
“The support of the state city should not be underestimated, and we should not be careless!”

“Fuck, what a fast speed!”

The roars of the coalition forces came from the bottom of Jiangcheng.

Facing Jiangcheng’s long-range defense system, the Angel Legion was fine, after all, it was supported by the Heavenly Battle Formation, but the Crusaders suffered.

“Ahhh, block it for me!”

A legendary nine-star “Royal General” shouted, and the tower shield in his hand burst into a thick khaki halo, protecting his comrades behind him.

Legendary skill: Shield of the Earth!

Judging from the charm faintly emanating from the Shield of the Earth, this Royal General has definitely comprehended the “Will of the Earth”.

As soon as the Shield of the Earth was propped up, countless crossbows swept through the void of tens of kilometers at a thousand times the speed of sound.

Boom boom boom —

Although these crossbow arrows were only three feet long, they were powerful and heavy, like small missiles, blasting waves of air on the Earth Shield, and the powerful force pushed the royal warrior back step by step.

Pop —

After only enduring a dozen crossbow arrows, the several-meter-thick Earth Shield was shattered.

“How can the God Arm Army be so strong…”

This 200-level legendary nine-star strongman who focused on defense only had time to let out an unwilling roar before being hit by the crossbow arrows that followed.

The powerful kinetic energy directly exploded his body into a bloody mist, leaving no bones.

The God Arm Army, a long-range epic army created by the former Song Dynasty.

Although the Song domain was destroyed, the Zhao family was still there, and naturally possessed powerful skills and arms inheritance, such as the “cup of wine” that Jiang Chen had obtained before.

Although the shooting frequency of the God Arm Army was impressive, its power and range far exceeded that of the Yuanrong Army. With the powerful bonus of the Arrow Tower, a dozen crossbow arrows killed a powerful meat shield type soldier in seconds.

Of course.

The God Arm Crossbows that killed this Royal Warrior in seconds all came from the 200-level God Arm Army.

The sudden and terrifying attack made the Crusaders confused, and even many phalanxes slowed down.

“Don’t retreat, kill them all!”

Elizabeth’s rumbling voice came:

“Jiang Chen has obtained a large amount of resources from the entire Blue Star, including high-level resources. The God Arm Army can exert such a powerful power, and they must be 200-level legendary nine-star strongmen, or even mythical strongmen, and they have been bonused by the legendary quality Arrow Tower.

“The legendary resources are all used in the Arrow Tower, and other defense modules and the city body are naturally vulnerable! ”

It must be said that Elizabeth’s analysis is well-founded.

But before she could finish, the second round of attacks followed.

A royal warrior who survived the attack just now screamed:

“Here it comes again! Full defense!”

Boom boom boom–

As soon as the voice fell, one after another energy bombs with a diameter of ten meters fell.

These energy bombs do not have the single-target killing power of the God’s Arm Crossbow, and the ballistic speed is only one-tenth of the God’s Arm Crossbow. It is difficult to cause effective damage to even the epic troops of the same level, but the killing diameter of each bomb is as high as a kilometer.

Energy bombs bloomed everywhere, and the Crusaders were thrown to the ground.

Rare troops and excellent troops were killed and stabbed in large numbers.

“It’s the legendary extreme troop ‘Dwarf Giant Gunner’!!! ”

“Dwarf Gunner” is a magic extreme, and after the next upgrade, it will become a ‘Peacemaker’.

Like the Peacemaker, the Dwarf Gunner has all the disadvantages except for its great power, and its survivability is also extremely poor, which is not suitable for daily leveling.

Therefore, even if it is an extreme force, few people are willing to recruit it.

But with the Eternal State City, Jiang Chen ordered the recruitment of tens of millions in one go, and one tenth of them reached level 200.

Anyway, they are all advanced forces of the “Dwarf Musketeer”, and there are almost as many as you want.

Tens of millions of dwarf cannons of various levels almost cover all the space that is tens of kilometers wide and nearly a hundred kilometers high.

In the chaos, deliberately lag behind one step Attacks from ranged arms such as the Yuanrong Army, the Shenji Camp, the Phantom Archer, the Wind Walker, and the Winged King followed closely.

Especially the Yuanrong Army.

With a single firing rate of ten rounds per second, plus a total of hundreds of millions of Yuanrong Army, metal storms formed in local areas.

Moreover, the Yuanrong Crossbow has spatial properties. After the kinetic energy of the crossbow arrows is exhausted, as long as they are not destroyed, they will be immediately transmitted back to the crossbow box.

The spiritual power is endless, and the shooting continues.

