The brilliant light, almost instantly, enveloped the entire Leviathan.

This evil and terrible thing actually has a sense of holiness.

The angels who assisted around them, feeling this power, also held their hands to their chests and sang noble songs.

There are also tentacles spreading and surging around.

Evil and holiness are intertwined.

This face,

For a while, Chen Mo didn't know how to describe it.

Well, it's quite interesting anyway.

That is, he is so powerful that he can fuse so many forces and see such a scene.

I believe that in the future, it will be even more weird and majestic!

Chen Mo withdrew his gaze and looked at the technology overlord who had already stepped through the portal and arrived in front of him.

"You guys participated in creating the angel rebirth pool throughout the process, do you have any insights?"

Chen Mo asked.

When Luo Bing made the angel rebirth pool, Chen Mo sent a large number of green-skinned engineers to assist in order to speed up.

Of course, this is not white-minded either.

They are all elites cultivated by Chen Mo and have unique insights in terms of technology.

The technology overlord Gong 05 respectfully crawled at Chen Mo's feet and spoke:

"Back to the Great Divine Will, we are already integrating the memories of tens of thousands of engineers!

We observed the scans from different angles, and with the help of Ms. Luo Bing, we personally participated in the construction and gained most of the knowledge of building the rebirth pool. "

"Through this great project, we even have two technicians who have been praised by Ms. Luo Bing, and they have also been recognized by all of us!"

"I have personally tested 2 of them, and there is no doubt that they have the talent to become elite!"


Get recognized!

In the context of Green Skin, this is equivalent to emerging and gaining the blessing of my search force field.

What a surprise.

Chen Mo couldn't help but smile, and he asked the names of the two technicians.

At the same time, immediately mark these two as special elites for long-term observation!

I believe that it will not be long before these two technicians can grow from ordinary green skins to technological hegemons.

In this way, there are 3 technical overlords under Chen Mo.

This is a technical class that can independently develop Level 2 civilization technology.

Quite powerful, the memories and knowledge stored in the astral realm, they can quickly integrate and create corresponding devices.

The most important thing is that these knowledge are equivalent to Chen Mo's originality, and there will be no traces of any Star Soul World Councillor or some evil god.

At the same time, this will also be the most suitable knowledge for the Greenskins.

It may not be useful yet.

But Chen Mo had a hunch that in the future, this decision would benefit him a lot.

"These two technology overlords, I want to give them a new name, and give them more permissions, let them work hard, knowledge is power!"

Chen Mo said.

"Yes! Follow the guidance of the Great Divine Will! We will definitely find more power! "

The head of the technological overlord crept lower, and the thick voice was actually a little trembling.

Is this a gift from the divine will?

That's great!

To receive the gaze of the divine will means sublimation.


From now on, more responsibility, but also means, stronger power!

For Chen Mo's words, he did not have the slightest doubt. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Divine will, omnipotent!

After the technology overlord retreated, Chen Mo turned his gaze and looked at the angel rebirth pool that was gradually being infected and controlled.

With the current infection ability of his mushroom avatar, it would take almost an instant to infect and control the entire angel rebirth pool, even if there was an angel sent by Luo Bing to assist.

The ability is still a little worse!

But fortunately, when you wake up, you will be rewarded!

Coupled with the two technology overlords who were accidentally harvested before, from tomorrow, maybe you can make angel rebirth pools in batches?

Chen Mo couldn't help but look forward to it.

Of course, although angels are beautiful, Chen Mo is not interested in cultivating angels of various types and personalities.

In his opinion, it was just a mixture of energy and matter, without a powerful consciousness, and there was not much difference between him and a mushroom that could spread a planet in a day.

What he cared about was that he could deeply analyze the angels and know the knowledge of this race.

Translate it into a technology that greenskins can use.

Or accumulate pre-knowledge for the next evolution!

"Angel maid...."

"Whew.... This is the third race resident in Saint Terra, right? "

"I currently have a core mushroom race, plus snake people with superior individual intelligence, mermaids, greenskins, and upcoming angels, as well as evil spirits as weapons."

"It's really fast."

Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh.

The rest cultivate a race, it is difficult!

He has grown to 6!

What's even better is that his 6 are not developing indiscriminately, but the technology tree is all put together, and there is a magical race - mushrooms, infection control!

All races are based on this 360 foundation, and then connected together through the divine will!

Not only that, among these races, the snake race already has a queen, god-level!

The Greenskins, there are also 2, and they are about to advance to the god level.

The mermaid clan, 1 god-level Aixi, and two sisters Erin, also reached the last moment of ascending the gods.

As for the evil spirit race, the strongest of them was fused into the fortress and transformed into a strong space core.

With the blessing of so many powerful races and countless consciousnesses,

Chen Mo's consciousness became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, the divine consciousness he constructed became more and more different from the rest of the people.

The racial diversity of Divine Terra was enough to make any official of the Star Soul World stunned!

"Star God...."

"Divine Will...."

"As my mushrooms continue to spread and grow to planets, eventually, I will achieve this goal!"

Thinking so, Chen Mo couldn't help but raise his fighting spirit.

So much so that I almost couldn't sleep.

Early the next morning, Chen Mo opened his eyes early.

New day!

New Bonus!

Evolution, war!

Chen Mo couldn't help but be excited, he had a hunch that today would definitely be very fulfilling, wonderful! .

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