Tiankui Realm is similar to the Spirit Realm and Dream World, which are all native worlds of the battlefield of all races, spanning the first to the eighth heaven.

For example, after the birth of the eighth heaven not long ago, the dream world, the spirit world, and the Tiankui Realm will also extend to the eighth heaven.

The word “Kui” in the common language of all races also means leader.

This world is named “Tiankui Realm” because only lord units can enter this world, heroes and arms units cannot.

Of course, dangers and opportunities coexist. The lords who enter the Tiankui Realm will significantly speed up the cultivation speed of both skills and techniques. In addition, without the support of their legions, they must fight to the death, and their strength will often advance by leaps and bounds.

Many “Lord Secret Realms” are evolved based on the Tiankui Realm, and can even lead directly to the Tiankui Realm.

Over time, this world has gradually become a holy place for the training of military lords, and a burial place for many strong men.

It is said that Sun Wukong had trained in the Tiankui Realm for countless years before he went to the West to seek the scriptures, which enabled him to cultivate the law of heaven and earth in just a few hundred years.

For Jiang Chen, such a dangerous map is naturally avoided as much as possible. Even if his strength improves slowly, it is always better than taking risks.

Moreover, although the Divine Realm occupies hundreds of secret realms of all sizes, there is no lord secret realm, so Jiang Chen has no chance to enter.

The good news is that the Tiankui Realm where the fifth-level lord enters is also the fifth-level map, and the monster level is not too outrageous.

“Your Majesty, how many mythical military lords are there in your country?”

“Mythical military lords? There are still hundreds of them!”

The queen knew why Jiang Chen asked this, so she shook her head:

“It’s useless. Not everyone can enter the Tiankui Realm. If it weren’t for the Zimu River crossing the main world and the Tiankui Realm, I wouldn’t be able to enter it. And if the Zimu River is forced to open a channel, it can only accommodate ten lords at a time.”

No wonder!

The strongest fighting force in the Kingdom of Daughters should be the Mythical Martial Honor Lord.

The Mythical Martial Honor Lord is the top fighting force in 90% of the territories, but in the eyes of the peak strong, it is not enough.

Let’s not talk about the distant ones, just take Jiang Chen as an example.

Although Jiang Chen’s real level is only 240, even if he does not activate the Law of Heaven and Earth, he can easily kill several ordinary Mythical Martial Honor Lords. After all, he not only has the Judgment Set, but also has reached the Mythical Seven Stars.

With the Kingdom of Daughters as the center, there are probably not many people in the thousands of territories within hundreds of millions of kilometers who can survive Jiang Chen’s move, but Jiang Chen never takes action himself.

Even the high-level mythical dragon girl has a fighting power that exceeds that of an ordinary Mythical Martial Honor Lord.

The King of Daughters knew that Jiang Chen had mastered the Law of Heaven and Earth, so it was natural to seek their help.

Jiang Chen suddenly asked, “Can’t other lords enter through space props?”

“No, this is a restriction at the rule level!” The queen immediately shook her head, “Space props can be loaded with supplies and equipment, as much as you want, but they can’t be loaded with other lords.”

Jiang Chen nodded.

It seems that there is no loophole to exploit, otherwise the success rate will be much higher if the Jianghuang Benji is used to bring all the lords of the Kingdom of Women in.

“Unfortunately, according to the terms of the Journey to the West mission, I cannot invite the lords of the Divine Realm to participate in the mission directly, otherwise I will directly invite the Eternal Martial Lord Medanzo.”

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen said solemnly:

“We have accepted this job, but we have to wait for some time, so let me prepare.”

When the queen saw Jiang Chen agreed, a lively smile appeared on her golden mask for the first time: “Of course, the Tiankui Realm is not trivial. At least we have to wait until the two masters reach the maximum level to be more confident. The two masters will stay in my Kingdom of Women for a few years first.”

For the lords of the fifth heaven, a few years is not a long time, and they can wait.

But Jiang Chen couldn’t wait: “That’s not necessary. Let’s rest for a week and then we’ll set off immediately.”

“One week?”


