"I have to come."

Lucina said suddenly.

"Since Lucina is here, let me join in the fun. Anyway, I am bored at night and have nothing to do."

Lomi said.

"Do you also have a good impression of Mr. Yunchen?"

Yuri looked at her two companions suspiciously.

"Yes? Maybe."

"But I really want to thank him. After all, he helped me a lot."

Luo Mi said calmly.

"Me too."

Lucina nodded.

"Then let's see whose cooking skills can please Mr. Yunchen tonight!"

Yuli said confidently.


They didn't know that an hour later, Yun Chen went out directly.

The destination is the space portal leading to the Blue Star plane.

Now he has collected enough ascension points to allow him to travel back and forth between Blue Star and the Holy City.

The purpose of returning to Blue Star is naturally to fulfill his promise to find Avril, the daughter of the vampire female Sarah.

And at this time.

In the copy competition space.

The game for Yunchen's team was over, but the games for other teams were still going on, although it was of little significance.

After all, Yun Chen has already won the first place. Apart from the first place, there are no rewards for other places.

After about ten minutes passed.

Outside this dungeon called "Cat Demon Forest", a team finally came out of the dungeon.

And this is the team of Ant Gang.

"Boss, we are the first team to come out."

"Really, look, there's no one around."

"Haha, we are number one!"

After the members of the Ant Gang came out, they looked around and found that the surroundings were empty and they were the only team here.

Obviously, the Ant Gang team is number one!

Ant naturally saw this scene and couldn't help laughing!


Get one million ascension points directly!

Not only that, his ranking on the ascending list will definitely take off as well!

When the list is settled, I might be able to make it into the top ten and get a chance to ascend!

At this moment, Ant felt extremely happy.

The teams of other gangs have not yet come out, and their defeat has been announced. Even if they come out successfully, they can no longer affect themselves!

At this moment, Ant quickly raised his head and looked at the live broadcast above the sky.

He keenly discovered that the window of Yunchen's team was completely dark.

"Boss, it's great. That guy named Yun Chen, the entire team should have died inside."

"Yeah, we don't even need to take action, the monsters in the dungeon are enough to kill them."

"Hmph! I thought this Yun Chen was some kind of powerful character, but I didn't expect that he would have died in the hands of the monster before we even waited for our revenge."


The members of Ant's gang laughed loudly.

And Ant's inner haze was less.

He originally planned to go find the guy named Yunchen to settle accounts after the dungeon match ended, but he never thought that the other party would be so weak and die in it all of a sudden.

Is this considered a happy occasion?

No matter what, the championship this time indeed belongs to him.

The other gang members were like clowns, they could only watch helplessly as he got one million ascension points in his hands!

At this time, Ant noticed that the bespectacled beauty sitting on the main stage was looking at him.

He knew that this woman's name was Ling Yue, and she was a leader in the second level.

If you can win the other person's heart, or build a good relationship with the other person, then it will be very good for you.


Ant made a move that he thought was cool, but was actually very stupid.

He raised his right hand high towards Ling Yue on the main stage, and then showed a self-righteous and charming smile.

"What is this idiot doing?"

Little did he know that in Ling Yue's eyes, Ant's behavior was like a clown.

"Boss, they look at you strangely..."

Members of the Ant Gang found that the eyes of Ling Yue and several subordinates beside her became a little strange.

"I probably didn't expect our team to get first place, so I'm a little surprised."

Ant said with a slight smile.

"That will make sense."

"Haha, I didn't expect us to win first place."

"Indeed, I thought we were going to lose."

When the members of Ant's gang were chatting happily with each other.

Buzz! !

Some other gang teams have also cleared the dungeon one after another.

Ant immediately turned his attention to Zhang Hua of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, and then couldn't help but said angrily: "What a pity, brothers of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, if you work harder, my position as the champion will be yours. ”

As the leader of the Longhu Gang, Zhang Hua's face suddenly turned ugly after hearing this.

Zhang Hua's face was covered with scars, which looked scary. Now that he was angry, his gloomy look was even more oppressive.

He didn't expect that Ant would help the team take first place.

"And everyone from the Black Hand Gang and the Dark Crow Gang, I'm sorry, but Ant won the first place this time."

"Keep up the good work in the future. I may have to wait for you on the second floor."

Ante did not hide his smug face at all, and proudly showed off to the teams of the other three gangs.


"How could he get the first place!"

The members of the other three gangs felt disgusted.

They would rather let others take it than see these usually hostile gangs win the championship.

"Brother Ante, congratulations."

"Yes, congratulations on winning the first place and earning a million ascension points."

"It's a pity that our team is not strong enough. It took a long time to pass the level..."

At the same time, after the teams came out, they all complimented Ante's team after learning that it was the first to come out of the dungeon.

Ante also laughed and responded.

It can be said that he was very proud.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet for a while, let's wait quietly for the announcement of the results, okay?"

Ante said very elegantly.

The extraordinary professionals around were speechless when they saw this scene.

But no one could do anything, because the other party got first place.

As long as you lose, no matter what you say, it's all excuses.

So even though they were very unhappy to see Ant, the gang members on the field could only swallow their anger and watch Ant pretending to be cool.


Ant didn't know.

Soon, he would face the most desperate moment of slapping his face.

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