[Announcement: One month later, the eighth heaven will be opened, and the seventh heaven will be merged. ]

[After the merger, the seventh heaven level cap will remain unchanged for the time being, and the eighth heaven territory cap is currently 25 books. ]

[After the merger…]

Golden announcements kept appearing.

And it wasn’t just Jiang Chen who was shocked.

Because the scope of this announcement covered the entire battlefield of all races.

Jiang Chen’s ascension to heaven was already a big deal, but compared to the impact of this merger announcement, it was nothing compared to the small one.

In an instant.

Many bigwigs in the upper realm were also shocked.

Countless consciousnesses exchanged information in the void.

“Merge? The Seventh Heaven merged so quickly?”

“The interval is getting shorter and shorter! Remember that the Sixth Heaven was merged nearly two thousand years after it was opened, and the Seventh Heaven was only 678 years! So the Eighth Heaven will be even shorter!”

“When a thousand years later, the newly opened Tenth Heaven has only one zone, or even no new zones are opened, where will the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield go?”

This question made many bigwigs fall into deep thought.

Unlike the bigwigs in the upper realm who think long-term, the lords of the Seventh Heaven think about the things in front of them.

“Based on past experience, every merger is a big reshuffle!”

“After the merger, everyone will not only have to face the monsters in the first 100 districts, but also face a series of disputes caused by the greatly reduced map range. The lord civilization of some races may even be broken because of this.”

“Ah, I have been in the new district for less than a year, and I am not even 18 books yet. How can I face the monsters and lords in the old district?”

“Ascension, only ascension to the upper realm is the ultimate way out!”

The seventh heaven has been opened for more than 600 years, and the gap between the strength of the old and new lords is huge.

Originally, because of the rules of space, the lords of the old district had to pay a huge price to descend to the new district.

But at this moment, everyone will appear in the same map at the same time.

This is extremely unfair to the lords of the new district, but the fact is so cruel.

Moreover, after more than 600 districts are merged into one district, the map area will be extremely compressed. This is bound to cause a new round of melee, a melee that no race can avoid.

“The opening of the Eighth Heaven is not necessarily a bad thing for us!”

In the newly opened 678th District, a new district lord suddenly said:

“At worst, we can enter the Eighth Heaven!”

When this was said, many people’s eyes lit up.


After they entered the Eighth Heaven, they would naturally be the First District.

Unless the upper realm descended, they would be the oldest district and could walk sideways in the Eighth Heaven.

Of course, there were different opinions.

“But the problem is that the current level limit of the Eighth Heaven is only 25 books, and the strength is several times lower than that of the Seventh Heaven. The lifespan is probably only more than 200 years at most. If you give up the territory of the Seventh Heaven at this moment, it will be difficult to ascend to the Seventh Heaven in the future…”

Many new district lords were making their own plans.

In Longyuan Town.

The high-level officials of the Divine Realm also appeared in the Sky City one after another under the call of Jiang Chen.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen with strange eyes.

The little fox said whatever he thought. As soon as he walked out of the portal, he was shocked and said, “Brother Jiang Chen, how did you know that the regions were going to be merged?”

Zhu Di and other mythical military lords were very powerful, but at this moment, they looked at Jiang Chen with awe.

“Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor Jiang has advanced to eternity and can peek into the secrets of heaven?!!”

“Maybe it’s one of the strong men under His Majesty the Emperor Jiang!”

To peek into the secrets of heaven, to put it bluntly, is to steal the content of the announcement before the announcement of the Heavenly Dao is released, and then make corresponding arrangements in advance.

This is the strongest help for any civilization, or even a race.

But there are very few such strong men, and they are sometimes effective and sometimes not.

In an instant.

Jiang Chen had a few more fanatics again.


Jiang Chen was speechless for a moment.

Obviously, he had just said “I have something important to discuss with everyone”, and the Heavenly Dao issued such an important announcement, which made everyone misunderstand something.

In fact, even if Jaina learned the mythical skill [Ancient Blade of All Spirits], which allows her to observe everything and know the past and present, she is far from being able to see the secrets of heaven.

Not to mention Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen would naturally not miss this opportunity to establish his authority, since those present were all high-level officials of the Divine Realm.

“Alas!” Jiang Chen sighed, “I didn’t expect that the Heavenly Dao would open the Eighth Heaven so quickly.”

Zhu Di quickly complimented, “Even if you only predict the merger announcement a few seconds in advance, I’m afraid that few people in the entire human race can do it! Besides, since you have summoned us, you must have a way to deal with the merger!”

Before Jiang Chen couldAs soon as he spoke, the little fox said, “Of course, a small matter like merging districts can’t stump Brother Jiang Chen.”

After speaking, he looked at Jiang Chen with admiration.


Jiang Chen didn’t expect that he had dug a hole for himself.

