Jiang Chen looked at the whiteness in front of him with interest, and then gently pinched Babasha’s chin.

“Not enough.”

“Of course not, Babasha is just a bonus!”

Babasha was like a pet dog being stroked by its owner, and said obediently:

“It is too wasteful to use the eternal blood essence to upgrade the army. Perhaps it is more cost-effective to exchange it for the soul of the myth army. This is all the accumulation of my mother for hundreds of years. I hope it will satisfy the ancestor of the general.”

She waved her hand gently, and countless three-color light balls shot out and floated in the hall.

Jiang Chen’s eyes condensed.

Tens of thousands of myth army souls!

Can advance dozens of myth 12-star strongmen!

This domain lord of the blood throne is really generous.

“Yes, I am very satisfied with this gift!”

At Jiang Chen’s position, he disdains to pretend, and satisfaction is satisfaction.

He waved his hand gently, collected the souls of the mythical soldiers, and then whispered:

“When all my heroes advance to eternity, I will consider condensing a batch of eternal blood essence for you.”

For Jiang Chen, these tens of thousands of souls of mythical soldiers were like timely help, so he did not hesitate to promise.

Babasha was overjoyed.

“Thank you, ancestor Jiang Chen!”

They have confirmed that Jiang Chen has an eternal hero under his command.

If the two of them condense eternal blood essence together, they can cultivate a second eternal hero again in about a thousand years.

Under compound interest, perhaps thousands of years will be enough to advance all heroes to eternity.

As an immortal race, they can naturally wait for thousands of years.

After thousands of years, they can obtain at least hundreds of drops of eternal blood essence.

In order to prevent someone from associating the trumpet with himself, Jiang Chen hid the lord’s talent very well.

So no one knows that Jiang Chen has a hundred times time acceleration.

Perhaps in a few decades, all heroes can advance to eternity.

No one knew that the next unit Jiang Chen was going to upgrade was not a hero, but a peasant…

Eternal peasants!

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “In a month, I will ascend with my whole town. You can come with me, or you can come to the first heaven to find me in the future. I will not break my promise.”

Barbara said without hesitation, “Barbaza is willing to serve you forever!”

Tens of thousands of soldiers’ souls were taken out, so she naturally wanted to stay with Jiang Chen.

After all, companionship is the most lasting confession.

Time flies, and another five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In these five years, the God’s Domain has flourished.

The God’s Domain directly occupied three territories in the seventh heaven, and even conquered alien races such as the Silver Clan.

In the sixth heaven, perhaps out of fear of Jiang Chen’s strength, Heaven Mountain did not invade the Blue Star Domain again after the battle of merging regions.

In four years, countless lords of the seventh heaven ascended to the upper realm, allowing the Blue Star Domain of the sixth heaven to restore its pre-war prosperity, and even surpass it.

Ying Yinman and others’ territories and legions were all upgraded to the maximum level.

Jiang Chen fought everywhere, not only did his strength increase greatly, but his territory warehouse was directly filled with building resources and energy that were enough to directly upgrade to level 41.

The most important thing is that although the small general did not accumulate as many resources and energy as the big one, he also reached the maximum level of the sixth heaven.

In the “lower world” of the sixth heaven, the small general is simply invincible, so all the eternal strong can condense eternal blood without any scruples.

So in addition to Xia, the other two heroes also advanced to eternity one after another.

In addition, there is an eternal-level farmer.

It is precisely because of the eternal-level farmers that the development speed of the small Jiang Chen’s territory is so fast.

The most important thing is Jiangcheng.

With Jiang Chen’s unremitting investment.

In the past ten years, the size of Jiangcheng has expanded several times, and a level 5 urn city has been built, and the innermost basic buildings have all been replaced with epic quality.

In the city area with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, various buildings such as restaurants, parks, and blacksmith shops have sprung up, and there are a lot of cars and people, a prosperous scene.

And the accumulated legendary resources and mythological resources are also countless, not to mention the resources below excellence.

Of course, the price is that almost all the taxes of the God Realm in recent years have been spent on Jiangcheng.

For Jiang Chen, the only flaw is the speed of practicing the path of the gods.

“Although the whole God Realm is united as one, and the Jianghuang Temple is blooming everywhere, I have reached the peak of the God Throne, which is not much worse than the Lord of Lust in his heyday. But the God Throne to the Kingdom of God is a qualitative change. At this speed, it will take at least decades to build the Kingdom of God!”

