These space wormholes are only the size of footballs, but they are so dense that it seems as if the space has opened countless eyes.

The angels were just alert when swords with powerful auras shot out from their “eyes”.

These swords are at least of excellent quality, 30% of them are of epic quality, and many of them are of legendary quality, and even the three-color mythical brilliance can be faintly seen!

“Flying sword? Is it a variant of the Great Sumeru Sword Formation? It’s really full of tricks!” Harvey muttered, and then sneered, “Flying swords, such a low-level attack method, are actually used on us?”

But Eliza frowned.

Suddenly, her face changed drastically, and she reminded loudly:

“This is not a flying sword attack, but…”

She was drowned out by a deafening explosion just halfway through her words.

The dozens of epic swords closest to Harvey shook violently, making a buzzing sound, and fine cracks appeared on the swords, and finally exploded like a bomb.

Boom boom boom —

The violent energy and fragments drowned Harvey.

The epic quality sword alone exploded with power no less than that of a 200-level legendary warrior using a legendary skill.

Of course, for a 230-level angel of judgment, this level of attack was just a tickle.

But the attack had just begun.

These explosions seemed to have sounded the clarion call for the attack.

Boom boom — boom boom boom —

“Damn, this is the Burial Sword Technique! The rare mythical skill Burial Sword Technique!”

Amid the continuous explosions, Harvey’s roar could be vaguely heard.

The Burial Sword Technique is powerful on the one hand, but the most important thing is that this skill relies entirely on the power of the sword itself, and the spiritual power consumed is almost negligible.

If combined with the Void Sutra, it is simply elusive, hard to defend, and endless.

The only drawback is that it costs too much money, which is equivalent to throwing money away!

In just a few seconds, hundreds of millions of swords exploded, and the violent airflow gradually calmed down.

Although Harvey was not injured, his breathing was obviously a little rapid, and even the holy light of protection dimmed a little.

His eyes were full of disbelief:

“Are you crazy? Using mythical equipment to launch the sword burial technique?”

As a judgment angel, he was naturally the one who was specially taken care of. Three mythical swords exploded within tens of meters of him.

Although the burial of the legendary sword can also reach the power of mythical skill attacks of the same level, it is nothing for the mythical six-star military honor lord who has reached level 230.

After all, there is a level difference of 30 levels!

But the 200-level mythical equipment burns all the energy to explode a raging blow, which can already hurt the eternal strongman of the same level. Even he, a 230-level lord, dare not ignore it.

Just now, facing the self-explosion attack of the three swords, he was almost injured.

“One round of attack consumes hundreds of millions of excellent swords, tens of millions of epic swords, millions of legendary swords, and even mythical swords!”

Harvey couldn’t help but feel sorry for Jiang Chen.

Behind Harvey, the Angel Corps had already lost its formation.

Although the combat power of the Angel Corps far exceeded that of the Blue Star Corps, each person suffered heavy casualties when facing hundreds of Burial Sword Technique attacks on average.

Only half of the million legendary nine-star four-winged angel corps remained.

Many limbs and wings fell from the air.

The 400,000 mythical corps was okay, but it also obviously consumed a lot of spiritual power.

Moreover, they not only had to face the attack of the Tianyin Corps in front, but also the attack on the wall behind.


Harvey finally smelled a hint of death and shouted:

“As long as the enemy’s territory is destroyed, no matter what corps it is, it will be nothing!”


He struck with all his strength, and another 100,000 Tianyin Saints were wiped out.

Other angels of judgment, angels of military merit, and 210-level seraphim also attacked frantically.

But it took less than ten seconds.

Buzz buzz buzz —

Another billion space wormholes opened, and swords representing death flew out one after another.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen obtained 10 trillion items in one fell swoop in the state capital mission.

In the past month, the items obtained by the major domain masters together exceeded 10 trillion.

Among them, even if sword equipment only accounts for 1%, there are still hundreds of billions.

Other items are fine, but the equipment is all level 200, which Jiang Chen will not be able to use for at least a few years.

So he is naturally willing to consume some equipment that is not used at all, or even has very rubbish attributes, to reduce the casualties of his own army.

Boom boom boom —

After ten minutes of continuous bombing.

Harvey, who was specially taken care of by the sword, finally turned pale, and it was obvious that he had consumed a lot.

Millions of legendary nine-star angels have been completely destroyed, including those 210-level seraphim.

Even the six-winged mythical army suffered a small number of casualties.

However, among the many judgment angels andUnder the bombardment of the Myth Legion, the Tianyin Legion also suffered hundreds of millions of casualties.

All these Tianyin Legions belonged to the 2.5 million full-level lords who moved to Longyuan Town.

Jiang Chen selected tens of thousands of female lords with more remaining energy, and with the resources of the Supreme Heavenly Domain, he built tens of thousands of Tianyin Pavilions in one go and recruited nearly one billion full-level Tianyin Saints.