The reason for resting for a week is to transfer the small general.

One week later.

Jiang Chen was ready.

The Queen of Daughters wanted to persuade her again, but Jiang Chen let her slip and shut up instantly.

Jiang Chen, the Dragon Girl, the Queen of Daughters, and seven female generals dived into the water upstream of the Zimu River and went upstream along the river.

Soon, everyone saw the cross section of the Zimu River. It was a gray barrier leading to an unknown world, and the turbulent river water flowed out of the cross section.

Because of the special nature of river-type buildings, sneaking into different worlds through rivers has always been popular among many races. For example, the mythical hero Anduin of Xingtong sneaked into the netherworld through the long river of blood.

Therefore, everyone’s actions at this moment can only be regarded as routine operations.

After the Queen of Daughters’ operation, the Zimu RiverEnergy gathered in the water, and a passage that could only accommodate one person soon appeared on the gray barrier.

“I emphasize again that it is not allowed to secretly carry heroes, soldiers, or other lords, otherwise the passage will collapse instantly when entering the Tiankui Realm. If there is no problem, everyone should enter quickly, this passage will not last long.”

After speaking, she rushed in first.

After the queen entered, the passage shrank a few times, and everyone did not dare to neglect it.

After all ten people entered, the passage flashed violently a few times, and then collapsed directly, turning into a gray barrier again.

On the other side of the barrier, it was still the Zimu River.

It just turned into a turbulent river water flowing into the gray barrier and disappeared.

“Are we there?”

“Not yet, this is the world of thunder. Everyone, be careful not to float to the surface, those thunder masters are not easy to mess with!”

After speaking, the Queen of the Daughters led everyone to continue swimming forward for hundreds of kilometers, and then saw the second barrier.

After safely passing through the space barrier of the Thunder World, everyone finally surfaced, and the queen breathed a sigh of relief:

“We’re here, this is the Tiankui Realm!”

Jiang Chen looked at the intact trumpet general in the Jianghuang Benji and breathed a sigh of relief.

There is a line in the skill description of [One Qi into Three Pure Ones]: In the Heavenly Dao mission, the main body, trumpet, and clone will be judged as one person.

Although there is a 99% chance, you have to try it to know.

It was also the first time for the Dragon Girl to enter the Tiankui Realm, and she immediately exclaimed:

“I clearly feel that the speed of my body absorbing spiritual energy is more than twice as fast, and my spirit is clearer!”

“That’s natural, the Lord’s Holy Land is not called for nothing. Of course, without the protection of heroes and soldiers, our danger is also a hundred times and a thousand times that of the outside world.”


As soon as the voice of the Daughter Kingdom fell.

There were bursts of low roars from the shore.

Everyone looked up and saw countless huge monsters that were at least hundreds of meters high and thousands of meters long on the shore.

They were all Komodo monsters.

When these Komodo monsters saw the people suddenly appearing in the Zimu River, they became agitated and attacked directly, causing the Zimu River to roll violently.

“Damn it!” The queen shouted angrily, “Don’t let their attacks fall on the Zimu River. Let’s go ashore and then go upstream from the shore!”


It is obvious that this is not the first time the queen has come, so it is always right to listen to the queen.

There are no heroes, no arms, and it all depends on the personal combat power of ten lords. The first thing they face is a tribe composed of hundreds of thousands of Komodo monsters. Jiang Chen even sensed three mythical auras in it.

Fortunately, everyone is strong. Not to mention Jiang Chen, ordinary mythical military lords will not take legendary wild monsters seriously.

Jiang Chen holds the Blade of Stars in his right hand and the Blade of Judgment in his left hand, and kills directly into the group of monsters.

“Legendary bosses are rarely seen in the outside world, but here they are seen in groups. It seems that Tiankui Realm is not only a holy place for cultivation, but also a good place to brush high-level props!”

A sword energy several thousand meters long shot out from Jiang Chen’s hand, passing by the ground a hundred meters away in a fan shape.

Puff puff puff——

After dozens of Kodo giant beasts were stiff for a moment, their huge bodies collapsed!

This also kicked off the prelude to the battle.

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