Storm Harbor, the fierce battle, did not take long to subside.

In the distance, the mage watching from a great distance only saw a steel-like team, like a silver dragon, rampaging until it crashed headlong into Storm Harbor.

Then, there was no movement.

The blood mist that exploded along the way came to an abrupt end there.

The time for real head-to-head battles adds up to less than 5 minutes.

After the first minute, the entire elite Goblin Warriors team collapsed.

In the fourth minute, when the most powerful general also fell to his knees, the whole team suddenly no one held on.

However, there were none of the goblins who were able to escape from Stormwind City.

The whole army was destroyed.

The powerful computing power of the biological brain is enough to predict the movements of every enemy.

Manipulate all parasites, from a mouse to a stinging snake like a small building.

Unleash the power of terror.

This war of annihilation was fought perfectly.

Eliminated some of the most powerful goblin warriors in the Obsidian Kingdom.

At the same time, it immediately stimulated the will of the planet.

A seventh-order eighth-order powerhouse is not so easy to be born.

The road of cultivation is long and complicated, and it is also very talented.

For the goblin civilization, each loss of this high-end combat power, replenishment time, is calculated on a yearly basis.

But Chen Mo is completely different.

A spiny snake capable of inflicting damage on goblin warriors, he manufactures in days.

Civilizations accustomed to taking the 'idealistic' cultivation route are difficult to understand the horror of mass production.

That's not a matter of how much 1 picks anymore.

Rather, as long as you don't destroy the opponent's manufacturing base, then you will face about an infinite number of enemies.

As long as it can cause you harm, even if it is just a little.

You are bound to be crushed, too.

What's more, Chen Mo is not brainless.

Every time a goblin warrior's gene is devoured, data is accumulated for the gene pool.

Today, Chen Mo's damage bonus to the individual goblin civilization has reached a terrifying 2,000%.

What is this concept?

This is the gap between predator and prey.

It's a nemesis!

It can be said that the suppression of goblins by parasites will soon be engraved into genes.

Gene suppression! Bloodline suppression!

The battle is fought from beginning to end, and the enemy has no backhand.

The king of the Obsidian Kingdom, who was known as the strongest, also did not appear.


"Clean up the battlefield, and all the thorn snakes upload battle data."

"Can the 'boom' created by the goblin engineers fly?"

The Titan glanced at the dark remains of the general and gave the order.

In this battle, for the parasite army, the most precious thing is not to harvest some corroded magic weapons.

Nor is it some residual organic matter.

It's a richer genetic type, and the experience of fighting a large-scale transcendent for the first time.

These battle memories, images, will be permanently recorded in the 'brain' (biological brain).

Every parasite can be observed and freely viewed in these pictures.

And substitute memories, as if experiencing it yourself.

This can efficiently train batches of parasites with combat experience.

So it seems that in this battle, there are not many parasites that have been tempered.

There are only a thousand stinging snakes.

But in fact, in the cluster of organisms, there are no individuals in the strict sense, the boundaries between them are very blurred, and there will be no barriers to communication.

Who do you think fights monsters and who gains experience.

The actual situation is: one person fights monsters, and the whole family upgrades.

Of course, looking at the substitute memory, compared with the direct copy of the memory, the effect is definitely much worse.

This technology still has a lot of room for development!


"Your Excellency, Commander, in accordance with the great revelation of the Divine Will, we have developed the 'Boom' helicopter and have conducted 10 rounds of testing, currently .... Can lift two thorny snakes in one breath, with great strength! But the power of the magic cannon seems to be somewhat...."

In the face of the commander's questioning, the goblin engineer scratched his head, "Sometimes high and low, I don't know what went wrong. "

"Can it be opened?"

This is the primary concern of the Commander Titans.

He also had to transport more stinging snakes.

"Yes, although there are occasional glitches, but it opens quickly."

"That's okay, hang the thorn snake and pull it to the battlefield for testing." Also, paint all of them with red paint so you can fly faster. "


The goblin engineer is a little blinded, what is the truth of this?

"This is the great revelation of the divine will."

The commander said solemnly.


The next moment, all the parasites around them were extremely convinced.

"Brushing red paint makes the machine run faster."

This truth from the divine will immediately spread throughout the green skin.

Can you run faster with red paint?

If someone had asked Chen Mo like this before, he would have been forced to do so with his backhand.

But now, Chen Mo had to think carefully about this issue.

Because when instructing the goblins to combine technology and magic energy technology to make flying tools, Chen Mo discovered a strange thing.

Weapons on booming helicopters, power ..... In a state of large and small.

He couldn't figure it out

Finally, after careful investigation, I found that it seemed to be affected by the surrounding green skin state.

This.... Very incredible.

In short, he had to find a way to test a conjecture.

"Lifting the thorn snake!"


With the order of the Titan, the mighty army of parasites set off.

Target, Black Yao Kingdom!


In the midst of a splendid palace.

With a trill, the mage recounted the process of the total annihilation of the army.

Such a powerful elite capable of sweeping the entire continent, annihilation!

And the time is only a few minutes,

The shock brought by this made the entire hall die silent.

The envoys of various countries who had just clamored to go to war and share a piece of the pie trembled at this moment.

Everyone realized,

The existential crisis has really arrived.

The other party is the minions of the evil god, and there is no way back!

"What other powerful skills the other party has, say it."

"Tell everyone about it."

King Obsidian looked uncharacteristically calm.

On the contrary, it also allowed the rhetoric of failure to circulate.

He did not block the message,

Not long after, the news that the strongest elite on the mainland died in Storm Port spread throughout the mainland.

For a while, the wind and rain faltered.

"The strong people of the world, gather, as the strongest on the continent, I am favored by the will of the planet, I still have a way."

Just then, King Obsidian gave another order.

This time, no king or strong man opposed the order.

As the wave of infection quickly swept across the continent, all the goblin warriors also quickly gathered in the Obsidian Capital.


PS: Ask for flowers

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