“Then I will talk about my opinion first, and everyone can add to it.”

While his mind was turning rapidly, he said:

“Whether from the perspective of taxation or from the perspective of student sources, the Seventh Heaven is our foundation and cannot be lost! Facing the impact of the next merger, even if the legion is directly sent down, it must be preserved…”

Naturally, the topic of Jiang Chen’s meeting changed from how to recover the territory to how to help the Seventh Heaven Divine Realm overcome difficulties.

Everyone nodded while listening.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Yu Fengwu immediately added: “The quality of soldiers is more important than the number. I suggest that the Myth Legion be sent down directly, or even the Military Merit Lord Legion. This can greatly reduce our consumption. Anyway, these strong men have no other wars except cultivation.”

Five years.

The number of mythical military lords in Longyuan Town has reached a terrifying 1,600.

I don’t know if there are so many in Tiantang Mountain, but at least in the entire Seventh Heaven, there are only dozens of mythical military lords in the Blue Star Domain.

“Mythical Legion is fine, but as for the mythical military lords…”

Jiang Chen continued to speak, attracting everyone’s attention, and then naturally turned the topic back.

“After the merger of the Seventh Heaven, there must be a large number of Blue Star lords who choose to ascend, but we only have lords in Longyuan Town in the Sixth Heaven at the moment, which is far from enough!”

Everyone is smart, and they were all shocked when they heard it.

“Jiang Chen, are you planning to send troops to recapture the Blue Star Region?”

Ying Yinman was just ignorant of the ways of the world, but she was very proficient in military affairs, and immediately persuaded:

“After the merger, if the war in the Seventh Heavenly Divine Region is tight, we can also come to support! But if we choose to fight on two fronts at this time, I’m afraid we will be stretched by then!”

Not only to recapture the Blue Star Region, but also to attack Gospel City.

Jiang Chen complained in his heart.

However, one wave has not settled yet, so the matter of Gospel City will be discussed later.

“I think this is just the right time!”

Jiang Chen thought of Lilith five years ago and smiled:

“The merger is such a big thing, not only for our Blue Star Region, but also for Heaven Mountain. It is a major event related to the survival of civilization. The enemies of Heaven Mountain are far more than we imagined. At this time, the angels may not have the time to care about a lower domain diocese like Blue Star.”

This made everyone fall into deep thought.

After a moment, Yu Fengwu was the first to express her opinion: “I agree with His Majesty Jiang’s plan. After all, compared with Tiantang Mountain, our strength is still too weak. The greater the variables, the more beneficial it is for us.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Di, Zhuge Qingyun, and even Yao Guangxiao all spoke in agreement.

Finally, Jiang Chen made the final decision.

“In this case, please ask the General Staff to formulate a specific action plan and officially launch it in a month. As for the situation of the seventh heaven, Xiao Man, please pay attention to it. If we need to descend to support, we will mainly rely on the hundreds of thousands of lords who ascended five years ago. Even if it is absolutely necessary, I can lead the empress and others to descend.”

After all, the lords who ascended five years ago have not reached the maximum level, and the cost of descending can be smaller.

As for descending…

Anyway, they are all clones, and they are not afraid of death.

After sending everyone away.

Jiang Chen immediately switched his perspective to the trumpet general.

“It seems that the trumpet’s ascension to the sixth heaven will be postponed! But it’s good, I can take advantage of this merger to harvest a wave of energy before ascending. ”

Also opening the hundred-fold acceleration, the general who was in seclusion in the deep space slowly opened his scarlet eyes.

“The weak state has been completely restored. In this case…”

The general pointed his finger.

“Eternal blood essence, condense!”

This is a skill that almost all vampire ancestors have.

Consume the whole body’s spiritual power to condense a drop of eternal blood essence. Of course, after condensing the eternal blood essence, the body will be in a “weak” state for a period of time.

Slowly, a drop of blood essence emitting five-color aura was slowly forced out from the palm of the general’s hand.

And the general’s originally pale face instantly turned extremely pale, and his breath plummeted.

The extreme weakness made the general feel extremely uncomfortable. He gulped down a few bottles of mythical potions, and then recovered a little, and then ordered through the territory channel:

“Xia, come here. ”

After a while.

A female vampire hero appeared in front of Jiang Chen and knelt on one knee.

“Ancestor, are you looking for me?”

The trumpet has no intelligence, so its aesthetics are naturally Jiang Chen’s, so this female vampire hero is as beautiful as ever.

And her aura is that of the mythical 12 starsThe peak.

She seemed to have guessed something, and her face showed an excitement that was hard to conceal.

Jiang Chen nodded and pushed the eternal blood essence that had just condensed over.

“The war is about to begin. I hope you won’t let me down again this time and can successfully advance to eternity!”

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