Universal Sword God

Chapter 1156: Respectfully

Huoyang Dan is regarded as one of the most difficult refining batches of elixir among the lower elixir. `` ΩωωiLα Dedication ''

A furnace of Huoyang Dan was made by Yixiangxiang time. It sounds a little overwhelming and hard to believe.

"A certain reads ;! Yan today's predecessors in the middle-level panacea should have a relatively strong existence. He said that Huoyang Dan was refined by Huoxiang time, and it can certainly be done."

Xie Rong was full of confidence in Jing Yan.

After hearing Xie Rong's words, Zhuang Lianyi shook his head with a bitter smile. My own little sister is sometimes too naive, so she always feels uneasy.

"If it doesn't work, we will wait for a while to lose a maximum of one piece of Huo Yangdan's material." Zhuang Lianyi said.

Within Qiankun's small world, Jing Yan received divine and physical power, and looked at the nine Huoyang Dans just taken out of the Dan furnace.

Jing Yan packed these nine pills in two jade bottles, one of which contained three, and the other contained six. Three jade bottles containing Huo Yangdan will be held and will be handed over to Zhuang Lianyi, Xie Rong and others later.

After the refining of the elixir, Jing Yan closed his eyes and regained his mind. After waiting for a long time for the tea, he left the Qiankun World to return to the first floor from the second floor of the upper store.

"Senior!" Zhuang Lianyi and others saw Jing Yan come down and arched.

"Several waited." Jing Yan smiled.

During the conversation, Jing Yan took out a jade bottle. "The refining of this pot of elixir is quite smooth, please check it out!"

The divine power flowed gently, and the jade bottle flew slowly towards Zhuang Lianyi.

After looking at the three Huo Yangdans in the jade bottle, Zhuang Lianyi's breathing became noticeably heavier. "ΩωωiLα more and more complete" in the expression, respect for Jing Yan, unknowingly a little more.

Now, he can almost conclude that Jing Yan is an intermediate magician.

At the bottom of the Void Shenzhou, they can actually meet the middle-level magician. I have to say that their luck is really good.

You know, before they were in Baisha God Realm, they could not find an intermediate **** master to help practice alchemy. Even if they know the places where some intermediate gods live, they can ask for their identity, and they may not meet them.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if you are lucky enough to meet the middle-ranking **** of panacea, the alchemy fee that others will charge is very high. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the elixir can be successfully refined.

Zhuang Lianyi quickly took out two million first-level **** crystals and delivered them to Jing Yan respectfully.

For the refining of a furnace, Huo Yangdan, Jing Yan charged a fee of two million first-class gods. Zhuang Lianyi was very satisfied with this pot of elixir. All three Huoyang Dan were of high quality.

"Yanjin today, can you make middle-class god?" Zhuang Lianyi then asked.

"Yes, as long as you can provide the corresponding materials." Jing Yan was also a joy in his heart, refining the middle-aged god, the profit is great, far from being inferior to the low-rank god.

Just now Jing Yan also saw that Zhuang Lianyi and others were testing their alchemy abilities. Zhuang Lianyi is a middle-level true god. Therefore, Jing Yan had expected that Zhuang Lianyi would ask for help in refining the middle-class god.

"I want to make a furnace of Bi Quandan and a furnace of Jin Luodan." Zhuang Lianyi bowed slightly, "I also ask seniors to help."

Bi Quandan and Jin Luodan are both middle-class gods.

In the Divine Realm, the value of these two elixir drugs has reached tens of millions of first-class **** crystals. Especially Bi Quandan, sometimes at the auction, the price can soar to about 15 million first-level Shenjing reads ;. These two kinds of elixir have a great auxiliary effect on the cultivation of intermediate true gods.

"I can make both of the two elixirs you said. However, the cost is higher. For these two elixirs, I need to charge the alchemy cost of 20 million first-grade **** crystals." Jing Yan pressed his heart Said joyfully.

"Thank you very much for your help, and there is no problem with the cost." Zhuang Lianyi bowed again.

After that, he took out the materials needed for refining Bi Quandan and Jin Luodan, and at the same time took out the alchemy cost of 20 million first-level **** crystals, and handed them to Jing Yan together.

"Intermediate Shen Dan's refining will take longer. In this way, after ten hours, you will come again to take Dan." Jing Yan said to Zhuang Lianyi that he had taken the materials and Shen Jing and said to several people. .

"Okay, then we'll wait for ten hours and come over again to get Dan." Zhuang Lianyi said quickly, "Then we will not disturb the seniors and leave first."

Jing Yan nodded slightly.

After seeing Xie Rong out of Danpu, Jing Yan narrowed his eyes and boarded Danpu's second floor.

After two medium furnaces were refined, the time only took less than half an hour. Put these elixir in each jade bottle.

At this time, on the first floor, Gui Yan and his two male warriors had waited for the tea time.

These two people were also customers who Gui Gui pulled from the trading area. Gui Yan returned to the shop and saw that Jing Yan was not on the first floor, and knew that Jing Yan must be on the second floor.

When Jing Yan was on the second floor, Gui Yan naturally knew that he could not disturb at will, so he tried his best to comfort the two for a while.

"I said, are you playing with us? What about the magic teacher you said?" One of them was impatient and waited for Gui to blame.

"Don't worry, two people, Yan Yan is upstairs at this time, and may be busy practicing alchemy at this time." Gui Yan explained with a smile.

"Since you're upstairs, you can ask him to come down. You can't let us two just wait here forever, right?" The other person frowned.

"That is, if that person hasn't been able to come down, have we still been waiting for it? Besides, is that person a panacea? It is not necessarily. Even if it is a panacea, the elixir we want, he also It may not be refined. "One man hummed softly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two brothers, saying that today's predecessor is really a very powerful panacea. If you look for today's predecessor, you will never be disappointed. Gui Yan kept a smile on his face.

"Well, we can wait. However, we can't let us wait. The **** of pandemonium you said, if you can't refining elixir, you have to compensate us for the loss of time. After all, our time is also very Invaluable. "One person poked his lips and said with a flash of light in his eyes.

"This ..." Gui Yan couldn't make something.

Fortunately, Jing Yan came down from the second floor. Jing Yan heard the conversation between several people.

"I'm Yan Jin, what elixir do the two need to make?" Jing Yan said directly.

Both of them are fighters in the lower realm.

"You are the master of Yanjin? We are here, waiting for you a lot of time. If you can't refine the elixir we need, you can compensate us for the loss." Both looked at Jingyan, and one of them turned Turned his eyes and said. (Qian Kun Sword God: / 18/18135 /)-(Qian Kun Sword God)

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