"Groff, isn't it you who has become the number one?"

Hong Sha asked in disbelief.

"How is that possible! I would also like to take first place, but with Princess Ibella here, it's impossible for me to take first place."

Grove is quite aware of his own strength. He is almost in the top three, but compared with Princess Ibella, he is far behind.

"Then why hasn't she come out yet?"

Hong Sha asked.

"Let's go to the side. You can see the live broadcast of Princess Ibella's attack."

Grover stepped aside.

Hong Sha and Shatriel also followed.

At a glance, these three guys understood why Princess Ibella did not come out.

Love is an explosion of luck, triggering hidden levels!

"I told you, Princess Ibella is faster than us."

Grover sighed softly.

There is no reluctance, only helplessness.

no way……

Who makes Princess Ibella so powerful?

No matter what, this must be admitted.

"By the way, where is Princess Ishana's male companion? Which window is it at?"

At this time, Shatrel also asked.

He didn't forget that he had a grudge against the guy named Yunchen at the banquet.

“You’ll know just by looking at it.”

Hongsha said softly.

However, the three of them looked over and over, but none of them found out which window Yunchen had.

"No need to look, the Yun Chen you are looking for has already come out in advance and is sitting in the lounge over there. If you want to find him, just go ahead."

At this time, an audience member reminded him loudly.

When the three heard this, they discovered that apart from the windows of the three of them, there was a live broadcast window with a black screen.

Then he saw Yun Chen sitting there in the lounge in the distance.

The three of them looked at each other and took steps towards the direction where Yun Chen was.

When Yun Chen saw the other person walking towards him, he frowned. It seemed that he couldn't even take a break.

"Boy, have you cleared the level?"

Shatrel looked at Yun Chen with a condescending look, staring at Yun Chen with disdain.

Although the words were questions, it could be heard from his tone that he did not believe that Yun Chen could clear the level faster than them.

In this regard, Yun Chen didn't bother to pay attention to his words, and didn't even have the intention to stand up from his seat.

Complete disregard.

"Damn it! You still dare to ignore me? How dare you be so arrogant after you failed to clear the level!"

When Shatriel saw this, he immediately became furious. As the legitimate son of a noble in the Kingdom of Holy Light, he was treated with respect no matter where he was. As a result, this foreigner from the Dragon Kingdom saw that not only did he not He showed a respectful attitude, but instead acted so arrogantly, which made him extremely angry.


The key point of Shatriel's anger is that this guy is also Princess Ishana's male companion!


How could such a trashy person be chosen by Princess Ishana as her male companion?

Seeing Shatriel's angry look, Grove and Hongsha on the side smiled and had no intention of intervening. They obviously wanted to watch the show.

Yun Chen still ignored Shatriel's anger. He didn't want to waste time or saliva with such an idiot.

"What the hell..."

Seeing that Yun Chen was still so indifferent, Shatrel stepped forward and wanted to grab Yun Chen's collar.


"What are you doing to my male partner?"

Princess Ishana's cold voice sounded.

Shatteril's movements had to stop forcibly.


Shatriel didn't realize at all that at this moment, Yun Chen's eyes were as cold as an iceberg, and his pupils were filled with extremely cold murderous intent.

If Shatriel really dared to take action, then Yun Chen wouldn't mind letting the other party lose an arm as the price.

"I will tell you three a very cruel fact."

"That means your grades are not as good as Mr. Yunchen's."

Princess Ishana said calmly.


Shatriel, Hongsha, and Grove couldn't help but stayed for a moment after hearing this.

"Don't be shocked. Please leave here right now. This is Mr. Yunchen's lounge."

"You have no right to break in."

Princess Ishana didn't have the patience to explain anything to these three guys and started chasing them away.

Seeing Her Royal Highness the Princess say this, these three people had no choice but to leave here unwillingly.

But they still care about Princess Ishana's words.

After all, they didn't want to believe that Yunchen's clearance time was faster than theirs.


They didn't know that Yun Chen's clearance time was not only faster than them, but also faster than Princess Ibella.

"Sorry, Mr. Yunchen, it seems that my commission has caused you a lot of trouble."

"So much so that these evaluators have started to target you."

"Especially for the personal challenges in the next stage, you have to be more careful. There may be many people challenging you."

Princess Ishana said apologetically and her tone was very gentle.

In response to the princess's apology, Yun Chen shook his head calmly and said, "It doesn't matter. It's just that you promised me the reward. You must have not forgotten it, right?"

The princess of the Holy Light Kingdom had promised that as long as Yunchen accepted the commission, she would give Yunchen a rare-level shelter core, a legendary-level shelter core, and an additional resource.

The first two were exactly what Yunchen needed most.

He also needed to quickly upgrade his shelter to level 100.

"Don't worry, of course I haven't forgotten. As long as you can survive the challenge and successfully enter the Holy Light Palace, I will fulfill all the conditions I promised."

"As the princess of the Holy Light Kingdom, I will definitely not lie to you about this."

Princess Yishana said with a smile.

Yunchen thought so too. The other party was a princess of a country and would definitely not regret what she promised.

But the premise was that he had to be able to successfully enter the Holy Light Palace.

This resistance was a bit great.

But it was okay.

No matter what, Yunchen had to successfully pass the assessment and enter the Holy Light Palace.

Not only to get the reward promised by Princess Yishana, but also to complete the task issued by Blue Star.

After all, the will of Blue Star is like a system. It sends tasks to Yunchen. As long as he completes the tasks, he can get extra generous rewards.

"Look! Princess Ibera is out!"

At this time, with a shout from the audience.

Princess Ibera, who was full of evil spirit, was also teleported out of the dungeon.

Looking at Princess Ibera with a cold and indifferent expression, you know that she had a hearty and bloody battle in the dungeon.

So much so that after coming out, she still exudes evil spirit all over her body.

It's daunting.

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