One month later.

[Announcement: The seventh heaven begins to merge, and the time is 2 hours. ]

[Announcement: You lose all resource points and wild buildings. ]

[Countdown: 01:59:59]

Accompanied by the announcement of the Heavenly Dao, the entire seventh heaven flashed with light, and all the lords, heroes, soldiers, and peasants outside the heaven were all forcibly teleported back to the territory.

The entire territory was protected by a light film, and no one could go out, or even see the situation outside the territory.

Under the rules of the Heavenly Dao, the seventh heaven treats everyone equally, from the eternal strong who never came to the world to the new lords who just entered the area.

After two hours of anxious waiting.

[Announcement: The merger is completed, and all territories are invincible for 1 day. During the invincible state, you have a chance to migrate to a fixed point without consumption, and it is not affected by the space ban. If you actively attack other lords, the invincible state disappears. ]

[The territory number you are in is 2580. 】

【Because of the map fusion, the county, state, kingdom, and territory maps may overlap, and there may be multiple lords sharing the same official position. You can choose to give up the official position, or attack other lords with the same official position. 】

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh——

The moment the light film dissipated, countless figures shot out of their own territories and began to detect the surrounding situation.

Jiang Chen was no exception.

However, the trumpet general also had a specially enhanced crystal princess, which could instantly detect the space of thousands of kilometers in radius, and all the lords of the dark kingdom could also be used by him.

Soon, countless messages gathered in Jiang Chen’s hands.

“The environment of the town has not changed, and the number of lords has not changed…”

“The environment of the county has changed, the area has doubled, and the number of towns has increased fivefold, most of which are human towns…”

“The environment of the state capital has changed, the area has expanded fivefold, and the number of county towns has increased fivefold…”

“A large number of alien legions were found in the north of the territory, and they are initially judged to be orcs…”

“A large number of alien legions were found in the west of the territory, and they are initially judged to be demons…”

“Your Majesty, it seems that we are not in the same territory as the main body of the God’s Domain…”

After the merger, except for the town, the area of ​​both the county and the state capital has expanded rapidly.

Although the state capital has expanded fivefold, the number of lords has increased dozens of times, making the entire map look crowded.

“According to the current intelligence, there are only about 100 states in the 2580 territory, and the Blue Star Human Race occupies about 30 of them. They are not at a disadvantage in terms of numbers…”

An hour later, Jiang Chen roughly understood the current situation and frowned slightly:

“However, the two powerful tribes, the Demon Tribe and the Logic Tribe, each occupy more than a dozen states; although the Orc Tribe is weaker, it occupies dozens of states! Including the Blue Star Human Race, there are four powerful forces in the 2580 territory. It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable!”

During this period, Jiang Chen also borrowed the classics of forces such as Xian Qin and Taishang Tianyu, and roughly understood the mechanism of the merger.

Because of the nature of the heaven, after the merger, any civilization will be divided into several territories.

So it is inevitable that multiple races coexist in one territory, and all territories only have numbers, no names… When a certain race dominates the territory, it is naturally qualified to name the territory.

As for the matching and number of each race in the territory, it is determined according to the ranking of the “Ten Thousand Races List”.

For example, in the 2580th territory where Jiang Chen is located, the Demon Race and the Logic Race rank high, both within the 1,000th place, so there are only a dozen states; while the Human Race and the Beast Race are both after 5,000th place, so they each occupy dozens of states.

After all, the cruelty of the war can only be guaranteed when the comprehensive strength of the parties is not too different.

Anyway, the main theme is “Heaven is ruthless”, the more tragic the better!

Precisely because of the existence of this mechanism, after the merger, some civilizations lost all the wars in all territories, which eventually led to the fault of the lord civilization.

Some civilizations also took advantage of the chaos to seize two or even more territories and become bigger and stronger!

What level can be achieved in the end depends not only on the fighting will of individual lords, the degree of unity of the race, but also on the strategies and tactics of the superiors, and a little bit of luck.

Similarly, choice is also very important!

And the most important choice is: should we focus on one territory or attack multiple places? If you choose to focus on one territory, which territory should you focus on?

“Speaking of the Ten Thousand Races List, the Ten Thousand Races List that is updated every ten years is about to be updated…”

Ding ding ding——

Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about this, a video request suddenly came.

After seeing the other party’s profile picture clearly, Jiang Chen suddenly looked strange.

After the call was connected, Ye Yiren’s beautiful figure appeared on the other side of the video.

“Greetings, His Majesty! I am Ye Yiren, the CEO of the Divine Realm, temporarily taking over the leadership of His Majesty the Emperor Jiang.Lead the Seventh Heaven Divine Domain. ”

In the years of ruling the Seventh Heaven, every decision made by Ye Yiren dominated the fate of countless lords. Naturally, she had long lost her youthfulness and her majesty became more and more profound.

