Universal Lords: Create A Shinto Fairyland From Scratch

Chapter 3 My Name Is Luo Xi, And I’M Going To Start Living In Seclusion!

Well, since I am no longer sleepy, I will introduce myself briefly.

My name is Luo Xi, and my courtesy name is Feng Xi.

For now, I think I am a relatively ordinary time traveler.

That's right, time traveler, a commonplace existence.

After all, in many story books, time traveler is a good protagonist theme.

For example, a certain existence above the immortal god in the Lord World Yanxia Renting is a time traveler!

Although I clearly know that I am not a protagonist, but who hasn't had such a protagonist dream?

Besides, I am only sixteen years old in this life. Isn't it normal to dream?

After I died in the last life, I was reborn into this world in a way similar to "reincarnation".

Time travel, time travel, such a magical thing actually happened to me, it's really incredible.

By the way, if you really have to count it, my way of time travel should be regarded as wearing.

Good! Luo Xi expressed physical and mental pleasure about this!

Of course, it is also possible that I accidentally broke the mystery of the womb and awakened the wisdom of my previous life.

However, how to travel through time, in what way to travel through time, why to travel here, and so on.

These are not what a rookie like me can understand now.

Anyway, I don’t remember the memories of my childhood in this life very clearly, so I can only give up thinking about it.

However, at least I can clearly feel that I am me!

Both my soul and my body belong to me!

This is a very comforting thing.

In this era, I was born in this great country-Yanxia Renting.

There are still many means to detect travelers.

There are many big guys who can detect travelers, such as soul system, time and space system, system system, etc.

As for travel through time, according to my understanding, it can be roughly divided into two ways of travel through time.

Wearing a body and soul.

According to official statistics, nearly 70% of travelers can actually have some relationship with the present supreme country.

The same soul source, or the same bloodline, the bloodline source.

There is nothing wrong with these divisions, they are just some identifications similar to identity.

After all, no one would like to see the person next to him or her suddenly change one day, right?

In short, there must be a part of the essence of the traverser and the people in this country that is the same source.

And these sources must be the unity of the soul source.

If there is no part of the same source, it will be blasted into slag by the defense array on the subordinate planet it traverses to at the first time of traversal.

The country I am traversing now is famous for being domineering to the outside world and kingly to the inside.

Although it is domineering to the outside world, it is still very gentle to the inside.

At least there will be no slicing research on these traversers.

Of course, since it is only gentle to the inside, it is only to the inside.

It is only limited to the part of the traverser with the same soul source.

Only in this way can it be guaranteed that they are "compatriots".

And a way of traversal like soul traversal will be detected at the first time of traversal to this country.

Then you will be "taken away" by the official department of Yanxia!

It is not a matter of slicing research, which is too cheap.

It is just to test the soul, and if the soul is of the same origin, it will directly reshape the soul.

That is to say, you will have a body again, a body that belongs to you.

Then put it in the area under the country.

It will be a different reincarnation.

As for the object of soul penetration, most of them can only be retrieved from the long river of time.

Whether it is the object of penetration or the person who penetrates, they are essentially one's own people. We are all flesh and blood.

If it is possible to penetrate directly, it would be better, saving many intermediate steps.

If the souls are of different origins, even if the blood is of the same origin, then I can only apologize.

"Take away" will really become "take away".

(ps: slice and slice!)

Blood and other things can be shaped, only the unity of the source of the soul is the real unity!

Because I was not detected, so I will just think that I was penetrated.

I am also quite special! With the memory of the previous life, Hui Su awakened very early.

It's a pity that although I am very special, I am also very ordinary.

At least until now, I have not found anything magical in myself.

Practice in advance?


Special physique?


... Like a golden finger or something?

None at all!

It can be said that the whole person was completely clean at the beginning of the time travel.

Come to think of it, after traveling through time, they didn't give any benefits that a time traveler should have. I'm really drunk!

Are the people of the "Tranverse Protection Association of the Heavens" just eating and drinking?

But I can only whisper and dare not speak loudly, for fear of retaliation, after all, there is such an organization in the heavens and the worlds.

Or am I just an ordinary Huisu awakener?

I don't know, anyway, I am just ordinary now, and there is no difference from the people around me.

At most, I have a few decades more experience than my peers.

However, experience is useless, almost useless.

At least now, it has no effect in this period of time, and it can't be the capital of one's pride.

Luo Xi firmly believes that only his fists and his own strength are the real capital for his foothold in this world.

And who knows if it will be like a certain great love immortal, and a Taoist friend named Bai will suddenly stab him in the back.

Directly clear Luo Xi's decades of experience.

Great love for the Immortal Venerable!

This knife, beware of arrogance and impatience!

Then in the Valley of Desolation...

When Luo Xi thought of this, he could not help but feel a little cold.

The key is that there are really a few classmates with the surname Bai around him.

So, people, don't be proud, you have to learn to be the sixth, be the sixth than anyone else, so that you can live longer than anyone else.

Although in this world, immortality is not a difficult thing.

It may also be because of the binding force of the supreme contract of the "Yanxia Human Cub Protection Contract".

Before awakening, people like him who did not carry the extraordinary gene at the beginning did not have the qualifications to contact the extraordinary.

That's why he didn't show any magical powers before awakening.

Of course, in the end, everything needs to wait until he awakens before it can be settled.

What's the saying?

Before the world is settled, you and I are all cattle and horses, bah... It's a dark horse!

Yes, that's right, the outcome is uncertain, you and I are both dark horses.

Maybe after you awaken, you will directly counterattack?

Don't underestimate yourself, believe in yourself, you are the best!

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