In fact.

Faced with such a temptation to ascend to eternity, Jiang Chen was also in a trance for a moment.

He expected that the upper world of Heaven Mountain would definitely intervene in this war, and even considered the possibility of the arrival of Michael and other strong men, but Michael’s words caught him off guard.

Although he could exert power comparable to eternity after forging the Kingdom of God in the future, his physical attributes were still three stars of mythology, and his physical body would still be subject to birth, aging, illness and death, and would be constrained by lifespan.

When the attributes of the advanced twelve-winged angels reach eternity, the physical body can be immortal.

If the soul is placed in a small world or the Kingdom of God, then the soul is immortal.

The immortality of the physical body, coupled with the immortality of the soul, is the real eternity, reaching the same lifespan as the sky.

This temptation is too great!

Fortunately, he regained his sanity in an instant.

The angels of Heaven Mountain are different from other races.

Whether it is the powerful God Clan or the weak Human Clan, most of the eternals are strong men who stand out from their own race, and the strong ancestor Saint King is no exception.

But this angel civilization is an exception.

All angels are “artificial races” created entirely by God.

Even to this day, no one knows what God’s true body is, and almost no one has seen God take action.

Although after achieving eternity, they have been freed from the constraints of the creator to a certain extent, such as Lilith and Lucifer, but it is not ruled out that there will be unknown hidden dangers.

Then again, even if there are no hidden dangers, Jiang Chen has been a human for two lifetimes, and has a “plug-in-level” treasure like the Creation Stone, so why should he repeat what others say?

“With the body of the human race, this emperor can also advance to eternity.”

Jiang Chen spoke slowly, and his voice spread throughout the battlefield.

“Moreover, it is the eternity of the human race itself, and it is also the eternity of Blue Star!”


After a moment of silence, the lords of the God Realm burst into thunderous cheers, and some of them even burst into tears.

Few people can resist such a huge temptation, but Jiang Chen did it.

In an instant, Jiang Chen once again had thousands of fanatics, even including individual blood clan, sky fox clan, and elf clan lords.

This is the cohesion of race and civilization!

“Then… it’s such a pity!”

Michael said regretfully, but his expression didn’t seem to be surprised.

Just when everyone thought that the tragic war would break out again, Michael’s actions once again exceeded everyone’s expectations.

He waved his hand gently, and an invisible wave spread.

“I have dispelled the ban on the Macross, and there is no need to continue this battle! Your Majesty Emperor Jiang, please do as you please, I won’t see you off!”

The two sides fought for several months. Although the legion suffered few casualties, the state capital was severely damaged.

With such a huge loss, Michael was able to turn the page and make it lighthearted.

Medanzo shouted unwillingly: “Lord Michael, Gospel City has been destroyed by nearly half, are you going to let Jiang Chen, the culprit, go?”

Michael turned his head and looked at Medanzo seriously until the latter lost the courage to look at him, and then said lightly: “Medanzo, your heart is already in chaos, which is very dangerous. After this war, hand over the authority of the domain lord, pray with all your heart, and cleanse your soul.”

Michael decided to give up “pursuing” Jiang Chen’s disrespect, which was completely out of rational considerations.

After all, if he wants to destroy an Eternal State City built with legendary resources and even some mythological resources, he must mobilize the power of heaven.

Spanning the first heaven to the sixth heaven to call on the power of heaven, even if it destroys the Eternal State City, it is completely not worth the loss.

The weak will care about the illusory things such as “honor and disgrace”. At his level, there are only pros and cons.

Of course, except for the strong people like Satan who follow their hearts.

Rebuked by Michael again, Medanzo bowed his head and said:

“Yes, Lord Michael!”

However, first there was the stimulation of Jiang Chen, King Tianren, King Tianji and others; then he was fooled by Jiang Chen and wasted billions of divine power crystals; then he was rebuked by Michael as “waste”; and finally Michael’s promise to Jiang Chen… All kinds of unfavorable and unfair superposition, Medanzo’s negative emotions have accumulated to the extreme.

All the crux turned into a desire to advance to eternity!

If I can advance to eternity…

Medanzo gritted his teeth!

Michael sensed Medanzo’s strong emotions, but was confident that he could control everything.

In fact, in Heaven Mountain, Medanzo’s situation is also very common.

After all, when the angel lords are performing their missions, they will inevitably come into contact with foreign lords, be poisoned by external “liberalism”, and then doubt the belief in God, and even peek at the throne.

For this situation, my lord is “tolerant”.

Michael has experienced the defection battles of Lilith, Lucifer and others. What is Medanzo’s current situation?Compared with the former, he is nothing but a small witch compared to a big witch. As long as this war is over, he will be brainwashed again… After a few hundred years of baptism, Medanzo will be the most pious warrior of my Lord again.

With Medanzo’s talent, he may even be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Raphael, Gabriel and others in the future and become one of the new guardians of heaven.

“Sure enough, the pride of angels is only for the weak!”

Jiang Chen sighed.

There was the ancestor saint king in front and the golden head arhat in the back. It was not the first time that Jiang Chen saw the way of the first heaven strongman, so he roughly guessed Michael’s mind.

