"You're crazy, now..."

When Saya saw that Yunchen wanted to lead them past the lion-human army, she suddenly wanted to roar again.

But halfway through...


Lingxue slapped him across the face and warned coldly: "My master has already reminded you to shut up!"


Saya's tears suddenly appeared and she wanted to say something else.

However, facing the cold Lingxue, she didn't dare to say anything.

Commander Leicester on the side no longer cared about his daughter. When he saw this human being saying that he was going to the lion-human army, his first reaction was that he was looking for death.

But then, he knew that the opponent should be sure of victory before he dared to go over.

As for whether this human being is a traitor sent by the Lion-human Legion, there is a high probability that he is not.

Because the lion people hate humans very much.

"I'll go with you."

Commander Lester decided.

Seeing that Commander Leicester was following him, the remaining canine soldiers would naturally follow suit.

In terms of loyalty, the dog people have always been very good.


Yun Chen brought his companions and the defeated remnants of the Dogmen tribe to the place where the Lion tribe army was stationed.

As expected, he was quickly discovered by the scouts, and then...

A large group of strong and powerful Lion Tribe soldiers and horses came out.

They were in no rush to attack.

The commander of the lion-human army, Commander August, who was the tallest and most powerful, looked at these uninvited guests with serious eyes and sneered: "What? Lester, are you surrendering?"

"Also, why are you hanging out with these dirty and despicable humans?"

The words were full of sarcasm and ridicule.

Yunchen didn't pay attention, but began to count down calmly.




Commander Augustus didn't understand the situation yet and could only look at this human being coldly. He wanted to see what tricks this human being could play.



When Yun Chen's countdown ended.

Commander Augustus sneered and was about to wave his hand and ask his strong soldiers to execute these guys who were not even prisoners.

But the next second, his expression stiffened.




There were sounds of bodies falling to the ground in his ears.

He quickly turned around to look, only to find that all of his lion-human army were lying on the ground with painful expressions on their faces at this moment!

"What...what's going on?"

Commander Augustus was shocked and desperate.

"It's very simple. You drank the water from the lake next to you and ate the wild fruits in the woods."

"I've poisoned those things in advance."

"I can only say that you rough guys are really easy to deal with. It should be said that it is the most ridiculous thing for you, a remote and backward race, to stick to your old ways."

"If I guess correctly, your vast continent has not welcomed outsiders for hundreds of years, right?"

Yun Chen said with a smile.

He had seen how the Dogmen and Lions fought, both using cold weapons.

Or use racial talents.

As for magic skills...

Yun Chen couldn't see any trace.

And the tools of war are also very backward.

Catapults, bows and arrows...etc.

The alien training space brought Yun Chen to this strange and alien continent.

This extremely advanced poison alone can easily make an army lose its combat effectiveness.

If he wasn't afraid that the Dogmen army would be destroyed, causing the mission to fail, otherwise, Yun Chen would have completely ignored the Dogmen's life and death and could easily destroy the Lion-men army by himself.

"Everyone, what are you waiting for? Pick up your weapons and quickly harvest the lives of the lion-human army."

Yun Chen turned back and looked at the remnants of the Dogman tribe whose faces were stunned and stunned.


After hearing Yun Chen's reminder, the dog people finally picked up their weapons excitedly and prepared to massacre these lion people troops.

"Let's see who dares!"

August, the boss of the lion-human army, suddenly roared angrily.

It's not like he hasn't eaten.

He ate it.

But he has a dedicated supply of water and food, unlike

Not only Augustus, but also several of his soldiers were fine and entered combat mode one after another.



A petite figure had flown out and kicked Augustus hard on the head.

Augustus felt a sudden shock in his mind.

He never dreamed that the power contained in the kick of such a petite human girl would be so terrifying!

And under the subversion of his mind, this petite human girl had picked up the sharp sword dropped by the lion-human soldier next to her, and with a pop, she inserted it directly into his heart.


August felt a sharp pain in his heart, and he cried out in pain, and then his health dropped completely.

Augustus, killed in action!

The whole process takes no more than three seconds.


The remaining defeated generals of the Dogmen clan looked at this scene and all made a shocking uproar.

They knew that the Holy Light Angel following Yun Chen was very strong.

But I didn’t expect that this little human girl would be so ridiculously strong!

Augus is the commander of the lion-man army!

His own combat power is also extremely transcendent!

But he was killed by this little human girl in seconds!

What is the strength of this little human girl?

They can't identify it.

"What are you still standing there for? Go!"

Yun Chen said coldly.

He just felt that they were a bunch of trash.

If it weren't for the trial mission, he would never intervene and let the dog-man kingdom be destroyed.

At this moment.

The remnants of the dog-man army rushed forward. Although Augustus's personal soldiers were also powerful, the dog-man side had the advantage of being more numerous and powerful, and they were quickly killed.

The next step is easy.

The dog-man tribe killed the unconscious lion-man tribe lying on the ground one by one.

They were crazy about finishing off the lion-man tribe one by one.

The expression on their faces was very happy.

With the complete destruction of the lion-man army, Yun Chen's ears also rang with that ruthless reminder sound.

[It is detected that the lion-man army has been completely destroyed. Congratulations, trialist, you have completed the trial mission. ]

[You have obtained 1,000 Shura Ranking points. ]

[You have obtained a 50% increase in the experience bar. ]

"Huh? That's all the reward?"

Yun Chen frowned.

But he was soon relieved.

This is the first-level trial.

It's normal that the reward is not as good.

"Okay, goodbye."

Without any hesitation, Yun Chen waved his hand and said goodbye to the dog-man tribe, and left this strange trial space with his companions.

What Yun Chen didn't know was...

These dog-men tribes had already regarded Yun Chen as a real god of war in their hearts.

But even if he knew, it didn't matter.

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