"Return to the shelter."

This special copy has been completely conquered, and the rewards have been taken. Yun Chen did not hesitate at all, and directly used the teleportation function to successfully return to his shelter.

And closed the live broadcast.

Despite this, the [World Channel] has already started a very intense discussion.

Almost all of the discussions revolve around the topic of "Will Yun Chen open the Holy City directly after obtaining the Holy City Key?"

Of course...

The vast majority of extraordinary professionals have begun to call on Yun Chen to quickly open the Holy City Buick Amon so that many humans can enter the Holy City and enjoy it.

Only a few extraordinary professionals simply think that this Holy City Buick Amon may be a trap. After opening it, it will not improve the human situation, but will aggravate the environment in which humans live.

"Those who oppose opening the Holy City of Beike Emon are probably a group of people with ulterior motives!"

"That's right! I suspect they are from the Church of the Advent of the Evil God!"

"Only by opening the Holy City of Beike Emon can we be completely safe!"

"Yes, I don't want to stay in my dilapidated shelter anymore."

"My shelter is not high-level, and there is a risk of being destroyed by monsters at any time and anywhere. It is safer in the Holy City of Beike Emon."


One by one, the extraordinary professionals expressed their opinions.

No matter what country the extraordinary professionals are from, most of them want Yunchen to open the Holy City of Beike Emon directly.

They want to go in and lie down, and don't want to continue to experience this dangerous life.

"Don't you think that the Holy City of Buick Amon might be a trap?"

"Maybe there are more terrifying beings inside than the evil monsters?"

"After we open the Holy City, if it is not as beautiful as we imagined, I am afraid that you keyboard warriors will start to abuse Yunchen again, right?"


The more rational extraordinary professionals think that the Holy City of Buick Amon should not be opened first.

Although the current situation of mankind is still difficult, it is still in a state of survival.

But once the Holy City of Buick Amon is opened, the situation inside may not be as good as everyone thinks.

In this regard.

Li Manni also asked Yunchen, who had returned to the shelter, on behalf of the Dragon Country officials.

"Brother Yunchen, do you have any plans to open the Holy City of Buick Amon?"

Yunchen was not surprised that Li Manni would ask.

He just calmly asked back: "Does the Dragon Country official want me to open it, or do they want me not to open it?"

Li Manni quickly replied: "What I mean here is that the crystal key was obtained by you, brother Yunchen. The decision on how to use it is up to you, brother Yunchen."

After listening to this, Yunchen was silent for a while before saying: "Thank you in advance. I really need to think about this carefully."

After hanging up the voice call, Yunchen received another contact reminder from Lu Chaoge.

I thought the other party was also going to ask me about how to use the Holy City Buick Emon key, but I never thought that the moment I picked up the phone, Lu Chaoge's crisp voice full of concern sounded.

"Mr. Yunchen, you should not be injured after passing the level?"

Yunchen was startled, and then smiled and replied: "Thank you for your concern, it's okay, I thought you were also going to ask me about the key."

"That key?"

"Oh, I don't care much."

"For me, it doesn't matter whether the Holy City Buick Emon is opened or not."

Lu Chaoge replied softly.

Yun Chen smiled when he heard this. Sure enough, with Lu Chaoge's personality, this woman is indeed like this. She doesn't care too much about the changes in the world, let alone how to care.

She only cares about what she has to do.

"But I'm more curious, Mr. Yunchen, which choice do you prefer?"

"Then is the door to the space channel of the Holy City Buick Emon open or not?"

Lu Chaoge asked softly.

"To be honest, I don't know."

Yun Chen shook his head.

He really doesn't know.

The key obtained at the end of this dungeon exploration trip is indeed a big surprise.


Is it really a good thing to open the Holy City Buick Emon?

Others may not know everything in the Holy City Buick Emon, but Yun Chen knows it.

Once it is opened, it means that the Blue Star world will also be connected to the space city of Buick Emon.

Even if humans successfully enter the Holy City Buick Emon, they can only stay on the first floor.


After entering the Holy City Buick Emon, you have to pay a certain amount of taxes every month.

Of course, it is not the creator of the Holy City of Beike Emon who collects taxes, but the great nobles who dominate Beike Emon who collect taxes.

The nobles living on the fourth floor are like gods in Beike Emon.

After years of precipitation and operation, Beike Emon is no longer a city of hope, but an imperial city with different levels.

However, it is not to say that opening the Holy City of Beike Emon is all bad.

For now, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

After entering the Holy City of Beike Emon, even if you are only on the first floor, you need to pay taxes, but you can fully guarantee your own safety, without worrying about being attacked by monsters in the middle of the night, and you can sleep well every day.

And when you have free time, you can also go out and explore, obtain resources through exploration, and exchange the resources for holy coins circulating in the holy city, so as to live safely.

In fact, with the current progress of the exploration and trial, it may take five or six years to open the holy city of Beikmen.

Yun Chen rarely fell into hesitation and entanglement.

"Now all the extraordinary professionals outside are looking forward to you opening the Holy City of Beikmen."

"The leaders of other countries may have urgently contacted the official leaders of our Dragon Kingdom just now."

"There is a high probability that I want you to open the holy city of Bekiamo."

Lu Chaoge said softly.

Yun Chen was silent and didn't speak. He also knew about this.

He suddenly asked: "What do you think? Open or not?"

Lu Chaoge pondered for a moment and then said softly: "If Mr. Yunchen feels that opening the Holy City Buick Emon will make the world more exciting, then you can open it."

"If Mr. Yunchen feels that the world will become worse after opening it, then he will not open it."

"All the decision-making power lies with you, Mr. Yunchen."

Lu Chaoge's voice was always soft, and this domineering female CEO would probably only show such a gentle side when facing Yun Chen.

When Yun Chen heard this, he narrowed his eyes and his heart moved.


In fact, you don’t need to care about other people’s opinions.

This key belongs to you. If you feel that opening the holy city of Buick Emon will make the world more exciting, then it is indeed valuable to open.


For Yunchen, can opening the holy city of Buick Emon make the world more exciting?

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