"Choosing to evolve 'hallucinogenic' genes!"

Chen Mo thought for a while and made a decision.

Choosing hallucinogenic can enhance the mushroom's control ability and help him collect resources.

The planet he is currently on, he is actually in a hegemonic position, if he does not run around, he will basically not encounter any danger.

"So taking advantage of the rare opportunity, now that I am more famous, I need to sell as much meat as possible."

Chen Mo calculated.

God knows when it will suddenly stop being popular!

As Chen Mo dripped down the evolution potion.

The mushroom community began to change.

This will only evolve one mushroom, but it doesn't matter, as a cluster creature, the changes of any mushroom can be quickly synchronized to the rest of the mushrooms, even spores!

Synchronize genes!

This is also one of Chen Mo's advantages.

Others are diluted and used by evolutionary potions, or simply concentrated on an individual to make them strong.

But Chen Mo's is different.

The evolution of each individual will immediately spread to all individuals, belonging to collective evolution!

His resource utilization rate is the highest.

【Ding! You use 'evolution potions', and by deducting evolution, the racial gene 'hallucinogenicity' is enhanced, and the hallucinogens secreted can interfere with the nerve operation of animals and cut off some of their perceptions."

【Ding! Your race's 'hallucinogenic' abilities are strong enough to continue to evolve on the path of 'hallucinogenicity', and are expected to push the 'parasitic' ability.]

Chen Mo: "System, I have always evolved a certain genetic ability, developed to the extreme, and can obtain a new ability, right?" "

"Back to the host, this is not necessarily, some powerful abilities, need some basic abilities as support, but the host rest assured, the evolutionary 'genes' selected for you by this deduction system are all kinds with great potential and infinite extension of the evolutionary path!"

"Got it, the 'hallucinogenic' gene has great potential, and it is a precursor to some powerful abilities."

Chen Mo nodded.

Isn't this a technology tree in a professional way.

What is the Technology Tree?

The skill tree in the game is similar to the technology tree.

That is, some powerful skills, you need to light up the pre-skills first.

Such a complex and sophisticated way of evolution, one step crooked, may not evolve the next step of ability, or will cause great waste.

There is only a god-level deduction system that can plan evolution in advance!


"Whoops... Whoops..."

A flock of birds flying through the sky fell one after another, interrupting Chen Mo's thinking.

The birds were pulling around, looking for food, and before they knew it, they were falling into the canyon.

With Chen Mo's evolution of 'hallucinogenic' abilities.

Hallucinogens are more powerful and have fewer side effects.

Birds flying through the sky do not need to inhale spores, smell a little volatile hallucinogen, and immediately hit.

The rest of the animals, not to mention, their 'conditioned reflex' nerves that dodge danger are paralyzed, and the thought of eating mushrooms is infinitely magnified.

So, they all accelerated, ran into the canyon, and lined up to commit suicide.

Compared with the original faltering and being tempted in, the speed is several times faster!

"At this rate, I should be able to get at least one 'Evolution Elixir' today, and if I'm lucky, I should get it twice."

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction.

Next time, he should continue to evolve 'hallucinogenic' abilities.

At that time, it may be possible to activate the 'parasitic' ability.

With this ability, it may be possible to manipulate animals through 'parasitism' combined with 'hallucinogenic' ability.

In this way, he has obtained the 'zombie army' that has been infected with mushrooms.

This can greatly enhance his ability to gather resources.

More importantly, it will always be more flexible offensive capabilities.

"After seven days, it will be time to open the planet channel, and you must ensure that you get a harvest from there."

"You must have a strong attack ability to hammer it down and grasp it calmly."

Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help but look forward to it.

After all, the disadvantage of mushrooms not being able to move is already very obvious.

Some animals are weaker and can't carry hallucinogens, and they have fallen outside the canyon because of the long distance.

Like these animals, Chen Mo couldn't collect them.

At this moment, the watch vibrates slightly.

This is a forced vibration, there should be some important announcement.

Chen Mo immediately opened it.

"Warning! Because of the frontline war, a super-large-scale space energy storm has been triggered, all newcomer areas will be affected, the will of the planet will be stimulated by the space storm, it will be briefly enhanced, and they will try their best to repel alien creatures! All newcomers are asked to be prepared. "


As soon as the announcement came out, the entire newcomer area fell out.

"Gan... I'm here with a daily snowstorm now, is it time for an avalanche? "

"I have been punished by heaven, I have been slashed twice by lightning, and I have strengthened, this special can play ???"

"Can I just lie flat and call the Star Will Daddy?"

"Hahaha! I'm on an imbecile planet, cool! Minimally affected! "

"This Poli is good spicy chicken?"

"Fuck you, the high-energy planet is amazing, believe it or not, I'll burst your dog's head in seven days?"

"Words said..... Now Chen Mo finally can't sell the goods, right? "

"It should be, after all, the will of the planet is not easy to mess with."

"Look at that kid making money, it's worse than me a dead man!"

"Upstairs, people have already earned more than ten million, you are jealous, unlike me, directly call dad!"

"Chen Mo's father~~ I am a little girl, seeking education."

"Shhhhh How about a pedagogical law? "

"+1, want to know."

"Girls? I don't believe it, I'll take care of it for Chen Mo. "

Somehow, everyone talked about Chen Mo again.

Say everything.

As evening approaches, the newcomer area becomes even more lively.

Because they are all ready to rest, there is nothing else to do except small talk.

Chen Mo, on the other hand, looked at the 'evolution potion' in his hand with a look of anticipation.

He let the 'Evolution Potion' slip from his fingers.

Below, a red-haired, beautiful fox is attracted by this magical smell and briefly breaks free from 'hallucinogenic'.

It ate the 'evolution potion' mixed with mushrooms in one bite, and then ran away in a daze.

"Run, run towards the future, along the path of evolution, run wild."

Chen Mo looked at the red fox running away and whispered softly.

It just so happens that this evolution requires the cooperation of the red fox to do a large amount of exercise!

If nothing else, this deduction evolution is enough to evolve the 'hallucinogenic' gene to the extreme, thereby developing the 'parasitic' ability.

But the next moment,

The fox actually made a detour and ran back.

I don't know if I was confused, or what was going on, but I stopped in front of Chen Mo.

It looked at Chen Mo curiously, tilted its head slightly, and its big furry tail swayed slightly ~~~

Also opened his mouth: "Hehehe~~"


Let you run, accelerate evolution, why are you a monster here?

Chen Mo looked confused.

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