After entering Xuantian City, Yun Chen directly hired a local tour guide to take him around.

Xuantian City is really too big.

The tour guide said that if you want to go around, you have to hire a flying carriage.

Yunchen did not hesitate and immediately spent 50,000 gold coins to charter a flying carriage.

Four extremely strong white four-legged Pegasus pulled a luxurious carriage. After Yunchen and the tour guide stepped into the carriage, the four Pegasus spread their white wings and soared.

The magical inscription pattern engraved with the wind element in the carriage was activated at this moment, and the breeze gently lifted the carriage, making it extremely stable.

Even if it is speeding through the sky, there will not be any shaking inside the car.

"Mr. Yunchen, this is the southern area of ​​Xuantian City. It has the largest free trade market. After many extraordinary professionals get their trophies, they like to sell their trophies with others here, or exchange things for things."

"If you have any unused resources in the future and want to sell them and exchange them for gold coins, then this is the right place."

"It is worth mentioning that the location of Shengguang Mansion is in the northern area of ​​Xuantian City."

"The palace is in the central area of ​​the Holy Light Mansion. Have you seen that extremely luxurious tower filled with magical energy? It is a mage tower, and there are powerful mage professions living in it."

"In addition, there is also the Wizard Tower."

The tour guide is dedicated and dedicated, and can tell the origin and story background in detail every time he passes a special place.

"Are these four huge statues?"

Yun Chen quickly noticed four goddess statues standing in the four directions, east, west, north and south, like gods.

"This is the statue of the goddess guard. It is the key to our Xuantian City defense formation."

"When Xuantian City is in danger, these four goddess statues are activated at the same time, releasing terrifying energy to form a city defense array to resist the invasion of powerful external enemies."


"It is said that these four goddess statues will transform into warriors and enter the battlefield outside the city to bravely kill the enemy."

The tour guide explained with a smile.

"It is said? Haven't you seen that kind of scene?"

Yun Chen asked.

"Haha, guest, you don't know something. Throughout the history of the Kingdom of Holy Light, during the ancient founding period, Xuantian City encountered an enemy attack."

"It has been so many years now, but these four goddess guard statues have never been activated."

"Because no enemy can attack Xuantian City."

"But now our Kingdom of Holy Light has been transported to this world inexplicably. Perhaps under the influence of the so-called evil god, these four goddess guard statues can be activated at the same time."

As the tour guide spoke, his face was filled with pride and pride.

This is an honor for being a citizen of the Kingdom of Holy Light.

The Kingdom of Holy Light was so powerful and so proud that its citizens also became proud.

This is a normal thing.

After wandering around for a whole day, Yun Chen had a preliminary understanding of Xuantian City.

All in all, this is a magical city that almost only exists in novels.

After finishing his wandering, Yun Chen also came to the northern area of ​​Xuantian City.

That's where the Holy Light Mansion is located.


Starting tomorrow, the admissions assessment for Shengguang Mansion will officially begin, and now Yunchen has to go there to register.

When I came to the registration office, I found that it was very lively.

What surprised Yunchen was that every extraordinary professional who signed up here was extremely young, and their level was around level 85.

And now Yunchen is only level 70.

It's the lowest level here.

Therefore, when signing up, it was no surprise that it directly attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Isn't it? Brother, you are level 70 and dare to sign up?"

"Isn't this Chunchun here to give points?"

"Brother, the assessment in Shengguang Mansion is very cruel and fierce. The death rate during the assessment is very high. You are only level 70 and you come here to take the assessment. Aren't you afraid of death?"


All the extraordinary professionals burst out laughing when they saw that Yun Chen's level test showed that he was level 70.

In response to this, Yunchen's expression did not show any emotion. On the contrary, he thought this was good.

Before the Kingdom of Holy Light came to Blue Star, Yun Chen had the highest level. No matter what he did, he attracted much attention.

Now that the Kingdom of Holy Light has arrived, the attention paid to Yun Chen has been greatly reduced.

This is a good thing.

"You have to try. Once you fail the test, I will give up."

Yunchen said calmly.

"Then you better pray and don't meet me!"

At this time, a man wearing Fuso costume looked at Yun Chen with contempt and disdain.

This man was dressed as a Fuso warrior, with a sword slung around his waist. He had an awe-inspiring aura. When he looked at his level, it was level 90.

Even among this group of candidates, this level is considered high.

The samurai's name is "Matsumoto Inuichiro".

The reason why he opened his mouth to target Yun Chen is very simple. It depends on Yun Chen's identity as a member of the Dragon Kingdom.

In response to this, Yun Chen still smiled faintly, "Although my strength is indeed not close, if I were to face you Fuso people who have lived a good life, I would still kill them casually."

"Hmph! It seems that you Dragon Kingdom people are not only annoying, but also extremely arrogant!"

Inuichiro Matsumoto said coldly.

"Whether he is arrogant or not, you will know it when you take the test."

Yun Chen still didn't bother to talk to this stupid dog.

The other party was eager to have a duel with Yun Chen in the test.

But Yun Chen didn't want to either.

When the time comes, just kill him directly, and the other party's mouth will be shut forever.

Simple and direct.

"Ah, damn Dragon and Fuso people!"

There were also several extraordinary professionals from Silla, who saw this scene and started to curse at the same time.

For Silla, Dragon and Fuso are equally annoying.

"Baga! What does a Korean like you have to do with it!"

The extraordinary professionals from Fuso also widened their eyes.

On the other hand, Yun Chen...

He had been standing aside silently, just looking at the two parties staring calmly.

It seemed that the two sides were about to fight.

The staff responsible for registration spoke with an indifferent look.

"You two can fight without worry, but after the fight, your qualification for the assessment will be cancelled, and you will be expelled from the Holy Light Country, and you will never be allowed to step into it again."

As soon as these words fell.

Swish! !

The extraordinary professionals of Fusang and Silla suddenly became as obedient as a puppy, and could only stop the confrontation in dissatisfaction.

In today's Blue Star, being blacklisted by the Holy Light Country is undoubtedly a very painful thing for many extraordinary professionals.

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