
Eliza snorted coldly:

“I’ve said it before, Jiangcheng’s increase is far from comparable to that garbage state city of Yingtian City.”

Harvey’s face darkened.

The rift between the two has been going on for a long time. These days, he has mocked Eliza for losing troops in Jiangcheng, but he didn’t expect to be mocked by the other party.

Harvey retorted: “Didn’t you say that Jiangcheng’s characteristic of increasing the defense coefficient can only last for ten minutes? Now that it has been so long, why is Jiangcheng still impregnable?”

Eliza was stunned.

Tens of thousands of Heaven’s Judgments bombarded, but the scars on Jiangcheng’s body did not exceed 10 meters.

For a state city, a scar 10 meters deep is at best a skin break.

Even with the protection of the Blood River Array and other war skills, it is a bit too exaggerated.

This proves that Jiangcheng’s defense coefficient has always been maintained at that terrifying level.

“Perhaps…” Eliza’s tone was also a little uncertain, “The duration of this feature is related to the intensity of the attack. The Blood River Formation resisted most of the attacks, which extended the duration of the state city feature.”

Okay, this is the most reasonable explanation.

Another hour passed.

“It’s been more than an hour, why is Jiang Chen’s defense still so terrifying?”

“This… wait a little longer!”

The next day.

The angel army tried their best and even replenished their spiritual power several times.

More than 200,000 Heaven’s Judgments bombarded, and the casualties of Blue Star cannon fodder exceeded 200 billion.

With such a high-intensity attack, I’m afraid Yingtian City would have been destroyed long ago.

On the other hand, the city of Jiangcheng was only cut off by more than 100 meters.

And they were all ordinary city parts.

Although there were defensive buildings such as arrow towers, magic towers, and sky gardens that were destroyed, they were few and far between.

It’s hard to imagine that this is just a city.

Even if there is a steady stream of war skills resistance in Jiangcheng, it’s unbelievable.

Eliza wiped the sweat that didn’t actually exist and murmured, “Wait a little longer…”

“No need to wait!”

The holy cross on Medanzo’s forehead emitted a sacred light and whispered:

“This is not a state city characteristic… It’s just the real mythical state city defense coefficient and the powerful defense brought by epic resources.”

“Epic resources!”

Harvey was stunned:

“Your Majesty, you mean that Jiang Chen has transformed the state city during this period and replaced the original state city with epic resources, but where can the Blue Star Domain get so many high-level resources… Ah! It’s the Supreme Heaven Domain!”

Although they don’t know the properties of [Macross], they can’t hide the fact that Jiang Chen sent farmers to the Supreme Heaven Domain.

“That’s right!”

Medanzo’s eyes were cold:

“Tao Huang Daojun not only ignored my warning and took in the farmers of Longyuan Town, but also most likely took the initiative to migrate the lords of the Supreme Heavenly Domain to submit resources for Jiangcheng. There may even be other human territories that we don’t know about that are involved.”

“And this is not enough. The quality of Jiangcheng has definitely reached the mythical six-star or above!…”


As the mayor of the mythical three-star “Gospel City”, Meidanzo naturally has the most say, and her words immediately caused an uproar.

“Mythical six-star state city? That’s impossible!”

“Our Gospel City in Tiantang Mountain is only a mythical three-star!”

“Even the eternal strongman will find it difficult to obtain a mythical six-star or above state city, not to mention that when Jiang Chen obtained the state city, he had just reached 33 books!”

“Hiss…” Harvey took a breath, “Is Jiang Chen the reincarnation of a true eternal strongman, and even found his own small world in his previous life! With the power of the small world, he was able to overcome all obstacles in the state city mission?”

Various speculations emerged one after another.

Some of them are actually quite reliable!

It’s just that Jiang Chen didn’t use his own small world, but the Lustful Heaven of the Lord of Lust.

“Nothing is impossible!” Eliza’s expression was complicated. “When Jiang Chen just became the Lord of the Divine Realm, everyone’s first reaction was also impossible, but what about the result?”

This made the angels gradually calm down.

“Ah! I remember it!”

Eliza suddenly thought of something, and then exclaimed.

“Do you still remember a piece of news about Jiang Chen: when he was in the lower realm, he once overwhelmed all the powerful tribes without any mission, swept the Lightless Realm, and made that Lightless War have no first place. It is even rumored that Jiang Chen also obtained the inheritance of the Lightless Temple. How can ordinary people do this? The Lightless Realm is the small world left after the fall of the Dark Lord Misela, so there is only one explanation: Jiang Chen is the reincarnation of Misela.”

Everyone fell into deep thought.

