Planet Terra, base.

Chen Mo sat comfortably on the sofa, and after checking the trading platform, he immediately contacted the Federation.

Let them send their own rewards.

At the same time, Chen Mo applied for access to some 'scientific and technological knowledge'.

Of course, no matter what kind of knowledge, it is very valuable.

Applications for knowledge are subject to multiple approvals.

The first is to prevent secret knowledge from leaking and being obtained by foreign races.

The second is the fear that the applicant will see knowledge beyond the scope of understanding, which will lead to bad consequences.

So this step will take a while.

"It's okay, wait for me to collect more resources, just to use it to transform a complete body 'flying dragon', now let it spray venom and flames."

Chen meditated.

Once the resources and knowledge are in place, he can immediately acquire a new parasitic class, and he is still a class with strong air combat capabilities.

This will give him air superiority in the next invasion test.

Races that can fly long distances in the early days are rare!


It takes time to acquire knowledge.

But the special reward of federal attention was delivered as soon as possible.

And it was beyond Chen Mo's expectations.

The one who walked through the portal to deliver the reward did not look like a staff member.

But a tall woman dressed holy.

"Congratulations, Chen Mo."

She held the gift in both hands.

A very solemn expression.

Chen Mo secretly wondered.

But when the other party was leaving, he said something more formally:

'May your star soul never die'.

Chen Mo immediately reacted, straightened his waist, and solemnly replied, "The star soul is not extinguished!" "

Yes, this blessing, only two kinds of people will say very formally.

One is newcomers.

One is a person who condenses the star soul.

Those who have been eliminated are not qualified to say such things so formally.

The other party is clearly not newcomer.

"It is actually a Star Soul powerhouse acting as a courier."

Chen Mo was even more curious about this gift.

Open the gift box.

Inside is a black bright ring.

I don't know what kind of material it is, it's not cold at all in my hand, but it has a sense of warmth, and the weight is a bit of a drop in the hand.

Not light.

The shape is simple, and the four words 'Star Soul Immortal' are engraved inside the ring.

In addition to the ring itself, it is accompanied by a beautiful description written in gold.

[Certificate of Conquest]: This is a certificate awarded by the Federation to the conqueror in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the entire Star Soul world.

Holding this ring means that you have conquered at least a civilized planet above level 1, and your performance is extremely outstanding, which fully reflects the purpose of the Star Soul World to challenge, explore, and connect all things!

In any territory ruled by the Federation, you will receive the privilege of 'Governor of the Planet', free travel on any public transport, and no place on the planet's laws.

Ring number: CM1644567.

Holder: Chen Mo

Presented by: 99th seat, Queen of Ice


1. Magic ring, which contains 1000 cubic meters of storage space inside.

2, the will of the world, when the magic energy is sufficient, you can instantly activate the ability, the law of the world will immediately cast your gaze, in a short time, you have the luck of close to 'invincible', after a 3-second delay, you will be forcibly pulled back to the home star, no space lock can interrupt this process.

Note: This number is unique and will not be replaced if it is lost. At the same time, this ring contains the breath of the Star Soul World, and some void creatures or hostile forces will be extremely hostile to you if they notice this.

"Unique number?"

Does this mean that the ring was numbered from 01 onwards?

Wouldn't that be.... Chen Mo counted that he was the 1.6 millionth person to receive the ring.

That is, in front of him, more than a million people have obtained such rings.

It looks like a lot.

But note that this is a ring that has been awarded since a hundred years ago.

And the population of Star Soul World is as high as more than 200 billion!

It can be said that this kind of ring is extremely rare!

Space props are precious in themselves, plus unique attributes.

The weight of this ring is very heavy.

"There are big guys who are optimistic about me, and the federation doesn't want me to have any accidents."

This can be seen from the ring's second ability, 'World Will'.

This ability is simply a life-saving skill.

To put it bluntly, it is to obtain the effect of 3 seconds of the 'Star Soul World' Child of Destiny, during this time, the lucky value is directly full, and it is almost impossible to be killed!

This is followed by forcibly turning on teleportation in any environment and escaping back to the home planet.

"Seat 99, Queen of Ice..."

Chen Mo swept these words, but did not read them.

I didn't meditate in my heart.

Any councilor is a Xeon Star God level existence.

Even if it is only the last seat of the gods, it must not be underestimated.

As long as the name is pronounced, the other party will immediately sense it.

One hundred members of parliament have the right to issue 'certificates of conquest'.

But it will only be sent to those who appreciate themselves, or are optimistic.

Their preferences also vary.

"I don't know what this guy likes about me...."

Chen Mo shook his head and stopped thinking about this.

It's still too far away.

His first goal:

It is in the newcomer test and won the first place.

Only if you win here is you qualified to talk about anything else.


"With this, I can carry a lot of things with me, which is a lot more convenient."

Chen Mo played with it for a while, tried to put things into it, and took it out again.

"It's a great reward, but... Isn't it something that says that good rewards don't affect the game? "

For him, this thing really affects the game.

Or rather, greatly improve his transportation efficiency.

Originally, Chen Mo had to rely on biological brains to carefully regulate the transportation of materials at the spatial channel.

What first, what after.

Can't be mistaken.

Otherwise, some goods to be sent are blocked at the entrance of the passage, and it will be troublesome.

But now, with this spatial ring, he expanded the width of the passage by 10 times out of thin air.

The living creatures that would have taken a day to transport were all loaded into space rings and unloaded back and forth.

It only takes two or three hours to get the resources shipped!

As for the small side effects in the remarks of this ring.

Chen Mo didn't care.

Compared to the value of the ring itself, this side effect is almost negligible.

Moreover, he also wants to diversify his enemies.

Anyway, it is to send genetic samples.

After playing with the ring for a while, Chen Mo counted the harvest again.

At this time, it was already dark.

The 'Invasion Test' is about to begin.

And his deal to lease out the 'miner' is approaching the deadline.


PS: Thanks to the 'Funeral Love Grand Duke' for the tip! Thanks for the support! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ


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