Star lock, another built-in skill of the Blade of Stars.

With the help of the Eternal Item, a star is forcibly bound.

In Jira’s shocked eyes, a starlight on the Blade of Stars shot up into the sky, pierced through the clouds, and shot into the void of the sky billions of miles away. The starlight was like a chain, linked to a shining star.

In an instant…


Jiang Chen’s ten thousand meter tall body disappeared directly at a speed far beyond the visible speed of the naked eye, leaving only a strange cry echoing between heaven and earth.

It is impossible to lock Jiang Chen’s trajectory with the naked eye alone. Only the precision instruments on the Ark can barely detect some data.

The Ark spirit stuttered and reported:

“Commander, Jiang Chen’s speed instantly reached… reached…”

“Tell me, how much?”

“Reached tens of thousands of kilometers per second…”

“Mr. Duo?”

“Tens of thousands of kilometers per second!”


Jira was instantly distracted.

It was not until a few seconds later that he came back to his senses and trembled:

“Traveling thousands of miles a day while sitting on the ground!!! Locking onto the stars!!! He actually locked onto a star!!!”

Just at this time, Raphael’s message came.

“It seemed that something flew thousands of kilometers to my right and disappeared in an instant.”

“That was Jiang Chen…”

Soon, all the strong men in Tiantang Mountain knew what had happened.

“Locking the stars… is definitely an eternal treasure! Jiang Chen has this method, plus the burst ability, it will be even more difficult to kill Jiang Chen in the future, unless he is killed instantly and not given the opportunity to use this trick.”

Michael said hoarsely:

“This Jiang Chen’s methods are endless, which is really a big worry for my lord!”

Jira asked: “What should we do next?”


After a moment of silence, Michael said:

“After hearing the news about Jiang Chen, go to block him immediately, at least don’t let him score smoothly; others should do their best to score points, in short, Jiang Chen must not be allowed to obtain the position of the Ten Thousand Races Martial Temple! We have hundreds of eternities, if Jiang Chen is allowed to enter the Martial Temple again, how can we face my lord?”

Raphael said seriously: “Don’t worry, we all have at least a million myths, and Jiang Chen’s myth powerhouses should not exceed 300,000, the advantage is on us!”

In a map.

Several demon lords who have a good relationship are forming a group to kill monsters, and they are having a lot of fun.


The whole world seemed to be instantly detonated. A few dozen kilometers away, a volcano several thousand meters high was directly blown into pieces.


A demon lord just had time to shout, and the wind pressure that seemed to be real was pressing on him and his legion.

Bang, bang, bang——

Even though they were dozens of kilometers apart, his legions below the Excellence level were instantly crushed into meat paste, and the Epic Legion was bleeding from the mouth and nose, dying.

“What… happened?!!”

A succubus lord looked confused.

Another Flame Demon Lord also murmured: “It is said that the Ten Thousand Races Martial Temple is full of dangers. I should have listened to the advice!”

After the wind and waves passed, several demon lords took off carefully this time and looked up. As a result, they were shocked to find that a straight area on the ground that was hundreds of kilometers wide seemed to have just been ravaged by a hurricane. It was a mess, and the length extended to the farthest point that could be seen. I don’t know how long it is.

“Too terrible!”

Several demon lords swallowed their saliva, looking at their legions with heavy casualties, their hearts bleeding.

The most important thing is that they didn’t even know what they were attacked by.

After a brief discussion, they decided to leave the Wanzu Wu Temple immediately.

The Wanzu Wu Temple is too dangerous!

How could they know that this was just the wind pressure brought by a guy “swinging” by.

Supersonic fighters can easily shatter glass, not to mention that Jiang Chen’s speed has reached tens of thousands of kilometers per second, one-thirtieth of the speed of light.

Tens of thousands of kilometers per second is difficult to achieve on the surface of the material world, even a void engine like the Sky Blade is impossible.

But for the relative movement between stars, it is not difficult.

At this moment, Jiang Chen tightly grasped the Blade of the Stars, trying his best to maintain the hardness and direction of the Starlight Chain to ensure that he would not be pulled into the void outside the sky, but fly close to the Zhenwu World.