The agreement with the ancestor Saint King is like a mountain pressing on Jiang Chen’s head.

He has no time to waste decades of time hiding in the sixth heaven.

“In this case, I won’t wait! AttackGospel City, no matter what the result is, it will definitely become the hot search of the Sixth Heaven, attracting everyone’s attention, allowing me to harvest another wave of faith. ”

However, if you want to attack Gospel City, you still lack one thing.

A few minutes later.

Taishang Tianyu.

A light flashed in the race portal thousands of meters high, and Jiang Chen’s figure appeared.

“Who is it?”

The Lord of the Supreme Tianyu who guarded this portal just shouted, and Jiang Chen’s clear voice came out.

“Please pass on that the Lord of the Divine Realm, Jiang Chen, has come to visit Taihuang Daojun!”

Lord of the Divine Realm, Jiang Chen?

The gatekeeper felt his head buzzing.

I was lucky enough to see this legendary existence?

After a few seconds, he reacted and said in a trembling voice:

“Your Majesty, please wait a moment. ”

This wait lasted for several minutes, and Jiang Chen could not help but frown.

The guard was sweating profusely.

Just when Jiang Chen was getting impatient.

A portal quickly opened dozens of kilometers away, until it expanded to a diameter of ten kilometers. Through the portal, the Taiqingzhou City opposite could be vaguely seen.

Accompanied by the pleasant fairy music, hundreds of millions of legendary soldiers flew out with flower baskets, and the sky was full of excitement.

Perhaps they had heard of Jiang Chen’s preferences, and these soldiers were all beautiful female soldiers of various races.

Then, a golden bridge several kilometers wide slowly extended from the portal, and thousands of Taishang Tianyu high-level officials of Taihuang Daojun stood at the bridgehead.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Chen was speechless.

No wonder it took so long, it turned out that they were preparing the honor guard.

“I said Daojun, we are old acquaintances, there is no need to make such a big fuss!”

“Welcome His Majesty the Emperor Jiang! ”

After thousands of high-ranking officials of the Supreme Heavenly Domain saluted in unison, the Taoist Taihuang smiled bitterly and said:

“Your Majesty, this is the first time you come to visit my Supreme Heavenly Domain. I am sorry for not welcoming you. Please forgive me!”

It is true that Jiang Chen’s achievements in recent years are too strong, and he has even formed an alliance with an eternal lord.

As the Blue Star Domain regained his homeland, the Taoist Taihuang gradually let go of his obsession with the Mythical Six-Star State City.

At the beginning, he helped with all his strength, just as a good relationship with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: “You are too polite. The Supreme Heavenly Domain has helped me many times. Before I ascend to heaven, I must personally thank you.”

Ascend to heaven?

Hearing this word, the Taoist Taihuang’s eyes lit up.

His Majesty Jiang Huang told me this. Is there still hope for the Mythical State City?

Resisting his excitement, the Taoist Taihuang turned sideways and said:

“His Majesty Jiang Huang, please come in and talk in detail. ”

In Taiqing City.

After the grand welcome ceremony, only Jiang Chen and Taihuang Daojun were left.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Jiang Chen got straight to the point:

“I dare not deceive Daojun. I came here this time to thank Taihuang Daojun for his help and to borrow something from him.”

What if I borrow something but don’t return it?

Taohuang Daojun’s mind suddenly changed: “Your Majesty, could it be… the Super Dimensional Fortress?”

“Daojun, please understand!”

Jiang Chen nodded.

Taohuang Daojun groaned in his heart. He thought he was here to give benefits, but he didn’t expect to borrow something.

No wonder he has formed an eternal alliance with the blood clan!

He is also a vampire!

“Your Majesty, the Super Dimensional Fortress requires a huge amount of space-related spirit stones every time it is activated…” Taihuang Daojun said tactfully.

“It doesn’t matter!” Jiang Chen took a screenshot of Taihuang Daojun, “I’ve been ready for a long time.” ”

“This… 100 million top-grade space spirit stones? ! ! ” Daojun Taihuang was full of astonishment, and then smiled bitterly, “I wonder where His Majesty Jiang wants to open a super-time and space tunnel?”

“The starting point is in Jiangcheng, the divine domain!”

There were only two people present, and Jiang Chen did not hide it.

Although his voice was light, it was earth-shattering:

“And the end point… is Tiantang Mountain, Gospel City!”

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