“This is not a mock exam, it can really kill people!”

“Brothers, you must strengthen your realm outside the town!”

“It’s hard to guard against it…”

The two countries are enemies, and it just happened to be the town killing points ranking competition.

For a moment, everyone was in danger.

At this time.

Muto Sora said: “Hahahaha, Xia Wushang? It turns out that I just sealed your Yongye Town! Aren’t you very active? Are you afraid now?”

Xia Wushang was not afraid: “What am I afraid of? Although there are only 600 people in Yongye Town, if you want to destroy us, you, Muto Sora, will have to peel off a layer of skin!”

Muto Sora sneered: “Do you think we are the only town? Let me tell you, this time His Excellency Shenba sent heavy troops to support! Our two towns are united, what can you do to resist?”

As soon as these words came out, the morale of the lord of Yongye Town, which was not easy to raise, fell into a trough again.

“Shenba Town, ranked fourth on the killing list? It’s finished now! The space is sealed, and you can’t run away even if you want to!”

“Woo woo, I said that the blood crystal bat was strange a few days ago, but no one of you paid attention to me!”

“What’s there to be afraid of? The dead will fly up to the sky, and we will fight the devils!”

The lords of Sakura Country were envious and jealous.

Hojo Mai even cursed directly: “Baka! Muto Sora, if you give Yongye Town to me, I can immediately surpass Ying Yinman and regain the first place in the killing ranking!”

Seeing this, Jiang Chen was stunned.

Blood crystal bat?

It can’t be such a coincidence!

Jiang Chen immediately contacted the lord just now to confirm the appearance of the blood crystal bat and the terrain around Yongye Town.

Finally, it was basically confirmed.

Xia Wushang’s Yongye Town was the Dragon Country town explored by the blood crystal bat a few days ago.

This made Jiang Chen overjoyed!

Even if we don’t talk about the killing points delivered to the door.

Jiang Chen couldn’t watch his fellow Dragon countrymen being slaughtered right before his eyes.

At this time.

Xia Wushang said calmly: “My fellow Dragon countrymen, the devils have entered the town! Even if there are only a dozen days, I am very honored to fight side by side with my brothers!”

The indifference of the last words, but with the tragic death.

The Dragon Country Lord felt like a thorn in his throat.

Muto Sora, however, had a condescending attitude as a winner: “Listen, Lord of Yongye Town, I am only for killing points this time. If you give up resistance and hand over heroes and arms, I may be able to spare your lives if I feel better!”

Xia Wushang: “Lord of Dragon Country, I would rather die standing than live on my knees!”

Jiang Chen immediately said: “Brothers of Yongye Town, hold on, I am trying to find a way to support you.”

Jiang Chen told the truth.

But it attracted a round of ridicule from the Lord of Sakura Country.

Muto Sora sneered, “Support? I’m already outside Yongye Town, what support can you bring? This time I’m going to live broadcast the slaughter of Yongye Town!”

Then, a message popped up on the county channel.

[Lord Muto Sora has established a live broadcast room. ]

Muto Sora is so arrogant.

The lords of Longguo were both angry and helpless.

Jiang Chen opened the live broadcast room and found that the view was indeed outside a small town.

“That’s good, I can always keep track of his movements!”

Then, Jiang Chen dialed Xia Wushang’s video.

After a brief communication, Xia Wushang was first happy, and then hurriedly said:

“Brother Jiang Chen has created an excellent military force, and his future achievements are limitless. We are not worth your risk!”

Jiang Chen said:

“Brother Xia, don’t worry, I know my limits!”

“What Yongye Town needs to do is to delay as much time as possible!”

Time is urgent, and Jiang Chen cut off the video without waiting for Xia Wushang to say anything else.

Then he gave an order.

“Upgrade the Lord’s Mansion to Level 6!”

“Complete immediately.”

[Hint: You have upgraded to the Lord’s Mansion to Level 6, unlocked the building “Embassy”, and the territory area has increased to 180,000 square meters. 】

He had no time to pay attention to the newly unlocked buildings and the skyrocketing territory area.

“Upgrade the Anywhere Door to Level 6!”

The Anywhere Door was upgraded again, and Jiang Chen could walk 100 kilometers less.

Then, Jiang Chen issued an order through the Lord’s Heart.

“All heroes and epic troops above level 20, gather in the territory immediately…”

When Jiang Chen assembled the troops.


In the county channel, a mayor of the Sakura Country suddenly said:

“Baga, my town has also been banned!”

Ying Yinman, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly appeared: “I was planning to prepare for another day… Muto Sora, if you dare to kill one person from my Dragon Country, I will kill 10 people from your Sakura Country!”

This is considered a hostage exchange!

Jiang Chen shook his head.

It is not surprising that Ying Yin Man has the epic flying troop Iron Eagle Warriors and can explore other towns.


Ying Yin Man wanted to save the hundreds of Dragon Kingdom lords in Yongye Town so much that he ignored the nature of the Sakura people.

As expected.