This war lasted for several months. Not only did it vent the anger, but it also made the Blue Star human race famous, and also gained a huge amount of faith power. If it were someone else, he might have stopped when he saw the good and got off the mountain.


“I have reasons to fight!”

Michael shook his head and said, “Your Majesty Jiang is still too young. Yonghengzhou City is not indestructible. I hope Your Majesty Jiang will not regret the loss of Yonghengzhou City because of impulsiveness.”

He said everything he should say, did everything he should do, and even made concessions.

Jiang Chen chose to continue, and Tiantangshan was not afraid of war.

Seeing that the Divine Realm Army launched another attack, Michael no longer hesitated.

“Heaven is coming!”

Accompanied by Michael’s gentle singing, the speed of light shot from heaven quickly expanded to hundreds of kilometers.

From beginning to end, Medanzo did not consume national destiny to mobilize the world power of the Sixth Heaven to resist Jiang Chen.

The Sixth Heaven is the root of the upper world, and Gospel City is the root of the Sixth Heaven, but national destiny is the root of the root.

To put it bluntly, even if Gospel City collapses and Medanzo falls, it is not worth consuming national destiny.

Unless the entire civilization is facing the crisis of extinction, just like the Blue Star Region did in the past.

Michael also knew this, so even if he chose to descend to heaven, he did not let Medanzo consume the national fortune.

As the passage to heaven continued to expand, a virtual shadow of the world slowly wrapped Michael in it and slowly solidified.

Jiang Chen didn’t know whether “heaven” was a kingdom of God, a small world, or whether God had merged the two into one.

There was spiritual mist, birds singing, flowers blooming, giant trees towering, and occasionally various mythical beasts could be seen cruising in the clouds.

There were even many creatures of various races living peacefully on this land that was not in conflict with the world. They were the lords who believed in God devoutly and were chosen by God after their death, so that they would not fall into reincarnation.

At this moment, they all looked up and looked curiously at the heretics in the outer world.

The volume of hundreds of kilometers was not large in the virtual shadow of the world, but with the advent of heaven, the pressure far exceeded all the world power that Jiang Chen had ever seen, and suddenly pressed on everyone’s head.

Not to mention ordinary lords, even the eternal strongmen like Jiang Chen felt a sense of oppression.

The so-called ultimate judgment of Gospel City is nothing in front of the phantom of heaven.

Michael pressed down heavily with both hands, and the phantom of heaven was like a dark cloud covering the sky in a few seconds.

For the phantom of heaven with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, it only moved two positions, but for other observers, it was thousands of times the speed of sound, and even the empress could not avoid it.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen recalled all the legions before the phantom of heaven began to condense.


Two behemoths of hundreds of kilometers collided with each other without any fancy.

The internal space of Jiangcheng was violently shaken, as if the world was about to end.

And countless fine cracks appeared on the outer city wall.

However, with the name of “Eternal State City”, the lords of the Divine Realm were more confident and there was no more riot.

“It is worthy of being the Eternal State City!”

Michael’s voice came from the Heavenly World:

“Other states, even epic states, have already been reduced to ashes under this attack. But I want to see how many attacks you can withstand!”

The phantom of heaven also dimmed a little after the attack, and then slowly shrank back, brewing the next attack.

Looking at the flattened wall, Jiang Chen quickly concluded that even if he consumed all the resources accumulated in his hands in the past ten years, including mythological resources, he could only withstand thousands of such attacks.

Perhaps in less than half a month, Jiangcheng will collapse.

Jiang Chen immediately said to Xingtong beside him: “According to the agreement, it’s your turn to take action!”

Before taking action, he naturally had an in-depth exchange with Lilith and reached a tacit understanding.

The people in the Divine Realm looked at “Xingtong”, most of them were confused, not knowing what role this blood clan saint could play at this moment.

Only Yao Guangxiao, Yu Fengwu, Zhuge Qingyun and others who reacted quickly thought of something and couldn’t help but keep their eyes on him.

No… No way…

“I’m already here!”

“Xingtong” nodded lightly, said something that only a few people could understand, and then his expressionHe said solemnly:

“The last time I faced Heaven was ten thousand years ago. In just ten thousand years, Heaven’s power has increased again. Moreover, this is the closest place to Heaven. Without losing the origin of the world, I am afraid that the three of us can only defend you for three days. If you are not sure that you can destroy Gospel City in a short time, you might as well choose to retreat temporarily. Michael is reluctant to consume the power of Heaven and will definitely let you go.”

After seeing Jiang Chen’s strength and Yonghengzhou City, Lilith has regarded Jiang Chen as an ally for long-term cooperation, not cannon fodder.

So she began to think about the problem from Jiang Chen’s perspective.

“Three days…” Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen nodded after calculating for a moment, “Enough!”

This made Lilith feel doubtful.

Seeing Jiang Chen’s confident look, is there any trump card he has not played?

However, due to her trust in Jiang Chen, she did not ask any more questions, but nodded carefully:

“Okay, let’s start! General Chen, please lend me a hand!”

General Chen’s figure slowly emerged, and he bowed gracefully to Lilith, followed by the eternal hero Xia.

Lilith nodded in return, and then stopped talking nonsense, and tried her best to communicate with her small world far away in the first heaven.

“Blood Sea, descend!”

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