The value of ultra-level blueprints is definitely much higher than that of ultra-level equipment, more than a hundred times, but not more than a thousand times.

And this drawing in front of me,

It is not a conventional weapon or armor.

It is a communication and auxiliary effect equipment.

"Drawing: Seal of the Heart"

"Explanation: The Seal of the Heart is divided into 'main seal' and 'branch seal'. Owners of branch seals under the same main seal can communicate without delay across extremely long distances. Between the main seal and the owners of the main seal , the transmission distance is farther, and it can span a certain distance in the void."

"Explanation 2: The seal of the heart also has the effect of spiritual defense and preventing the mind from being spied on."

The Star Leader's communication equipment used to be communication earrings before.

The longest communication distance is 20 kilometers.

It's basically useless now.

Twenty kilometers away, Imiya and the others arrived in the blink of an eye. The aftermath of a battle spread hundreds of kilometers away. It was only twenty kilometers away, so it was better to just shout.

In the past, Jiang Yi still relied on primitive messenger soldiers for battlefield command in the light blue world.

Let the elf girls and faceless men convey messages from all over the world.

Longer distance command relies on the transmission of instructions between the lord and the hero.

Some are not enough.

After all, heroes are limited.

When he extracted the treasure this time, he specifically looked for communication equipment and blueprints. He originally expected it to be high-level equipment, but he didn't expect to find a super-level piece of equipment.

And it’s not just about being able to send messages.

There is also psychic defense.

"The ability of psychic defense is rare and precious."

"After all, psychic abilities are the most unpredictable and unreasonable. Just like Night Blade can steal shallow consciousness, Evelyn can penetrate into the target's dreams, read them, and even edit them.

Change information. "

"With the Seal of the Heart, you can defend and stop it, and you can also be vigilant in the worst case."

"Although the Seal of the Heart is a standard equipment, its effect is much worse than a single super-level psychic equipment, but..."

Usually the value of a piece of psychic equipment is more than ten times that of conventional equipment of the same level.

Although the effect of the Seal of Heart is weaker, its value is higher than that of conventional ultra-level equipment.

This is a bit scary!

Standard, it can be manufactured in batches, and the result is still more valuable than carefully forged? Grandmaster Lu Tie shed tears when he saw it.


This value refers to the main seal of the 'Seal of the Heart'. The grade of the branch seal is only equivalent to the high level, but again, it can be produced in batches and is extremely valuable.

Jiang Yi plans to make a few sets first.

A set consists of 1 main seal + 99 branch seals, a total of 100 seals. These 100 seals can be used without obstacles between one hundred people. Not only can they only be used for communication, but they can also be used in small-scale battles on the battlefield, and are even more effective.

"Yue Ying, let Grandmaster Lu Tie give priority to building the 'Seal of the Heart'. Let's make ten sets first."

Drawing entry.

The priest pulled aside.

In front of them, two round spheres that looked like full moons were floating, emitting a faint golden halo.

Both spheres have a diameter of one meter, which is not small. They have the glow of the starry sky and the beauty of moonlight, and some faint lines can be seen on them.

Showing a grayish color.

This is the divine pattern.

Most artifacts have divine patterns. How much power an artifact can exert depends on how many divine patterns its owner can light up.

‘The first quarter of the moon’ and ‘Tai Chi Tu (imitation)’ were all accidents.

They are all super unconventional artifacts.

And the Star and Moon Pendant in front of me...

"Well it's not a regular artifact either."

"This is a suit, two artifacts, but when combined into one, they can explode with even greater power."

"Let's take a look. The use of this artifact is in-depth and divided into several levels."

"One divine pattern, three divine patterns, fifteen divine patterns, one hundred and eight divine patterns... When the 108 divine patterns are fully lit, this artifact can explode with all its power."

The number of divine patterns on an artifact not only represents the difficulty of acquiring it, but also measures the level of its production.

108 divine patterns,

According to the data he controls, it is the top of the high-level artifacts. If the two star-moon pendants merge into one, I am afraid it will be very close to the main god level.

It is indeed an artifact that I opened.

It is already the origin of the higher world, one of the most extreme treasures that can be developed...

"Star and Moon Pendant (single)"

"Level: High-level Artifact"

ooo please flowers.......

"Divine Pattern: 108J

"Ability: impact, freeze, kill"

"Special: Gemini"

Taken apart into individual pieces, this is a "simple" offensive artifact.

Jiang Yi copied Imiya's template.

The power of the moonlight spread out, wrapping one of the Star-Moon Pendant and slowly deepening it.

quite a while,

A gray divine pattern on the top of the Star-Moon Pendant lights up, indicating that he can start using this artifact to infuse divine power.


A round sphere with a diameter of one meter flew up, expanded ten to a hundred times in a single thought, and immediately smashed...

brake! Brake for me!

It's easy to smash it down, but when you have to brake, you find that you are not strong enough. The destructive power of this artifact sphere is probably more powerful than the ultimate move of Flash Firefly during the rookie game.


This must be stopped.

Jiang Yi instantly switched Yaxi's template, and a purple giant appeared, holding up the sky with both hands.


The giant's armor cracked.

The star-moon pendant, which was a hundred meters in diameter and carried vast power, finally stopped and slowly shrank without support.

Jiang Yi wiped his sweat.

Yue Ying, who had just returned from a business trip, wiped the sweat off his face and said, "This kind of exercise is quite harmful to your health."

Jiang Yi: "."

Can he say that he is not exercising?

He certainly can't say it!

The Star-Moon Pendant is very powerful.

Even for a half-assed person like himself, even if he only lights up one divine pattern, Jiang Yi feels that he can beat a four- or five-star demigod.

What if all of them are lit up?

That would be 108 times more powerful than before!

I dare not think about it, and in the hands of Yi Miya and Yi Qi, the power would be different.

He looked at the last treasure.

In terms of value, this treasure is not inferior to the Star-Moon Pendant o Gemini.

In practical terms, it is even better.

More than ten times!

Because this is...

"Heart of the Camp"

"Grade: Special"

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