Facing the Lord of Heaven, if they cannot defeat him, they can just retreat. At least the camp cannot be destroyed. With the current status and influence of the Starry Sky Camp, it would be a joke for Heaven to suppress it.

However, the Zerg is different. He has already found out that the Zerg mother nest has the ability to devour and destroy the foundation of the camp.

Like a virus, like a tumor, it continues to grow and devour everything, and directly engulfs (bcfd) the entire universe.

No wonder the universe rules will appear and drop rewards that day. It is really too threatening for the Zerg... Once the Zerg rushes into this universe of all realms, lurks, and develops and devours everything wantonly, I am afraid that it will not take long for the entire universe of all realms to be riddled with holes.

They may not be very afraid of these camps, but in the conventional world outside the world, once a mother nest falls into it and lurks in it to develop, it is difficult to find it.

If it is not blocked in the early stage, the mother nest will devour the origin of the world and develop like a snowball.

When the mother nests develop one by one and engulf the entire world outside the world, their camps will also be in danger at that time.

Not to mention...

"Back then, the Eternal Forest camp was not clear about the Zerg, was too careless, missed the best time to contain it, and was allowed to grow and develop by the Zerg, and was devoured from the inside out, which eventually led to the destruction of this camp."

Of course, this is also related to the Zerg's strongmen and the fact that the Eternal Forest camp was at war with the Blood Moon and other camps at that time.

In short,

Three years ago, the front line blocked the Zerg wave. Although there are still some Zerg in the universe at this time, it is still a relatively favorable situation. The Zerg cannot rush into the universe.

The front line,

Compared to three years ago, the entire defense line is more than a hundred times larger. During this period, several camp meetings were held to demarcate their respective defense zones.

Starry Sky is still centered on the previous camp, but the defense zone has expanded thousands of times. In contrast, the power is much greater, and many camps are under their jurisdiction.

Of course, it's just in name only.

Jiang Yi doesn't care. He uses this power to arrange various defensive buildings in his vast defense zone.

The upper god-level building 'Nine Stars Shooting Tower' is now just a very inconspicuous one in his starry sky defense zone.

Blueprints above the god level are rare, and those of the main god level and the god king level are even rarer, but Jiang Yi still has them.

The main god-level defense building 'Tower of Light' was opened, which contains powerful light priesthood power and has the real speed of light. If there are enough people to surround and kill, even the existence of the god king realm will be in trouble.

The only drawback is that this building is a point-to-point killing, and the killing range is not wide enough, and it is only suitable for dealing with strong people.

But it doesn't matter, he still has other defense buildings.

For example, the Burning Thunder Cannon, once fired, the whole world will turn into a sea of ​​thunder and destroy everything.

For example, the ultra-long-range attack building called Eternal Blazing Sun, this is a god king-level building, the attack frequency is very low, but once fired, it can turn into a terrible eternal blazing sun, containing surging light, fire, and destruction priesthood power.

If hit head-on, the existence of the god king will be severely injured or even fall.

All of these, the Starry Sky Camp quietly deployed in their own defense zone.

Jiang Yi looked into the distance, there was a wisp of fate chords fluctuating, "Here, will be the intersection of the fate of the entire universe, and..."

"The war is coming."

A few days later, the Lord of Heaven made a public appearance.

Although Wei Ye still had an endless and majestic posture that could not be ignored, this was indeed the first time he had made a public appearance in front of outsiders in several epochs.

For a time, the forces that were friendly to Heaven were ecstatic.

And with the Lord of Heaven, there were also the Supremes of Heaven, more than before! Some were hidden, and some were newly promoted.

There were a total of fourteen Supremes! Among them, there were five from the angel faction! One of them had always served beside the Lord of Heaven, and was the oldest and most powerful angel.

The Seraphs and Guardian Angels were not as good as him.

The appearance of the fourteen Supremes was shocking.

Of course, it's not just Heaven that has hidden and newcomers. For example, the Dungeon Camp has five Supremes, not all of whom have come to the front line, but one of them has come even though his real body has not come.

For example, the Alchemy Camp has three Supremes on the surface, but in fact there are four, and there are two ancient Alchemy lives with the fighting power of Supremes, that is, the six Supremes!

