Buzz buzz buzz——

As soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, the majestic Melo Heaven immediately trembled slightly.

Huge energy gathered towards the newly appeared throne.

Even without anyone manipulating it, the dark plane of Melo Heaven slowly opened a gap.

Countless words representing another cosmic civilization and symbols representing various knowledge flew out.

All pheromones together constructed another chapter of civilization in the universe.


All the energy, information and rules slowly condensed into a tall and lazy figure on the throne.

“Welcome my king back…”

Yan’s expression was excited, and then he knelt on one knee towards the throne as a hero.


Looking at Yan’s performance, Jiang Chen didn’t need to look at the information to know who the figure that had not yet condensed was.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed all Melo angels.

Although the Melo angel’s single combat ability is not as good as the goddess warrior, the role of group combat ability is far superior to the former. Especially the wormhole defense barrier, which can complement the void cover of the Sky City.

So Jiang Chen recruited tens of thousands of Melo angels.

At this moment, all these technological angels knelt on one knee like Yan.

Even the Sky-based King subconsciously took a few steps forward, with joy and shock on his face:

“I have just got a clue after exhausting my life’s energy! I didn’t expect that after you were reborn from the ashes, you actually comprehended the inversion of the sacred atom and achieved the fifth generation of divine body!”

“Hexi? I ​​just sensed Yan’s breath, but I didn’t expect you to be there!”

After absorbing an unknown amount of energy and rules, the woman on the throne finally condensed successfully, and a slightly self-deprecating voice came:

“What a battlefield of all races! We are kings and saints in the known universe, but we know here that we were just frogs in the well!”

All the light finally dissipated, and a woman who was difficult to describe appeared on the throne.

Sky Blade King Armored Shark!

He is also the founder and the strongest existence of the entire Melo Heaven!

In addition to the devilish figure that is standard for angels, the beautiful face of the Sky Blade King is adorned with a pair of narrow and long sword eyebrows. The combination of the two gives rise to a heroic and domineering aura that is difficult to look at directly, as if a natural king is in front of you.


The armored shark looked at his hands, and then his body suddenly exploded into a ball of gray airflow.

The gray airflow became thinner and thinner, and finally it was invisible to the naked eye and completely disappeared into the void.

The Sky Blade King, who was only level 1 at birth, disappeared under everyone’s eyes.

The sudden change shocked everyone, except Jiang Chen and Tianji King.

Fortunately, the Sky Blade King seemed to be just trying. After a few seconds, the gray airflow appeared again, and re-condensed in front of Jiang Chen, and said calmly:

“Lord, I hope you don’t humiliate the reputation of Melo Heaven!”

Good guy!

When the King of Tianji was just recruited, although he was arrogant, he at least said “I am willing to serve the Lord”.

You are so good, you just start the lecture mode!

Jiang Chen complained in his heart.

However, after a series of heavenly prompts, Jiang Chen instantly balanced.

[Tip: You recruited the King of Tianren. ]

[Tip: Melo Tianting’s skill “Sacred Body” advanced to myth. ]

[Tip: Melo Tianting unlocked the mythical battleship Tianren (only one). ]

[Tip: Melo Tianting unlocked the mythical equipment “Silver Wing”. ]

[Tip: Melo Tianting unlocked the “branch” construction drawings, the quality is legendary. ]

After the sacred body is advanced to myth, in Shenhe terms, it is the fifth generation of divine body.

Even though he was well-informed, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but marvel after seeing the description of the mythical sacred body:

“The total attribute bonus is not weaker than the Eight-Nine Profound Art, and the sacred atoms can be reversed at will, making oneself nowhere to be found and everywhere. This is simply a combination of mythical skills and mythical skills, and it is definitely not weaker than the Eight-Nine Profound Art!”

The magical power of the Eight-Nine Profound Art is the law of heaven and earth, which brings the ultimate attack power.

The sacred atoms of the fifth generation body can diffuse and condense freely, almost immortal, and are even more perverted than the elemental body of the goddess warrior.

As for the Sky Blade, it is naturally the same as the Tianji, a powerful war machine comparable to the eternal army.

And the Silver Wing, in theory, is another mythical equipment that can be mass-produced! Regardless of the complexity, function, or power, the Silver Wing far exceeds the Six Ding Divine Sword, which was upgraded to the mythical grade by the Six Ding Divine Fire.

