"They are members of the Ant Gang..."

Yunchen took one look at this group of men and women and knew their background power.

The Ant Gang, the Black Hand Gang, the Dragon Tiger Gang, and the Dark Crow Gang are the four more famous forces in this first level.

Most of the extraordinary professionals living here basically join these four gangs.

It’s impossible not to join.

If you don't join, they will find ways to disgust you, so you must force yourself to join them.

Just like now, after knowing that these three foreign girls were here, the Ant Gang also sent a group of people to specially harass them.

It's not allowed to do anything here, so they didn't do anything to the three foreign girls, but they got together very disgustingly and verbally harassed the three foreign girls.

"Hehe, the three sisters are stunningly good-looking. Do you really not want to consider joining our Ant Gang? There are many handsome guys in our Ant Gang. You three can take your pick. I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

"Yes, not only will I satisfy you in life, but I will also satisfy you in bed!"


At this time, a group of people laughed collectively.


Luo Mi shouted coldly.

"Hey, I just like it when my sister calls me shameless!"

"But every time after sleeping with me, those sisters always say that I am invincible!"

The man in the lead hugged each other, had an airplane head, and had some weird tattoos carved on his body. He exuded the temperament of a ruffian, with a mean smile on his face.

"Forget it, Luomi, let's go back and ignore them."

Yuli held Luo Mi's hand, not wanting to waste time with these second-rate people.

"Hey, did I let you go?"

However, the members of the Ant Gang will not give up easily. Their boss has warned them to find a way to get these three girls to join the Ant Gang.

These three girls are good in strength, but the key is that they are good-looking. Mr. Ant, the boss of the Ant gang, has taken a fancy to these three girls and plans to make these three girls his wives and give birth to excellent offspring for him.

For job transferees in the first level of this holy city, if they want to ascend, there are not only those two methods, but also a third method.

That is to give birth to a good enough offspring, and then train this offspring well so that this offspring can stand out, and he may be able to ascend successfully.

At that time, as family members, they can also enjoy better treatment and benefits on the second level.

For this reason, the bosses of various gangs are looking for women with good looks and talents, hoping that by combining with these women, they can give birth to outstanding offspring who can hope to have successful children.

Luo Mi, Lucina, and Yuli saw that this member of the Ant Gang was still entangled, and their expressions became completely indifferent.

Just when they couldn't help but take action...

"What's wrong?"

Yun Chen's voice came, and the three girls Luo Mi, Yuli, and Lucina also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Yunchen!"

Youli came to Yun Chen with a face full of joy, and wanted to hold Yun Chen's arm to express her fear.


Yunchen didn't give the elf girl enough face. He raised his arms mercilessly and said calmly: "Tell me, what happened?"

"Mr. Yunchen, they are the ones harassing us." Lucina said softly.

"Yes, we met them just after we came out of the bathroom. They deliberately ambush here." Luo Mi also nodded.

"Hey, you two girls can't slander anyone. What do you mean we deliberately ambush you? We also have consumption here, right?"

But a pilot from the Ant Gang stood up and said with a smile.

This man with the airplane head should be the leader of these men and women.

"Forget it, don't worry about this garbage, go back and continue."

Yunchen has always been too lazy to take a serious look at this kind of garbage.

But maybe it was Yunchen's attitude that made them unhappy. The pilot immediately gave the younger brother a look.

That little brother is very sensible.

Obviously knowing that fighting is prohibited here, but after getting the signal from the head of the plane, this guy's face became fierce and he was about to rush over and use his professional skills to attack the man named Yun Chen.

In the eyes of this little brother, if he suddenly takes action, the other party will definitely not be able to react, and it is very likely that the other party will be destroyed in one fell swoop!

Because this Yunchen's level is only level 60!

And my own level is level 72!

This little brother felt very confident and took two steps to show off his skills.

But it was at this time...


The boy's eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly felt that the strength in his body was being drained!

thump! !

Immediately afterwards, he didn't even have the strength to stand, and the boy fell directly to the ground!


"Last, what the hell are you doing..."

When the pilot saw his little brother suddenly falling to the ground, he immediately screamed in dissatisfaction.

But the sentence hasn't been finished yet.

thump! !

The aircraft head also felt that his legs were weak, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up, so he fell directly towards the ground!

[Tip: You have entered a state of paralysis! 】



When did you become paralyzed?

Not just the nose of the plane...




This group of men and women were horrified to find that their strength seemed to be drained away. No matter how hard they tried, they could not stand and fell directly to the ground.

What made them feel even more uncomfortable was...

Yun Chen and the three foreign girls were fine!

Yun Chen looked at the men and women who had fallen with interest, and said with a smile: "You should be glad that this is not in the wild or in the chaotic area, otherwise, you would have become a group of dead dogs now."

These words made the people of the Ant Gang sweat.

"It's you! You poisoned us!"

The plane head also realized it at this moment, and hurriedly shouted loudly: "Bodyguard! Waiter! Help! There is a guy here who wants to kill people!"

The plane head's terrified shouting also attracted the staff and bodyguards in the Fasai Hotel to come over.

Looking at the scene in front of him with an unhappy face, the security captain asked: "What is going on?"

The plane head said quickly: "It was this man who poisoned us! We are all paralyzed here!"


The security captain raised his eyebrows. He obviously didn't expect that someone would dare to do it in the Fast Hotel.

Don't you know that even on the first floor, fighting is not allowed in some specific areas?

Facing the security captain's gaze, Yun Chen was very calm and said: "Captain, you can't listen to his lies. I didn't poison them."

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