As for the 165-level Tianyin Saints of the original Longyuan Town…

Their combat power was only tens of millions. Facing Harvey with a combat power of 20 billion, I am afraid that Harvey could kill and injure millions with just a breath.

The Great Sumeru Sword Style was crumbling, but the sacred will of Harvey and other Seraphim still had more than half of its duration.

This gave the Judgment Angels a glimmer of hope on their faces.

“It’s so strong!”

Looking at the Judgment Angels who were killing all around, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but sigh.

Of the hundreds of millions of Tianyin Saints who died in battle, a small number died at the hands of 20 Judgment Angels.

During these ten minutes, Jiang Chen consumed the spiritual power of the Judgment Angel while paying attention to Medanzo.

If Medanzo used [Omniscience and Omnipotence] a few more times, even if Jiang Chen could handle it, the stock of immortal stones would not be able to hold up.

Fortunately, the Eternal Divine Art seemed to be a heavy burden on Medanzo as well, and he would not be able to use it again in a short time.

“The Judgment Angel is indeed very strong, but I wonder if it can stop the Law of Heaven and Earth when it is at the end of its strength?”

After confirming that Medanzo did not continue to “dig holes”, Jiang Chen’s body expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he grew into a giant several thousand meters tall.

Jiang Chen naturally would not go up by himself, even if it was just a clone.

He raised his arms horizontally, and his hands slowly squeezed in the middle, as if embracing a planet.

“Space peeling!”


On the battlefield.

Everyone seemed to hear a roar in their ears.

Then, with Harvey as the center, a sphere with a diameter of more than ten kilometers slowly formed, trapping Harvey in the center.

“What the hell!”

Harvey sensed the crisis and activated the sacred realm without caring about the consumption of spiritual power.


Although the pale blue sphere was transparent, it was stronger than the Great Sumeru Sword Formation. It only caused a ripple like water, and then imprisoned Harvey and disappeared into the depths of Jiangcheng.

“This is a space bubble!”

Eliza shouted.

“No, Harvey is in danger.”

With the combat power of the Judgment Angel, it is also dangerous to be surrounded by a hundred billion troops.

And Harvey’s [Sacred Will] is estimated to have only ten minutes left.

Although they don’t like each other, at this time, they naturally have to share the same hatred.

Unfortunately, the speed of the space bubble is too fast and it disappears in the blink of an eye.

Even if it weren’t for vision, Harvey probably didn’t have any perception and was moved thousands of kilometers laterally.

Thousands of kilometers away.

This place is close to the interior of Jiangcheng. It is an independent space with a radius of thousands of kilometers. Everything in it has been emptied.

The three thousand-meter-high behemoths had been waiting for a long time.

“Empress? And the two Tianyin soldiers with the Judgment Set!”

Harvey roared as if he had been humiliated:

“What a joke! Where is Jiang Chen? Get out? Do you think three heroes and soldiers who barely reached level 190 with my Heaven Mountain Judgment Set can threaten me? Today I will take back the Judgment Set left outside for Heaven Mountain.”

Jiang Chen’s rumbling voice came from the sky:

“Leave it to you! Go all out and fight quickly! So that you can change the next one!”

He was too lazy to talk to a dying man.

The space bubble is not a skill, but an ability that Jiang Chen exerts by relying on his control of this world, just like Jiang Chen can adjust the internal climate of Jiangcheng at will.

This ability has touched the eternal realm, so it does not need to consume national luck.

If it is a weaker enemy, Jiang Chen can even use the power of space to crush it directly.

Unfortunately, the Judgement Seraphim was too strong. The backlash of the previous attacks on the space bubble made Jiang Chen feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the empress nodded calmly: “Don’t worry, sir!”

Although the hero unit is naturally 50% higher than the same level of military units.

And after the Tianyin Pavilion advanced to mythology, the empress [Tianyin Saint Lord] increased by 120%.

But Zizaitian and Fanyintian are already mythical 12-star military units, and the empress’s S-level control over them has also increased by 60%.

Calculated in this way, the combat power of the two women is already higher than that of the empress.

Zizaitian, who is four kilometers tall, has a fist that is hundreds of meters in size.

She blocked Harvey who was attacking her eyes with a punch at a speed that was no less than that of her opponent.


Where the two intersect, a shock wave of thousands of meters erupted!

Zizaitian took a few steps and punchedA cloud of blood mist hundreds of meters long exploded above his head.

And Harvey also flew backwards thousands of meters.

Considering the difference in size between the two, it turned out that Zizaitian was inferior in strength.

But Harvey, who had the upper hand, was full of disbelief.


Level 190 and level 230, a difference of 40 levels.

And he was a military lord, and the other party was just a military unit.

“Even Fa Tian Xiang Di can’t be so strong! Could it be that they have advanced to eternity?”

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