The Knowing Camp has four Supremes, but according to the usual style of the Knowing Camp, there are four, but it is possible that there are actually six or eight.

The Giant Camp next door is very upset. How come you all have hidden? One of them has fallen, and the Giant Camp, which has only two Supremes left, is even more upset.

Even the second-rate Wizard Camp is said to have a newcomer who has entered the Supreme Realm, and the number is equal to their Giants.

The Giant Camp continues to be autistic.

Not long after the Lord of Heaven appeared, the second dominant existence arrived.

413 Dragon Palace, Seven Dragons! (Subscribe)

The arrival of the second master-level being was not surprising. At least Jiang Yi had guessed that with the Lord of Heaven coming out of retreat, he and the first master-level being would also come out of retreat.

But the one who came this time was still a little surprising.

It was the undead camp that had always been very low-key and had little presence.

The Lord of the Undead, the Emperor of the Undead.

As he walked by, time and space rippled, as if he existed in the past and in the future, and the long river of life flowed with a wave of his hand.

Jiang Yi vaguely saw the appearance of this person, a middle-aged man with a peaceful face, which was his external image.

If you only look at the appearance and the charm of He 2, you will never imagine that this person is the Lord of the Undead. There are more gods who believe that He 2 is the Lord of Heaven.

"Reincarnation from death, the two original priesthoods of life and death flow with He 3's thoughts."

Jiang Yi exclaimed.

This move is low-key and powerful. Of course, only a supreme existence like him can understand the connotation. Ordinary gods who eat melons will also,



"Worship the supreme Lord of the Undead!-"

However, the gods cannot understand the connotation of the Lord of the Undead, but they can understand the existences that appear with the Lord of the Undead.

Skeleton King!

Lich Scourge!

Bone Dragon Venerable!

Death Knight King!

And so on, one by one, the supreme existences, some are well-known, and some are appearing for the first time.

These supreme beings in the Undead Camp are still easy to identify. The many factions of the Undead have always been famous in the universe.

Skeleton system.

Walking corpse system.

Ghost system.

Lich system.

Undead Knight system.

Skeleton Dragon Ghost Dragon system.


Even the weakest Skeleton system, which is equivalent to cannon fodder in the eyes of many lords, has become a supreme existence in the Undead Camp.

The Undead outside the Undead Camp are very weak, but no one dares to underestimate the Undead Camp itself, even if it is low-key, and the top ten in the rookie game are the least of the seven top ones, and they dare not be underestimated.

Most of the Undead Lords are in the late stage, and the more they snowball, the stronger they are. At this time, with the appearance of the Undead Emperor, this point is also proved.

"Eighteen supreme beings!"

"The Undead Camp actually has eighteen supreme beings, four more than the Heaven Camp."

"It's hard to say who is stronger between the Lord of the Undead and the Lord of Heaven, but the Supreme Realm is stronger than the Undead."

"Not necessarily, maybe the Supreme Being of Heaven is stronger."

"Before, they were suppressed by the Starry Sky, so will they be stronger now?"

"Well, you're right, it's true."

After the Undead Emperor showed his face for a while, more than ten days later, the Lord of the First Realm Prison of the Hell Camp arrived.


It was the Lord of the Beast King Camp, the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts.

The oldest ancestor of the Blood Moon Camp, the First Blood Ancestor.

The Lord of the Dragon Island Camp... The Lord of the Dragon Island Camp did not come.

It's not clear whether it's because the dragons are always lazy, or because the state of this Lord is not enough to support Mu Ye's long journey?

Jiang Yi thought.

Ordinary gods don't know the ins and outs of this, but the Lord of the Dragon Camp didn't show up, and the momentum of the entire camp was weakened by more than one head. Even the vassal forces of the dragons seemed to be a little ashamed when facing other top vassal forces.

"But the Lord of the Dragon Palace hasn't come yet, and he won't come either."

"The Lord of the Dragon Camp has never had a sense of existence. Although there are quite a lot of dragons who have walked out of the Supreme Realm, but... the Dragon Palace is different. The Dragon Lord often shows up."

Although it has not walked out of the Dragon Palace camp for several epochs, the Dragon Palace occasionally holds a Dragon Palace banquet every few thousand or tens of thousands of years. If you are lucky, you can even see the supreme Dragon Lord from afar.

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