Muto Sora said coldly”Kill if you want to, no need to say more!”

The banned Sakura mayor shouted: “No, Mr. Muto, she wants to kill me! Lao Qin Town ranks first in killing points! We can’t resist!”

Muto Sora: “Baga! It’s your honor to die on the battlefield!”

Ying Yinman was helpless: “Brothers of Yongye Town, I’m sorry, I can’t rescue you. But I swear in the name of the descendants of the first queen, I will make Muto and Shenba pay with blood!”

Xia Wushang: “Hahaha, thank you sister Ying! With this sentence from sister Ying, we can die with our eyes closed!”

Xia Wushang is in his early twenties, tall, with thick eyebrows, big eyes and square face.

At this moment, he is on his way at full speed with heroes and soldiers.

And Yongye Town has already become a mess.

“How about we flee out of the town?”

“Humph, flee out of the town? The teleportation point leading to the town has probably been blocked by the devils!”

“Wow, I don’t want to die. I am the only child of my parents. How sad will they be if I die? I should have listened to them and moved out of the town earlier!”

They are not soldiers. Most of them are students who are the lords for the first time and have only a lot of enthusiasm.


Someone exclaimed: “Li Jie’s avatar turned black and white! He is dead!!!”

This caused great panic.

Xia Wushang and several town officials immediately came out to maintain order:

“Have you forgotten the tragedy in District 632? Don’t expect that the Japanese will let you go after you surrender!”

“Brothers, now! Immediately! Give up your territory and peasants, and gather with your heroic troops in the Eternal Night Mountains!”

“The Japanese used several scrolls of excellence to seal the Eternal Night Mountains, and the sealing time is only 1 day!”

“The Eternal Night Mountains are easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as we can survive 1 day, everyone can use the Anywhere Door to escape!”

Although the private chat with Jiang Chen just now gave Xia Wushang a glimmer of hope.

It was just a glimmer of hope.


Xia Wushang sighed.

Even if the two towns are adjacent to each other as Jiang Chen said.

The distance between the towns is at least 700 to 800 kilometers.

Longyuan Town is not as long-planned as Muto Town and Shenba Town.

Even in the most optimistic scenario, Jiang Chen’s portal has been upgraded to level 5, and the remaining hundreds of kilometers will probably take half a day to travel.

Not to mention, Jiang Chen will have to spend time to gather the war lords.

“There are only 4 teams of outstanding soldiers in our town. Can they last for most of the day?”

Xia Wushang naturally didn’t know.

Jiang Chen had no intention of gathering other war lords in the town.

Instead, he killed them himself.

And he flew over.

“Hahaha, ten times the killing points…”

In a ruined territory.

Muto Sora laughed loudly:

“Sure enough, killing other lords is the fastest way to get points.”

Maori Hachiro, who represented Shenba Town, fiddled with the blueprint he had just obtained and laughed:

“Yoshi, Amaterasu has blessed us. We just destroyed this arrow tower and not only obtained resources, but also a blueprint!”

Along with the two of them, there were dozens of lords, hundreds of heroes, and thousands of soldiers!

At this time.

A ghost Yin Yang Master suddenly reported: “Lord, we just detected the breath of many living people moving towards the center of the town!”

Muto Sora frowned: “You still want to struggle? It seems that they want to gather together to fight us. It must be a dangerous place. It’s really troublesome!

“Ants, always thinking about stealing life!” Maori Hachiro sneered, “But it’s good this way, so we don’t have to look for them everywhere, we can catch them all in one fell swoop!

Muto Sora nodded, and then issued an order to the temporary war group: “To the center of the town, surround the Dragon Country people!”

One hour later.

Next to a teleportation point outside Yongye Town.

Several lords of the Sakura Country are guarding the teleportation point with their men.

On the one hand, it is to be vigilant, and on the other hand, it is to prevent any fish from escaping the town.

Several people chatted while watching Muto Sora’s live broadcast.

“What bad luck! With such a good opportunity, we are assigned to guard the teleportation point!”

“Ono-kun, I heard that your uncle once participated in the holy war in Area 632. Is it true?”

“Hahaha, of course it’s true. My uncle said that the female lord of Dragon Country has the most violent temper…”

I don’t know what they said, but a burst of obscene laughter broke out.


One of them suddenly pointed to the distance and said:

“Ono-kun, do you see a figure over there?”

Several people looked over.

Only to see a figure in plain clothes appear at the edge of the fog.

As the figure slowly approached. Several people began to leave their mouths.Water.

“Although wearing a mask, the figure is really superb!”

“Could it be a lost hero or soldier of a Dragon Country lord?”

A trace of greed flashed in Ono-kun’s eyes, and he licked his lips and said:

“I’ll try to persuade him to surrender?”

As he said, he took a few steps forward.

At this moment.

The distance between the two sides was only a few dozen meters.

Li Hanyi looked at the three wretched people in front of him, his eyes full of disgust.

The Wusheng Sword was unsheathed instantly.

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