Universal Shelter, are you the big daddy in the apocalypse?

Chapter 162 Explore the Eris Technology Laboratory Building!

[You have arrived at the special trial copy ‘Eris Technology Experimental Building’. 】

[Dungeon adaptation level: 60-65. 】

[The difficulty of the current copy is fixed: nightmare level! 】

[Tip: This special trial copy can only be left here if you successfully pass it. 】

Very bad luck.

When Yun Chen successfully entered this special dungeon with Lilith, Lingxue, and Tia, he was immediately prompted.

Moreover, the above information prompts will appear on the live broadcast screen.

"Super Live Broadcast" is a function developed by Blue Star Will, so it can live broadcast everything the anchor experiences in an all-round way.

"It's over!"

"It's really a special trial copy! And it's also a nightmare level difficulty!"

The expressions of the fans who were Yunchen's supporters became uncomfortable.

But some extraordinary professionals from foreign countries were already laughing.

Especially those members of the Heretic God’s Advent Church who have been banned.

"Haha! It's great! This Yunchen will most likely die here!"

"The adaptation level is 60-65. Now Yunchen's level is completely below the threshold. The monsters inside must be very powerful and he will never be able to pass."

"If you can't pass it, you will either have to live in this special dungeon for the rest of your life, or you will be eaten directly as food by the monsters here."

"It's comfortable. Originally, our Evil God's Advent Church was still thinking about how to solve this troublesome problem of Yunchen. Now it's fine. Please solve it yourself."

No wonder the members of the Evil God Advent Church are so happy.

To them, Yun Chen is a complete villain.

The previous plan in the Demonic Land was ruined because of this guy.

The bishop who caused the evil god to come to the church was completely angry, causing everyone in the church to feel in danger now.

The bishop has given up his order and asked all members of the Heretic God's Advent Church to work together to find a way to solve the problem of Yun Chen.

Now that we see that Yun Chen has entered this special copy in a desperate attempt, no one in the church where the evil god has descended will have to bear the wrath of the bishop.

Looking at the various barrages floating out, Yun Chen took a look, his expression was indifferent, but his heart was extremely sarcastic.

Can't pass?

Then I'll show it to these guys who look down on others!


Yun Chen observed the surroundings. Lilith and Lingxue entered a fighting posture vigilantly, ready to deal with monsters that might appear.

Even the time dragon cub Tia, who was originally sleeping in Yun Chen's arms, seemed to have sensed the danger her master was in and stopped sleeping. She blinked her lovely dragon eyes and quietly slept in her master's arms. On standby.

It is worth mentioning that...

Just now, Lilith and Lingxue killed many mechanical monsters outside, and Little Tiya's level has soared from level 1 to level 20.

After all, the level of the mechanical monsters outside is very high for Tia, the time dragon who is only level 1. It is a leapfrog killing monster, and the experience gained is very rich.

What can be seen is...

This special secret realm still needs to be explored step by step by adventurers.

The monsters in this dungeon did not appear at the beginning.

It is the copy of this mechanism that is troublesome.

Because when you are exploring, you don’t know when monsters will suddenly come out and attack you.

The enemy is in the dark, but you are in the light.

This is also one of the difficulties.

If you are not careful, you will die without a burial place.

"go ahead……"

Yun Chen's eyes were calm, and he slowly began to explore the secret realm of this copy.

This is an abandoned magic technology experimental building.

Moreover, it is built in the basement, and the high-rise building on the outside is just for show.


This is also the normal operation of many magic technology biological experiment companies.

On the surface it is a normal science and technology building, but in fact it is a secret experimental base underground, specially used to study some forbidden magic experiments.

When you arrive at the underground level, the first thing you see is biological experimental tanks containing monsters.

"Four-Eyed Demonic Wolf."

"Six-armed Goblin."

"The three-headed dwarf."

"Four-winged vampire bat."


"I can give you a detailed introduction to the characteristics and habits of these monsters."

"The four-eyed demon wolf has four eyes. Everyone knows that the eyesight of the demon wolf is relatively weak, so in this magical biological experiment, those magic scientists improved the eyesight of the demon wolf, but it was a failure because the four-eyed demon wolf had four eyes. The other two eyes of the Beholder Wolf are always wandering and are easily attracted by light.”

"The six-armed goblin is actually a relatively successful experimental subject, but it can easily become violent and lose its mind."

"The three-headed dwarf has three heads, and their thoughts are independent of each other. Although they become smarter after having three heads, the three heads often compete for control of the body, so they can only be regarded as failures."


To the surprise and astonishment of all the viewers, after entering the underground level, Yun Chen not only did not panic, but also enthusiastically introduced these failed experiments on magical creatures to the audience in the live broadcast room. body.

"Brother Yunchen, how come you know so much about these things?"

There are barrage questions.

"I was bored, and in some ruins I had explored in the past, I found a monster illustrated book, which was introduced in it."

Yun Chen answered casually.


Because he had seen it with his own eyes in his previous life.

In the near future, the holy city of Beike Amon will be opened, and the human race will officially enter a short era of peaceful development.

People who should have been struggling to survive in the end of the magic disaster have been given a chance to breathe, and no longer have to worry about survival.

And this person...

Once he is full and idle, he likes to think about some strange things.

Magical biotechnology is the favorite research direction of many extraordinary professionals.

Because this technology can transform the genes of organisms, and even allow the genes of the organisms to be broken through and upgraded.

In his previous life, Yun Chen had seen a lot of this kind of magical biotechnology.

For these experimental monsters, he is also familiar with them.


At this time, these biotechnology experimental tanks also had cracks.

"So everyone, pay attention, once you enter this special copy, it is best not to get close to the experimental tank, because the monsters inside will attack at any time..."

However, Yun Chen always introduced it to the audience calmly.


Monsters that were tortured by the magic creature experiment and became extremely violent broke out from the cage-like cylinder.


They roared brutally, and in front of the audience's extremely shocked eyes, they decisively bit Yunchen!

All the audience watched these hideous and terrifying monsters rushing towards them, and their hearts of worry about Yunchen were instantly lifted.

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