Universal Lords: Create A Shinto Fairyland From Scratch

Chapter 28 The First Wave Of Novice Trials, Passed Perfectly!

In fact, if it is based on normal logic, Luo Xi at this time is definitely not allowed to use firearms.

The existence of the Law of the Balance, mixed with the rookie trials of the Endless Void, generally speaking, operations like Luo Xi's current one.

Will make the difficulty of subsequent rookie trials increase exponentially. If Luo Xi is still the owner of the blue excellent quality at this time.

Needless to say, there is a 1000% probability that he will be eliminated due to the skyrocketing difficulty.

Here we have to mention one thing-absolute privacy in the territory.

The territory, as the private property of the lord, has a sacred and inviolable absolute privacy right.

As long as the lord does not personally wish, any peeping eyes cannot penetrate into the territory.

So, when conducting the rookie trial, you can carry all kinds of non-supernatural items, such as firearms.

As for how the will of the void can judge whether the lord carries a non-body prop such as a firearm, it will naturally wait until you use it.

In a sense, this is actually a way to skip class.

For example, if you find yourself unable to withstand the attack of the monster tide on the 30th day, you can shout to the sky: "Second Battalion Commander, where is your Italian cannon!" Then you can summon the "Italian cannon" and defeat the last wave of monsters, leaving nothing behind. However, although you can really skip classes, this operation will inevitably be targeted by the will of the Endless Void. Don't even think about the reward of the Endless Void. It's best to pray that you won't be tricked when the Void descends in the future. At this time, Luo Xi's method is to actively increase the difficulty, after all, it's only the first day. It can't be compared with the outrageous operation of taking out the Italian cannon on the last day. And Luo Xi also has his own deep meaning for doing this. As we all know, the main point of the Law of the Balance is fairness. The stronger the power of the lord himself, the stronger the crisis he will encounter. At the same time, the opportunities and resources he will get will be better. Besides, this is still a novice trial, a big treasure house, not to mention the final Void reward. The resources that exploded during the period will be more abundant because of the Novice Trial.

Maybe the resources gained from many times of Void Advent after the Novice Trial are not as good as the first Novice Trial.

So, Luo Xi at this time is completely paving the way for his future self, and Luo Xi also has a trump card, what is there to be afraid of?

Could it be that a Novice Trial can kill him? However, Luo Xi felt that this was not enough.

He squeezed Bronya's hand and said:

"Bronya, it's just right for you to try your hand and increase the difficulty."


Bronya smiled helplessly when she heard it. The doctor is like this, he likes some difficult challenges.

But he also accepted it calmly. Bronya believed that with her strength, she would not be able to overturn.

"Replicate, reorganize, upgrade!"

A set of silky little combos, a gun-shaped weapon appeared in Bronya's hand.

It looks a bit like a laser gun?

Luo Xi's heart tightened immediately. If this was a laser gun, would he be able to pass tomorrow's test?


Before Luo Xi could ask Bronya to stop this dangerous operation, Bronya let go of Luo Xi's hand.

Patting Luo Xi on the shoulder, he said:

"It's a small problem. When I entered this world and became the doctor's hero, I had already understood some of the 'rules'. I still have a sense of propriety."

This consolation made Luo Xi feel relieved. Luo Xi was really afraid that Bronya would make a laser gun.

Then the difficulty of tomorrow's test increased dramatically, so he didn't say anything more.

He took a slight step and retreated behind Bronya. Come on, the stage is handed over to Bronya, who should be invincible at this stage.

To be honest, Luo Xi was still a little afraid of seeing blood. Yes, that's right. It's right to hide behind people.

Feeling Luo Xi's actions, Bronya's face also showed some helplessness. She was still so "hiding".

However, being able to hide behind her is a good thing. Wouldn't it be good to be able to rely on her a little more?

The time it took to construct the gun was actually only a moment. As for the interaction between the two people in a short period of time, they aimed but did not shoot directly.

You have to make your doctor feel a little changed, right?

Then, pull the trigger.



This is a kind of armor-piercing bullet. If you want to fire a single shot in the form of a pistol, you need to cooperate with "source iron".

That is, a special mineral in the world after the exception. It has excellent ductility and is extremely hard after being formed.

In addition, Bronya can feel that although her physical strength at this time is not comparable to that of herself in the world after the exception.

However, it is much better than this timid doctor hiding behind her.

In this way, there is a basic physical strength to withstand the reaction force of the gun.

Although there is technology that can transform it into a recoilless gun, that kind of mineral and structure also requires a lot of mental strength.

In the new environment, apart from accompanying the doctor to make trouble, you still have to be cautious.

As the sound rang out, the big goblin more than ten meters in front of Luo Xi was also instantly shot in the head.

Suddenly, brains flew everywhere. Fortunately, the fences that the lord's territory came with were still very powerful.

Not only can it resist the attack of alien species, but it can also resist the entry of foreign substances. Luo Xi also praised this.

If it is this scene, Luo Xi can only say:

"It's very delicious! I can show off three bowls of rice in a row, okay!"

Okay, okay, no joke, Luo Xi doesn't have this special hobby, but for this kind of blood and flesh flying scene.

The school has had targeted training. If the lord goes out to kill monsters on the first day, his legs will go soft when blood and flesh are flying.

Then I'm very sorry, unless this person is lucky enough and the first hero is strong enough.

Otherwise, this person can only be sentenced to death, and it will also reduce the perception of some heroes towards the lord.

Anyway, there are some negative effects except for some heroes with special hobbies.

Who would like the lord who will follow him for the rest of his life to be a soft egg?

It was at this moment that the bullet shot by Bronya passed through the head of the big goblin.

A lot of information also sounded in Luo Xi's mind, which came from the information obtained after the Lord's Heart connected with the endless void.


[Battle Settlement]

Enemy: 10 level 1 goblins, 1 level 3 big goblin

Battle result: complete victory

Evaluation: S

Basic reward: 13 void source stones

Extra reward: 100 void crystals, territory building [bathhouse]


Then there are treasure chests dropped by killing these goblins.


Goblin kill treasure chest × 10

Big goblin kill treasure chest × 1


Treasure chests like this are basically void creatures, or creatures released by the void will in the rookie trial.

The explosion rate of treasure chests is generally 100%. For treasure chests like this, they are essentially the essence of these creatures.

Therefore, it is reasonable to drop treasure chests after killing them.

(ps I am really speechless. I was banned for asking for leave. I am really speechless!)

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