The spiritual shield that had just been activated had already collapsed. Jiang Chen’s strong physique comparable to the Eternal Six Stars held on. Even so, the Law of Heaven and Earth was cracked inch by inch.

“Who locked onto my kingdom of God?”

A huge voice suddenly came along the star chain.

Every star in the chaotic world outside the sky is a kingdom of God or a throne of God.

Jiang Chen did not lock onto his own star, because the relative speed between his star and the world in front of him was only a few hundred kilometers per second, which was too slow.

“I’m borrowing your kingdom of God for a while, don’t be so stingy!” Jiang Chen took the time to reply.The other party seemed a little angry: “How dare you, do you know who I am?”

Jiang Chen had already endured the pain of being torn apart by the hurricane, and now he was repeatedly questioned, and he was a little impatient: “Bullshit, how can I know if you don’t tell me?”

He really didn’t know, but just picked a suitable one at random.


More than a minute later.

Jiang Chen felt that his endurance had reached its limit, and shouted softly:


From beginning to end, Jiang Chen didn’t know who the other party was, and it is estimated that the other party didn’t know who he was.

The star chain broke, and without external power, Jiang Chen, under the dual effects of gravity and resistance, fell to the ground like a meteor.

Jiang Chen wanted to rely on flying clouds and geomagnetic force to stabilize his body, but at such a high speed, the clouds could not condense at all, let alone manipulate the geomagnetic force.


Jiang Chen tried to maintain balance and tried to brake with his long legs of thousands of meters, but as soon as his feet touched the ground, he became a rolling gourd due to inertia.

Finally, his ten-thousand-meter-tall body rolled hundreds of kilometers on the ground, smashing countless mountains until it fell into a magma lake and stopped.

“Damn, Heaven Mountain!”

The ten-thousand-meter-tall body slowly stood up from the magma lake, and the hot magma flowed down along the body like a waterfall. Jiang Chen cursed:

“I’ll remember this grudge!”

For so many years since the opening of the area, Jiang Chen has always been hiding in the back and living a life of luxury. When has he ever been so embarrassed?

It really hurt just now!

After cursing for a while, after confirming that there was no threat, the Fa Tian Xiang Di, which had reached its limit, dissipated on the spot, leaving only the Blade of Stars and Jiang Huang Ben Ji suspended in the air.

At the same time, Jiang Huang Ben Ji had been opened.

The Sky City flew out of it.

Jiang Chen’s real body stood at the edge of the Sky City, waved his hand gently, took back the Blade of Stars and Jiang Huang’s Chronicle, and then shouted:

“Alarm is lifted!”

After everyone in the Divine Realm looked at the coordinates, they were all dumbfounded.

“One million kilometers, in less than two minutes, we actually reached a million kilometers away!”

“Even if we use the Zhenwu Talisman, we have to fly out of the restricted air zone of tens of thousands of kilometers! In other words, at least 500 kilometers per second!”

“Could it be that Jiang Huang’s Chronicle also has the ability to change time, and in fact several hours have passed!”

Jiang Chen did not explain too much.

“Okay, okay, go do what you need to do!”

“Empress, coordinate and organize monster hunting, Paris, be alert!”

“Zulong, Blood Ancestor, Golden Crow Legion, Sword Raising Legion, and Jaina’s Heavenly Sound Goddess who is practicing Thunder and Fire, all go out to score points.”

“Little Man, don’t be idle, spread out the High Speed ​​Legion and help me find monsters.”

“It would be best if we can find a few giant cities!”

Although he killed five Eternal Angels unexpectedly, if he really fought with Jila, he would be the one who was annihilated, and even a miserable victory would be impossible.

After seeing the true combat power of the first-level strongman, Jiang Chen finally dared not hide anything, and even spread out all the more than 20 Eternal strongmen under his command, including Zulong.

Get a king and a saint, so that they can exchange…


Thinking of this, Jiang Chen slapped his forehead.

He was attacked by Jila just after entering the Ten Thousand Races Martial Temple, and he had not yet checked the exchange list of the Zhenwu Mall.

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