Universal Sword God

Chapter 1128: Field strength

The words of gravity supernatural power seem to have a powerful magic power. From the mouth of You Jin, everyone in the audience has the same look. `` ΩωωiLα is more complete ''

Few of the people present were aware of gravity.

But knowing to know, but 99% of people are very new to this magical power. Most people may not have seen reads like gravity superpowers in this life;

But they know that gravity superpowers are super magical powers, also known as the field of gravity.

Super magical powers are called domain powers.

In the divine realm, the power of the realm is almost impossible to be mastered by a warrior in the real divine realm. Even if the talents of the true **** martial arts are outstanding, it is difficult to master the power of the field, that is, super magic power.

It is normal for a warrior in the real world to master one supernatural power. It is very rare to master two supernatural powers. Mastering three supernatural powers is an absolute martial art genius.

Even if it is the Jiuxing true god, it is rare to be able to master three first-class supernatural powers. Within the entire glass **** realm, you can count over three true gods who possess three first-class supernatural powers.

Because of this, with the exception of a few people present, Jing Yan could never imagine that the power of the super-magic gravity field would be exerted.

After hearing the words from Vice-President Yu Jin, these people went through Lenovo again and found that the abnormality of the fire dragon was really similar to the legendary gravity field.

Think of it this way, many people can't help feeling a chill in their hearts.

Imagine what would happen if you fought with someone who mastered the field of gravity and unexpectedly pulled on a force to restrain yourself.

Even if it only affects the blinking time, it is enough to cause fatal danger. `` ΩωωiLα Dedication ''

If Jing Yan really mastered the field of gravity, the threat would be much greater. Even the six-star true god, under unexpected circumstances, is likely to be killed by Jing Yan directly under the influence of gravity.

too terrifying!

The deacon-level figures of the director general all turned pale.

"Master, deputy palace, do you mean that Jing Yan has mastered the super-magic gravity field?" Yin Tianhe opened his mouth several times before finally asking this question.

"I'm not sure about this now, but there is a great possibility. When Jing Yanwu's fight ends, he can be sure by asking him." You Jin shook his head.

Yin Tianhe shut up honestly.

If you continue to mess around, it will only make you embarrassed.

Although he still couldn't believe that Jing Yan would have mastered supernatural powers, the current situation can only be said after Jing Yan's battle ended. It is unlikely that you will be able to stop Jing Yan's martial arts fight. What's more, everyone's attitude towards Jing Yan, Xiaoying's attitude towards Jing Yan, is very close.

Otherwise, why does the master of the palace want the Aoki Division to enter the space in Luojiu space for Jing? .

When Jing Yan persisted for more than thirty breaths in the Nine-Day Suolong Formation, the situation within the big formation changed, and a second array of fire dragons appeared. There is not only one fire dragon in the large array.

When the large array was operating at full power, there were nine fire dragons in total.

Jiutian Suolongzheng, as the most top-level large formation in the glorious realm, is certainly not as powerful as it is now. The power of this large array is not used to deal with ordinary true martial arts. Its power is enough to threaten powerful characters at the level of the Lord God.

Facing the attack of the two fire dragons, Jing Yan's situation suddenly became dangerous. The hot air waves in the space are even more terrifying.

Although the gravity field can affect two fire dragons at the same time, the effect of this force on two targets will naturally reduce many reads ;.

After barely insisting on ten breathing times, Jing Yan was finally squeezed out. At this point, Jing Yan's battle is over.

The time that he persisted in the nine-day dragon team was forty-one breaths. This result can basically be determined and can win a flexible place to enter Luojiu space.

"Whew!" After a long battle, Jing Yan exhaled a long breath.

Although the fighting in the formation method is not fatal, it is also thrilling. If there were no such means as gravity supernatural powers, then Jing Yan would certainly be able to adhere to seven or eight breathing times within the nine-day locked dragon array. Wanting to win flexible places is delusional.

After Jing Yan's battle was over, Vice-President Yu Jin, did not continue to read the name of the next person to enter the battle.

The eyes of the audience were all on Jing Yan's body.

"Jing Yan!" You Jin looked at Jing Yan and said.

"Vice Lord of the Palace!" Jing Yan bowed his bow.

"Well, you have been forty-one breathing times in the big team. This grade is very good. However, there are some people who think your grade is not true. You are in the big team and face the spirit The fire dragon's attack, the state of the fire dragon, some people think that it is abnormal, it may be that there is a problem with the formation. Now, can you talk about how do you let the fire dragon suddenly fall in the attack?

Jing Yan's eyes slowly glanced around.

When he used gravity supernatural power, he didn't think too much. The situation at the time did not allow him to think so much. If gravity powers were not used, he would be squeezed out. If the situation is not urgent, Jing Yan really does not want to expose such a method of gravity magic power to so many people.

The thought moved, Jing Yan said, "I used the gravity magic power to the fire dragon!"

Jing Yan did not hide.

He wanted to hide, and couldn't hide it. If you don't talk about gravity magic power, it will certainly not be able to block the mouths of some people who are hostile to themselves.


When Jing Yan admitted that he had used the Gravity Supernatural Power on the Fire Dragon ~ www.readwn.com ~, there was an air-cooled sound in the audience.

"This is impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can you master the gravity magic power? That is a super magic power, a power belonging to the realm!" A deacon of the general director cried out of control.

The deacon of the director general is the deacon of the Division of Water Moon, and the realm of the Six Star Gods has also participated in the competition for the flexible quota. His strength is quite good. In the nine-day lockup, he fully adhered to thirty-four breathing times and hoped to win a flexible quota.

Jing Yan glanced at the man and frowned slightly.

"Jingyan Daoyou, are you sure that you have the Gravity Mastery, and not other supernatural powers that have some similarities to the Gravity Mastery?" Asked Jing Jing.

"Oh, in fact, I can't be sure, after all, I have never seen other martial artists use gravity magic." Jing Yan smiled.

"It must not be a gravity superpower, it must not be!" Deacon Suzuki shouted with red eyes. (Qian Kun Sword God: / 18/18135 /)-(Qian Kun Sword God)

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