Universal Shelter, are you the big daddy in the apocalypse?

Chapter 181 The Holy City is finally open! Everyone is watching!

When Yun Chen arrived...


All the eyes in the vast square fell on Yun Chen.

The number of people gathered in this square is at least hundreds of thousands!

Looking down from the height of the nearby mountain, it is densely packed with people.

And this is not just today.

For a long time in the future, the popularity here should be quite hot.

Other extraordinary professionals have now started to set off and rush here.

However, due to the long distance and the lack of teleportation points, they can only explore step by step. During this period, they must have experienced many difficulties. For example, if a level 40 extraordinary professional accidentally explores a level 60 field map, he will definitely not be able to beat it and can only continue to take a detour.

If you can't take a detour, you either choose to go ahead or turn back.

At this time...

The extraordinary professionals at the scene have secretly rejoiced that they landed near the holy city of Beike Emon and placed the shelter here.

If you are randomly sent to other places, it will be uncomfortable.

Of course...

There is another way.

That is to teleport friends.

But each extraordinary professional can only accept one teleportation per day, and then you can see that many extraordinary professionals are selling today's friend teleportation opportunities.

Some extraordinary professionals who are far away naturally want to buy this teleportation opportunity, but they find that the price is too expensive, so they can only grit their teeth and try to explore the way by themselves first.

With the arrival of Yun Chen, the whole scene is completely hot and boiling.

"Boss Yunchen is here!"

"Quick, quick, everyone, get out of the way, make way for Boss Yunchen!"

"Alas! I didn't expect the key to be on him. If we besiege Boss Yunchen now, can we snatch the key from him?"

"It shouldn't be possible, right? I remember that Boss Yunchen can be teleported back to the shelter urgently."

"Boss Yunchen, you must pay attention to the surroundings. There may be people from the Church of the Advent of the Evil God around. They may not want to see the opening of the Holy City of Beike Amon."


Yunchen heard the surrounding discussions very clearly.

He knew that many extraordinary professionals around him actually wanted him to open the door quickly.


They all wanted to use this key to open the door impatiently.

"Maybe as the opener of the gate, there will be special treatment!"

"Yes, to be honest, if there weren't so many people, I really want to help!"

"Don't do it now, if you do, you will probably be besieged by other job changers in an instant..."

"Look, no extraordinary professional has set foot in the middle area of ​​the square. This is a rule set by Lu Chaoge herself. She has been stationed there alone..."

An open space in the square is left blank intentionally to prevent these extraordinary professionals from forming a siege posture against Yun Chen.

So that Yun Chen can open the gate.

Yun Chen sighed lightly. In fact, if possible, he really wanted others to help him open this gate.

After all, he didn't know what kind of special treatment he would get as the opener of the gate after opening the gate.

What if it's a bad treatment?

In his previous life, Yun Chen was exploring the dungeon when the Holy City of Beike Amon was opened. He came out later and entered the Holy City of Beike Amon.

I really don't know if there will be special treatment as the opener of the gate.

At the same time...

Yun Chen also sensed many hostile gazes looking at him, but there were too many people around him to accurately distinguish where they came from.

Those should be the extraordinary professionals of the Church of the Advent of the Evil God.

They must have been there too.

But Yun Chen smiled slightly.

These members of the Church of the Advent of the Evil God may not know the special mechanism of the Holy City of Beike Emmon, right?

That's all.

They will know later.

Without hesitation, Yun Chen walked to the gate step by step.

At this moment, Yun Chen was watched by thousands of eyes behind him, and everyone's eyes fell on Yun Chen, as if all their hopes were placed on Yun Chen.

Yun Chen took a deep breath, then took out a key and inserted it directly into the special door that was obviously huge and towering like a giant tower, but the keyhole was very small.


All the extraordinary professionals trembled at this moment, and their hearts were also excited.


The mysterious space fluctuations spread out!


A sacred bell also sounded.

[World Announcement: Congratulations to all extraordinary professionals! The space gate leading to the Holy City - Buick Amon has been successfully opened! ]

[The progress of the trials of various countries has been cleared and cancelled! ]

[Extraordinary professionals who want to enter the Holy City, please gather on the square in front of the entrance. ]

[The magic circle on the square is about to be activated, which can teleport all extraordinary professionals to the first level area of ​​the Holy City - Buick Amon. ]

Extraordinary professionals all over the world heard the voice of Blue Star's will in their minds.

"Oh my! The Holy City is finally opened!"

"Oh! I'm so envious! I really want to go in with you!"

"Me too! I can't wait to get to that gate right now."


The extraordinary professionals scattered around the world all expressed their feelings and envy in the world channel at this moment.

And the extraordinary professionals on the square all smiled and were full of expectations.

In their eyes, perhaps the holy city of Beike Amon is an extremely peaceful and bright place that allows them to have a peaceful life.


The magic circle under their feet has completely shone.


In just a moment, they were teleported away.

"Mr. Yunchen, why don't you teleport in with us?"

At this time, on a mountain outside the gate, Lu Chaoge brought her Canglanzhiwei team to Yunchen's side.

Her sister Lu Mengying and her cousin Shen Lingshuang came with her.

Lu Mengying tightly held Lu Chaoge's arm, puffed up her lips, and stared at Yunchen with an angry and vigilant look. It seemed that she had a deep prejudice against Yunchen.

Shen Lingshuang smiled.

Yunchen didn't care about Lu Mengying's vigilant look. He also knew that it was because he had killed her in the Goblin Canyon before, so she had been holding a grudge until now.

This was normal.

In fact...

In Yunchen's eyes, Lu Mengying was very calm because she didn't come up to hit him.

If it were Yunchen, whoever dared to kill him in the game, he would definitely kill him back.

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