Continuous screams came from the formation of the Crusaders.

Elizabeth finally recognized the reality and her face was extremely ugly.

“How can the dwarf giant gunners and Yuanrong Army, who are at most level 170, have such strong power!”

She took the initiative to ask for the attack on Jiangcheng, and naturally she had conducted an in-depth investigation of Jiangcheng.

Even if the Sky Fox Clan is included, the number of level 200 lords in Jiangcheng is definitely no more than 30,000, and most of the others are level 165 lords who have just ascended.

But just now they suffered more than 90%The long-range attack was obviously not from the hands of the 200-level legion, but its power was far greater than that of the 165-level legion.

There was only one explanation for this – the bonus of the state city in front of them was far beyond their expectations.

“An epic state city definitely does not have such a bonus, even if all the “arrow towers” are built with legendary resources!!!”

The incredible scene in front of them even shocked the angel of judgment Eliza not far away.

“33 books, you can get a state city above the legendary level! If Jiang Chen also reaches level 200, his strength will definitely be better than mine!”

Although the angel legion did not suffer any losses in the previous round of attacks, she also felt a bit tricky.

The legendary state city plus rare resources, the defense is probably no less than the legendary three-star Yingtian City.

Eliza completely put away her contempt.

“Fortunately, Jiangcheng was just built not long ago, and it is still a city!”

“Ah!” Francis suddenly let out a low cry.

Elizabeth was already in a bad mood, and when she heard Francis’ voice, she immediately scolded him:

“Sir, you are the marshal of my Tudor dynasty, how can you yell so loudly?”

Francis’s expression was complicated with a trace of grief, and he said in a deep voice:

“Your Majesty, the news just came: Sir John led the troops and died in an ambush!”


Elizabeth roared, her volume even louder than Francis just now.

“Say it again?”

Sir John is a mythical military lord!

Less than a minute after the war started, a mythical military lord died just like that!

How many mythical military lords are there in the entire Tudor dynasty?

After confirming that she had heard correctly, Elizabeth was still furious:

“Asshole! I have repeatedly ordered that before breaking the city, all military honor lords, including mythical military honor lords, can only conduct long-range attacks from 10 kilometers away. Why didn’t John obey the order?”

Francis smiled bitterly:

“Sir John did not violate your order!”

Elizabeth was stunned and shouted: “Impossible! Sir John is a mythical military honor lord! Even if the empress attacked by surprise, it is impossible to keep him.”

“The battle record has been sent back, Your Majesty, please see it yourself!”

With a sigh and a roar, Francis flicked lightly, and an image was projected into the air.

I saw a white lord in brown armor waving his war hammer repeatedly in the sky tens of kilometers high.

One after another, golden hammer shadows of a hundred meters in size crossed the ten-kilometer space, and the target was a half-embedded arrow tower in front of the state city.

Suddenly, countless tough tentacles shot out from the void, instantly blocking all the retreat space for Sir John.

Sir John reacted quickly and immediately cast out his domain.

However, although the oak branches were broken, they gathered more and more. With Sir John’s terrified cry, he was dragged into the state city and disappeared.

“Ten kilometers of attack distance, and such a great power?!!”

Elizabeth looked incredible:

“There is no such thing as a military lord in the plant system! Even a 200-level myth lord can’t do this! Could it be that in the past few months, Jiang Chen has recruited a plant lord with a myth of more than eight stars?!”

“I hope so!” Francis smiled bitterly, “If it is the bonus of the state city…”

He didn’t finish, but everyone was horrified.

If the state city can make the plant lord who was an ordinary myth a few months ago reach the high level of myth, it will be a disaster for them.

After controlling Sir John, the plant lord did not make another move, and they had no chance to activate the insight technique.

On the wall of Jiangcheng.

Tess’s voice suddenly came.

“Your Majesty Jiang Chen, the remaining mythical lords of the enemy are quite cautious and have been 15 kilometers away from the state capital. Do I need to kill them?”

The sky gardens that Tess has planted are all made of mythical resources. At this moment, its combat power far exceeds that of the oak lord who just trapped Sir John.


Jiang Chen immediately rejected Tess’s request to fight. Looking at the angel army that had already reached the edge of the state capital, he whispered:

“Everyone, just harvest according to the plan, don’t scare the enemy away!”

This is a legion of hundreds of billions!

Especially the 10 billion angel legion, the worst angel servants are also of excellent quality, and one tenth of them, that is, one billion, are of epic quality or above.

Jiang Chen didn’t want the fat meat at his mouth to fly away!

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