlefield through various means.

A middle-aged lord in black armor said solemnly:

“I didn’t expect that the first line of defense that surrounded the space crack was broken in less than half an hour. That’s tens of thousands of territories, and there are legendary formations.”

“According to this attack intensity, our defense line may only last for ten days at most!”

“And according to ancient records, the enemy in front of us should only be the vanguard corps, and more powerful people will appear later!”

“Not good!” An elderly gentleman suddenly exclaimed, “Com Town is in danger!”

Everyone’s eyes were fixed.

“Impossible!” The middle-aged lord hurriedly said loudly, “The town is easy to defend and difficult to attack, how could this happen?How fast?”

The old gentleman said solemnly: “The Spirit World Legion has assembled an assault team composed entirely of mythological legions to clean up the important towns we have deployed on the battlefield. The leader is actually a clone of the Lord of Slaughter.”

The clone of the Lord of Slaughter is probably above the mythical six-star level, and the explosive combat power is even stronger than that of the mythical military lord of the same level.

“I didn’t expect that such a strong man would appear in the vanguard legion alone?”

The hearts of the people became heavier and heavier.

Ten minutes later.

“Huh…” The old gentleman exhaled, “Kom Town is over! The assault team has already killed its way to the next town.”

The brown-haired woman with a crown on her head finally spoke up, and asked softly without looking back:

“Which town is their next target?”

The old gentleman said in a deep voice: “Reporting to the Saint, it is the nearest Kerry Town. Hiss, they have already killed their way in at such a fast speed.”

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