On the battlefield.

The main body of Tianji King, also wearing the Judgment Suit, is fighting alone against a mythical five-star 230-level Judgment Seraph.

The rank of mythical 12 stars and Jiang Chen’s powerful enhancement almost wiped out the gap between the military merit talent and the attributes between the lord and the soldiers.

Although still at an absolute disadvantage, Tianji King can still deal with it with the newly acquired fifth-generation divine body “immortality”.

It can be imagined that once the opponent’s “holy will” collapses and falls back to level 220, Tianji King will definitely be the winner in the end.

And the number of Tianji King’s clones has reached 10.

Hearing what King Tianren said, Jiang Chen was also surprised:

“Has Hexi mentioned it to you?”

King Tianren shook his head: “For tens of thousands of years, Hexi has been in charge of the scientific research work of Melo Tianting, and I never asked.”

Jiang Chen nodded:

“There is a prop called [Technology Crystal] in the battlefield of all races, most of which contain all kinds of strange knowledge, which is very helpful for the technological improvement of Melo Tianting. In recent years, all the technology crystals obtained by the Divine Realm have been handed over to Hexi. If it weren’t for the huge amount of calculation of the Judgment Set, Hexi’s clones could have reached 16.”

The clone of King Tianji is not a pure flesh, but an energy polymer formed by multiple complex calculations.

So the clone can completely simulate the state of the main body, including equipment. Of course, the stronger the equipment of the main body, the greater the difficulty of simulation.

Even so, King Tianji can simulate 10 clones wearing the Judgment Set.

The 220-level King Tianji with eight mythical stars is naturally not as good as the Judgment Angel of the same level, but it is also stronger than the ordinary mythical military lord.

It can be said that the combat power of King Tianji alone is better than that of dozens of ordinary mythical military merit lords of level 200.

Not only King Tianji.

After the Eternal Sun washed the ground.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the Angel Legion.

Other strong men under Jiang Chen also took action.

In addition to the Queen, the other two heroes who were promoted to 12 stars of mythology are naturally Yan and Li Hanyi, the two main forces, who also obtained the Judgment Set.

As a hero unit, Yan has the attribute of military merit, and his combat power is even stronger than that of King Tianji. In a few minutes, he has killed three mythical military merit angels.

Li Hanyi’s attributes are slightly inferior to Yan, but his “Sword Art Will” has already reached the realm, coupled with the enhancements of “Golden Spirit Root” and “Sword Sect”, even if the D-level skill “Sword Qi”, ordinary mythical military merit lords dare not take it head-on, and ordinary six-winged angels don’t even have a chance to dodge.

There is no need for advanced skills at all. Li Hanyi shoots hundreds of sword qi every second, and no one dares to get close within a thousand meters.

Boom boom——

Dozens of thunderbolts suddenly passed by Li Hanyi and killed into the angel army that was riddled with holes.

Wherever the thunderbolts passed, from the angel servants to the six-winged myths, they all exploded into blood mist.

It was Giselle and dozens of other mythical 12-star goddess warriors.

Although they did not have the Judgment Set, their true combat power exceeded that of Zhu Zhanji, a powerful mythical military lord, with their extreme attributes, and their ability to save their lives was even stronger.

After that, there were tens of thousands of mythical goddess warriors, tens of thousands of Tianyin goddesses, twenty thousand fairy dragon kings, and Avril and other seraphim legions. Even the magic arms such as the fairy dragon kings released their skills from a distance.

Except for a few trump cards, Jiang Chen had already used all the strong men, and specifically picked the six-winged angels to harvest.

The power that Jiang Chen burst out made everyone’s eyes go straight.

Bloody Mary was extremely grateful at this moment.

With the fighting power Jiang Chen showed at this moment, he could destroy tens of thousands of blood clan lords under her command by himself.

Fortunately, she did not insist on her ridiculous self-esteem at the beginning, but chose to join the God Realm.

Now it is really good to take shelter under a big tree.

“They are all mythical 12 stars! Hundreds of mythical 12 star strongmen!” Shaharu trembled all over, “How many mythical soldiers’ souls will this consume?”

Saint Peter murmured: “Shouldn’t we be more concerned about the 100,000 mythical legions? Even if there are enough mythical soldier souls, where does His Majesty Jiang Huang get so much energy? Not to mention there are so many legendary nine-star legions.”

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was shocked!

Ying Yinman and others only have 38 books, but only a small part of the legions can be promoted to level 195.

Because there is simply not that much energy.

Jiang Chen can promote hundreds of thousands of legions with the lowest legendary nine stars to level 200!

This is simply unscientific!

Constantine smiled bitterly and said, “And these 100,000 mythical legions are either extremely mythical or powerful mythical! No wonder His Majesty the Emperor Jiang never cultivated the Dragon Blood God of War and the Blood Emperor, it turns out that he doesn’t like them!”

In the trillion angel legions back then, the six-winged angels added up to less than one million.

In other words.Jiang Chen alone has more mythical warriors than the 100 billion angels in front of him.

As for the fighting power…


The angel mythical military lord who had fought with Zhu Di for several minutes was taken away by Li Hanyi with a sword.

Zhu Di looked at the blood mist in front of him with a very strange expression:

“No wonder His Majesty Jiang said not to hold back, it turns out he really didn’t…”

Originally, his fighting power was stronger than that of the angel mythical military lord, but the latter activated the sacred will, and he was burdened with a holy punishment.

As one side gained strength while the other lost, the two fought for several minutes without a clear winner.

As a result, he was killed by Li Hanyi without paying attention.