Facing Jiang Chen, the legend of the blood clan, she was neither humble nor arrogant, and said straight to the point:

“His Majesty Emperor Jiang has issued an oracle from the upper realm. You and the Dark Kingdom are allies of the Divine Domain, so I hope we can work together!”

Jiang Chen knew that the so-called “His Majesty Emperor Jiang’s oracle” was just a mention of the Dark Kingdom when he chatted with Ye Yiren via video some time ago.

Based on his understanding of Ye Yiren, he had roughly guessed the latter’s intentions, but Jiang Chen still asked indifferently:

“What does Mr. Ye want to say? ”

Sure enough, Ye Yiren said seriously:

“This time, the Blue Star Lords will be divided into five territories. Among them, Territory 2581, where the main force of the Divine Domain is located, has about 300 prefectures, and there are no strong tribes among the enemies. The strongest Silver Tribe ranks only more than 4,000. The other territories are either too small or the enemies are too strong. So I suggest gathering all the Blue Star Lords and working together to take Territory 2588. By then, the Dark Kingdom will obtain the territory of 5 prefectures. ”

After the merger, the 5 prefectures are already a lot, but Jiang Chen still said lightly:

“Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Ye, but I have decided to take District 2580. ”

“I hope your Majesty will think twice…”

Ye Yiren was very patient and continued to persuade.

Objectively speaking, Ye Yiren’s decision was completely correct.

Because throughout history, the goal of the human race’s tactics in the lower domains like the Blue Star Domain was to be safe and do their best to preserve a territory of similar size.

Even in the sixth Tianhe District, the Blue Star civilization was in disarray. Although it eventually seized the current Blue Star Domain, it also suffered heavy losses and almost broke through civilization.

But Jiang Chen also had his own considerations.

Although the Dark Kingdom was very strong under the leadership of Xiaohao, it was mainly strong in The small general’s own combat power.

And the smaller the battlefield, the greater the role played by the strong.

Since he was randomly assigned to a small territory with only one hundred states, Jiang Chen did not mind taking this opportunity to take over another territory for the God’s Domain.

After all, the stronger the God’s Domain, the more powerful he, the Lord of the God’s Domain, will be.

As for the 2581 territory where the main force of the God’s Domain is located, judging from the foundation of the God’s Domain, it should not be a big problem!

Ye Yiren naturally did not know what Jiang Chen was thinking, but seeing that the general had made up his mind, he had to say:

“Since your majesty has made up his mind, I will not force it!”

Ding ding ding——

The small account just hung up Ye Yiren’s communication, and the main body’s video request rang again.

“Is there something wrong, Yiren? ”

Although Jiang Chen was helpless, he still answered the call.

Under normal circumstances, the Sixth Heaven and the Seventh Heaven must use special means to communicate, not to mention video calls.

But the privilege of the God Realm is that they can communicate at will.

Ye Yiren was naturally not as serious as before in front of Jiang Chen. As soon as she answered the call, she complained:

“Boss, we should now unite all forces to protect District 2581, but that blood clan general is not willing to cooperate at all, and even said shamelessly that he wants to take over District 2580! How about you persuade him again? ”

After all, he is a mythical military lord, and Ye Yiren still wants to fight for it.

Jiang Chen had to cooperate with the trumpet to act, and smiled: “He is just a mythical military lord, and he can’t influence the overall situation of the God Realm! Since he wants to stay, let him be! ”

Ye Yiren was stunned.

It shouldn’t be!

No matter from which angle, Jiang Chen should join forces with them.

Could it be that… the boss can’t restrain Jiang Chen?

For a long time, people have different opinions about the origin of Jiang Chen, the sudden blood clan myth, but the most popular speculation is that Jiang Chen was secretly sent to the new area by Jiang Chen to expand his power.

After all, Jiang Chen has cultivated quite a few blood clan myth lords, so it is not surprising to secretly cultivate another Jiang Chen.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Looking at Ye Yiren’s expression, Jiang Chen felt helpless:

“Yiren, you should concentrate on organizing the fight for the 2581 territory, and don’t worry about the rest. If there are difficulties, Xiao Man, Yueyue and others, and even I will choose to come down to support the Seventh Heaven!”

Ye Yiren nodded when she heard it.

“Well, I’ll go and get busy first! Boss, you should also be careful, after all, your enemy is Tiantang Mountain. ”

After closing the communication.

Jiang Chen looked up at the direction outside the town and chuckled.

“Haha, Heaven Mountain…”

According to the plan.

When the seventh heaven merges, the sixth heaven will blow the horn of counterattack.

Outside Longyuan Town at this moment.

The war has broken out.

One side is the 100 billion angel army, and the other side isTwo hundred billion Blue Star Legion.

It’s a bit funny!

In the six years since ascending to the sixth heaven, he has led several great battles. This is the first time that Jiang Chen has participated in a battle at the full level of 200, and it is also the first time that he has taken the initiative to attack.

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