The roar of the Abyss Giant Ape did not get any response from Yun Chen at all.

It did not expect that the other party would use a smoke bomb at this critical moment.

But it’s okay…

Even if the other party attacks him from the smoke, he will not be hurt at all!

This is absolutely true!

He is level 80, and the other party is level 58!

This huge level gap is difficult to fill!


The patience of the Abyss Giant Ape is also limited.

Because Yun Chen’s battle cry forced its hatred value to rise, its heart has gradually lost its calmness, leaving only anger and rage.

“Damn smoke, disperse it!”

The Abyss Giant Ape roared, and forcibly swung his fist, which actually set off a mighty fist wind, blowing the black fog clean.


Where is that damn human?

In the perspective and perception, the Abyss Giant Ape has lost the trace of Yun Chen.

Although the battlefield is a bit wide, there is no cover, which means that this human is not looking for a place to hide, but invisible!

That’s not right!

How did the other party become invisible?



Forget about that, what are those strange-shaped flowers that suddenly emerged from the soil?

And they grow so fast!

In the blink of an eye, they are completely mature and bloom!

Blooming is fine, these flowers seem to be full of vitality, the stamens are constantly breathing, and spewing out yellow pollen.


This battlefield was filled with this yellow pollen.


The Abyss Giant Ape had to inhale this pollen and sneezed violently.

There is no way...

Even evil creatures actually need to breathe oxygen.

Even if it can hold its breath, it can only hold it for more than ten minutes at most.

What makes the Abyss Giant Ape even more angry is...

After inhaling these pollens, he clearly felt that his armor, magic resistance, and maximum health were all decreasing!

Too outrageous!

It has dropped by 30%!


The Abyss Giant Ape couldn't figure out what was going on!

Why do these strange-shaped flowers grow, and why do the pollens of these flowers weaken its defense and survival attributes!

"Since it is the problem of these flowers, then watch me destroy all these flowers!"

The abyss giant ape roared, and immediately prepared to start the big move!

I saw a terrifying black energy gathering in its body, and violent waves continued to pour out.



A huge black beam of light spurted out of its mouth, and it turned around and swept all the way, killing all the deformed flowers here!


It didn't expect that at the moment these deformed flowers were destroyed, the core buds stored in the rhizomes ushered in a blowout!


More concentrated pollen filled the battlefield, making the abyss giant ape's sight all foggy.

It was as if he had entered an extremely harsh yellow sand haze environment!

At this moment.

The abyss giant ape suddenly felt desperate.


Because it knew that this was the trick of that human.

All these pollens were made by the other party, specifically targeting it.

Generally speaking, ordinary pollens cannot produce negative effects on it, but this pollen has obviously been specially upgraded.

For example...

Using some special spiritual flowers and herbs to hybridize with it, the effect of this flower pollen is enhanced, even for this level 80 monster.

In addition, this abyss giant ape found that he could not find the other party's figure.

The other party was like invisible the whole time!



It once fought against a level 90 assassin, and it could not be invisible like this human!

How did he do it?

That is, when the abyss giant ape was thinking...


A sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

Obviously, there was a sharp hidden weapon shooting towards its head.

After the pollen weakened its defense and survival attributes, the abyss giant ape no longer dared to easily resist this sudden fatal attack, and prepared to move its feet to avoid this fatal attack.



Suddenly, there was a sense of bondage that could not be escaped under his feet!

He looked down...

The Abyss Giant Ape suddenly found that his legs were entangled by extremely thin and strange vines without him noticing!


When did these vines entangle him?

Why didn't he notice it?


I saw it!

These thin vines have very fine and sharp thorns. These thorns are too small, but they can easily pierce into his muscles after his defense is weakened.

Because they are too small and have paralysis toxins, he can't feel any pain or strangeness when these thorns pierce his flesh.

At this moment, the Abyss Giant Ape found that he seemed to be in a deadly situation.

And he fell into it unconsciously.

He couldn't avoid this fatal attack!

At this time, he saw clearly that it was a black dart that was piercing his head.

The black dart was filled with extreme sharpness and penetration, and it was obvious that it was not an ordinary item.

The human who threw the black dart finally showed up.

The Abyss Giant Ape saw that this human was wearing a gas mask, so the pollen had no effect on him at all.

"What a miserable death..."

The Abyss Giant Ape sighed helplessly and desperately at this moment.


Very miserable.

I thought this human was going to fight it head-on, but when the other party found that he couldn't do it, he decisively switched to this low-level move.


Although the other party was despicable, the Abyss Giant Ape had to admit that the other party's fighting method was very effective and efficient, and more importantly, it could kill the target across levels.

At least as a level 80 evil demon elite monster with intelligence, it was not immune to the abnormal state brought by these strange plants.


The dart directly penetrated the Abyss Giant Ape's brain.


The huge body of the Abyss Giant Ape fell to the ground.

Yun Chen's figure came in front of the Abyss Giant Ape, and the sight behind the gas mask was still cold and calm.

Although the Abyss Giant Ape fell to the ground and was seriously injured, it did not die.

This is the vitality of the 80-level evil creature.

It asked with difficulty in the magic language: "You... How can you stay invisible all the time?"

Its perception is very sharp. Under the perception sweep, it did not even scan the slightest trace of the opponent. Only complete invisibility can do it.

In response, Yun Chen just said lightly, "No comment!"

After speaking, he recalled the dart in his hand. As an assassin profession, the Dark Thorn can naturally use darts and other hidden weapons skillfully.

Then the ancient god pillar transformed from a dart into a war halberd, and with a puff, it directly pierced the heart of the Abyss Giant Ape.

[Ding! ]

[Detected that you have successfully killed the Abyss Giant Ape...]

[Congratulations on completing the assessment of the Holy Land Beike Amon! ]

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