The only disadvantage is that it consumes too many resources, and they are all mythical resources!

Finally, there is the blueprint of the distribution of Melo Heavenly Court. Like the Holy Land of Heavenly Sound, it is also a legendary type of soldier that can be mass-produced.

Seeing that the Sky Blade King brings so many benefits, Jiang Chen immediatelyForgive her unreasonableness!

After seeing the basic attributes of the Sky Blade King, the last bit of resentment in his heart disappeared.

[Sky Blade King] (Myth ☆☆☆☆☆☆)

[Level]: Level 1

[Loyalty]: 68

[Attributes]: Physical 382, ​​Spiritual Power 281, Soul 308, Carrying 352.

[Combat Power]: 330☆

There are military merit domains, and naturally there are military merit heroes and military merit arms.

It’s just that the latter two are more rare.

As a disciple of the Sky Blade King, Yan is a military merit hero, and his initial attributes, or attribute growth, far exceed other heroes.

But compared with the teacher Sky Blade King, he is a small witch compared to a big witch.

Normally, the combat power of an ordinary level 1 myth six-star arm will not exceed 150.

But the Sky Blade King has reached a terrifying 330!

If it reaches the myth 12 stars…

Jiang Chen did it as he thought, and stretched out his hand.


Nearly a thousand souls of mythical soldiers shot into the body of the Sky Blade King, and the Sky Blade King’s aura surged again.

Let’s look at the Sky Blade King’s attributes.

The basic combat power has reached 850! ! !


“The initial attributes of the small general at level 1 are only a little over a thousand! Generally speaking, when promoted from the mythical 12 stars to eternity, the attributes can at least double again! In other words, if they are both at the eternal level, the basic attributes of the Sky Blade King can almost reach twice that of the general! She is just a unit of arms!”

Not to mention the various permissions unlocked by the Sky Blade King.

This combat power alone, at the same level, can steadily suppress all the strong men in the territory.

If you use Yi Qi Hua San Qing, you will immediately double the happiness… combat power!

Unfortunately, the Melo Heavenly Court can mass-produce Angel Kings, and has reached a terrifying number of 15 per month, but there are only three Sky Blade Kings, a special type of soldier.

I wonder what kind of ability the last Apocalypse King has?

I’m really looking forward to it!

Jiang Chen thought, smiling brightly:

“Don’t worry, King Tianren, the Melo Heavenly Court will definitely become bigger and stronger and create more glory!”

When the empress first recruited him, she wanted to kill him.

King Tianren’s attitude is just a little bit bad, what’s unacceptable?

After saying that, Jiang Chen waved his hand again.

King Tianren directly upgraded to level 170.

Then, Jiang Chen took out another set of Judgment Set and handed it over.

This time, 14 sets of Judgment Set were obtained. After the Nine Heavens Goddesses were all ready, it was naturally the turn of other strong men in the territory.

Although the special prop [Myth Reset Talisman] that can reset the level of items is rare, it is still easy for Jiang Chen to collect dozens of them with his financial resources.

So the 200-level Judgment Set obtained this time can also be equipped immediately.

[Tip: King Tianren’s loyalty +2, currently 70 points. ]

King Tianren felt the surge in strength in his body, and looked at the attributes of the Judgment Set, and his attitude instantly improved a lot.

“Thank you, Lord. I haven’t seen Hexi for a long time, so let Hexi take me to familiarize myself with the current situation of the territory!”

Jiang Chen nodded, and then winked at King Tianji openly.

King Tianji knew that Jiang Chen wanted her to help him improve the favorability of King Tianren, and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Jiang Chen.

Watching the backs of the two kings leaving, Jiang Chen immediately mobilized his connections and released news to find the mythical resources needed to build [Tianren] and [Silver Wing].

Although Jiangcheng is closed, Jiang Chen’s farmers in the Supreme Heavenly Domain can go to any territory and let Taihuang Daojun send strong men to protect them.

After everything was arranged, Jiang Chen took out the mythical building advancement symbols he obtained this time again.

Last time, [Tianyin Holy Land] and [Fountain of Immortality] were advanced. This time, other special buildings in the territory such as [Sword Tomb] can finally be advanced to mythical.

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