Harvey sneered: “A fairy tale, Misela is a female dark spirit.”Jiang Chen is a male human, and they can’t be confused at all.”

“No, this is very likely! !”

Medanzo actually supported Elisa’s point of view.

“Misela is a dark elf, and she is lustful by nature. Maybe Misela is tired of the female body and wants to experience another kind of happiness. It just so happens that Jiang Chen is also addicted to the pleasure of the flesh, and his heroes are all beautiful females of various races, which is in line with Misela’s characteristics. ”

Ah this…

Although it is a bit heavy, it makes sense with the style of the dark elves.

Finally, Medanzo ordered:

“Take down all the low-priced potions in the Wanjie Mall. I want to see how many high-level resources Jiang Chen has. ”

Wars are fought for money.

Such a high-intensity battle, especially away from home, will consume an astronomical number of potions.

Only a wealthy force like Tiantangshan can afford it.

And the reason why Medanzo spared no expense to sweep the potions in the Wanjie Mall was because he knew that Jiang Chen was also financially strong and he would strike first.

So, the spring of many life-related lords has arrived.

Potions that have been accumulated for ten or even a hundred years were cleared out in an instant.

“Jiang Chen, the low-priced potions in the Wanjie Mall are disappearing rapidly. It should be Tiantangshan that is clearing them out. Should we also stock up some?”

An Chuxia, who was in charge of logistics, immediately asked for instructions after discovering the abnormality.

“No need!”

Jiang Chen said without hesitation:

“Whether it is potions, scrolls, or food, as long as there is a profit of more than 30%, they will be shipped immediately. Chuxia, you can control the specific operations yourself, don’t ask me.”

“Ah? ”

An Chuxia was stunned.

During the war, selling war supplies?

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “We are at home, hundreds of life springs are basically enough, it’s better to exchange for some money.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen was not joking, An Chuxia nodded heavily: “Don’t worry! This time I must make a lot of money!”

In the sixth heaven, which has been opened for nearly two thousand years, the prices of various items in the Wanzu Mall have basically stabilized. Under normal circumstances, the fluctuation will not exceed 5%.

Most forces have special logistics departments, and daily shopping is used as strategic reserves.

The Divine Realm is no exception.

Whether it is the construction of the state city or the dispatched farmers of the Supreme Heaven Realm, a large amount of spirit stones are needed to support it.

Even if Jiang Chen has the tax revenue of the Divine Realm, it is a bit overwhelmed.

If there is really a profit of more than 30%, then at least tens of trillions of spirit stones will be earned.

As for the defense of Jiangcheng…


The inventory of the state city More than 200 trillion epic resources, 50 trillion legendary resources, and 60 billion mythical resources are Jiang Chen’s greatest confidence. This does not include low- and medium-level resources.

Moreover, the 70 billion peasants in Longyuan Town have occupied all high-level resource points in the Supreme Heaven Realm, and there are even 10 billion peasants left. With the addition of many mythical and legendary peasants, nearly trillions of high-level resources can be mined every day.

Now the main body of the state city is just rare resources, and excellent resources are less than 1%.

To put it bluntly.

Once Jiang Chen replaces the city with epic resources, the trillion-level army of Tiantangshan will accumulate It would be futile to go out and fly.

Of course.

High-level resources are hard to come by, and Jiang Chen can only get such a harvest because of the request of Taihuang Daojun, so he will not use them easily.

So Jiang Chen sent all the remaining 10 billion peasants to mine ordinary resources, that is, white board resources.

At the mining speed of ordinary resources, the 10 billion peasants in Longyuan Town can produce 100 trillion units every day.

Listening to the conversation between Jiang Chen and An Chuxia, An Luoxi, who was not far away, seemed to be in another world.

As the lord of a third-level city, the An family is also a powerful force.

But she still remembered that seven or eight years ago, in order to raise 10 million spirit stones to buy epic hero orders for An Chuxia, she had to sell supplies.

Now her daughter’s business is at the 100 trillion level, and she is fully responsible, and Jiang Chen never asks.

It’s really a one-person success that brings prosperity to the whole family!

Ying Yinman, who was standing aside, hesitated for a moment and said, “Do you want to stock up some food? Even if the city defenses can hold out, the soldiers still have to eat. No one knows how long this battle will last! ”

There are nearly 200 billion legions in Jiangcheng, and there are also big eaters like the Dragon Legion. The amount of food consumed every day is astronomical.

During the closure of the city, the lords in the city could not go out to hunt or collect food.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Don’t forget that we have tens of thousands of farming lords, and…”

Then he waved his hand.

A space that had never appeared before appeared in front of Ying Yinman.

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