Zhu Gaoxu’s enemies were also killed by Amanda and her companions. He yelled at Zhu Di:

“Dad, His Majesty Jiang wants us to sell out first. After tricking the Cherubim’s ultimate move, he sent strong men to grab the heads! This is too unfair!”

“Shut up!”

Zhu Di yelled back directly, wishing to strangle this bastard son to death.

Can you say this casually?

Judging from the combat power shown by Jiang Chen at this moment, even if more than a thousand mythical military lords were tied together, they could not match Jiang Chen alone.

However, after yelling at his son, Zhu Di looked at the strong men who were harvesting mythical heads everywhere, and couldn’t help but sigh.

“The strong will always be strong! After this battle, His Majesty Jiang will probably have dozens more mythical 12-star strong men under his command!”

To some extent, what Zhu Gaoxu said was not wrong.

This was the tactic that Jiang Chen had formulated long ago.

Now, whether it was the Eternal Sun or the head grabbing of the Seraphim, it was executed perfectly.

This is an open conspiracy.

The strong men in the God Realm knew that Jiang Chen was using his power for personal gain again, and they were convinced, because Jiang Chen had done enough for the Blue Star Realm and for them. If they complained, it would be a wolf’s heart.

As for the angels, even if they saw Jiang Chen’s tactics, they were powerless.

The instant burst of killing by the Golden Crow Army and the Empress and other ten people was an unsolvable tactic.

This is not it.

An hour later!

The Angel Army finally regrouped and stabilized the battle formation.

The Empress and others once again burst out the Law of Heaven and Earth. Even without the cover of “Golden Crow Funeral”, they sent dozens of Big Sun Golden Crows to the Angel Army battle formation.

Anyway, after Jiang Chen’s Fountain of Life advanced to the myth, the resurrection of the mythical soldiers no longer consumed the origin, but only consumed energy.

Dozens of rounds of scorching sun burst out, killing hundreds of millions of angels again.

Two rounds of eternal scorching sun caused the Angel Army to lose 1% of its combat power.

If this continues, the Angel Corps will probably collapse in a few days.

Five years ago, after the Blue Star Region became the pasture of Heaven Mountain, Landun City naturally became the political and economic center of the Blue Star Region.

Heaven Mountain also fulfilled its promise and made Elizabeth the Lord of Blue Star, calling the shots in the Blue Star Region.

For the pastoral area, Heaven Mountain generally adopts a “contract system”.

As long as the Blue Star Pastoral Area completes the most important KPI of faith power every year, Heaven Mountain will not ask about other things, so Elizabeth has considerable power.

Time can erase many things, and can also forget many things, including the will and freedom of the Blue Star Lord.

It has only been five years, and some Blue Star Lords have already accepted the status quo.

After all, as long as you pray 2-3 days a week, you can rest assured, there will be no disputes, and the territory can develop normally.

And this kind of prayer will subtly affect the worldview of intelligent creatures, especially carbon-based creatures.

A considerable number of Blue Star Lords with weak wills have changed from resistance at the beginning to habit, and now happily accept it, and even become true believers of God.

To put it nicely, it is called “returning to the arms of our Lord”.

But in fact, it is spiritual pollution.

No wonder Medanzo said that “Ten years later, the Blue Star Region has long been a different place, and has completely become my Heaven Mountain pasture”.

Perhaps it is really 10 years later, even if Jiang Chen really conquers the Blue Star Region, he can only face the brainwashed Blue Star compatriots in the occupied area.

But at this moment.

The bomb buried in Longyuan Town for 5 years has finally been detonated.

It’s like the spark of a prairie fire, instantly breaking the “peace” and “tranquility” of the Blue Star Region.

“Jiang Chen!!!”

Elizabeth looked at the battle images coming from outside Longyuan Town and gnashed her teeth:

“And this group of heretics who deserve to go to hell!!”

Sun King Louis also had anger on his face and shouted:

“In the past few years, the Blue Star Region has been bathed in the glory of our Lord and has become a paradise without war or killing. But Jiang Chen wants to break our peaceful life and bring blood and death. We absolutely cannot tolerate such a thing happening! We must do it againThe Eastern Expedition was launched for the first time to support the Angel Legion and eradicate heresy. ”

Matter determines consciousness.

Elizabeth, King Louis of the Sun and others have been transferred to the tribe for nearly 6 years, and their thoughts are now completely “angelic”.

So their fear of God and hatred for Jiang Chen are both from the heart.

Francis Hua Xinghan hurriedly said: “Your Majesty, five years ago, the main army of Blue Star was almost completely killed and wounded. Even if we assemble the entire Blue Star Region Army, the combat power is only comparable to the hundreds of billions of Angel Legion, which is a drop in the bucket, and…”

The former Tudor Dynasty think tank looked at the hundreds of billions of Angel Legion that could only barely hold on in the image, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes:

“Jiang Chen is too strong! Longyuan Town is too strong! Unless Heaven Mountain sends reinforcements, there is no chance of winning this battle.”

“Oh?” Elizabeth suddenly regained her composure and asked lightly, “What does Sir Francis mean? ”

Francis said cautiously: “Why not wait and see what happens? In the current seventh-level Tianhe District, if Tiantang Mountain really has no time to take care of our Blue Star Diocese, we still have room to maneuver between us and Longyuan Town…”


Before he finished speaking, a cold light flashed across his neck.

Elizabeth took back the holy sword, and then without even looking at the important minister she once relied on the most, she said lightly:

“Compromise with heretics, you are not worthy of being a believer of my Lord!”

Francis’ eyes still had a trace of astonishment, as if it was hard to believe that the Queen whom he respected all his life would kill him because of a word.

But he could no longer make any sound, and his head rolled to the ground.

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