Universal Sword God

Chapter 1162: Money is moving

On this day, the revenue from the six single alchemy refining businesses was more than 20 million yuan. In addition, the sales of more than 50 million **** crystals from the sale of elixir reached 80 million **** crystals.

Every time I think about the speed of earning resources, Gui Yan can't help speeding up reads ;. Even if these resources do not belong to him, but to his predecessors, he cannot control the excitement in his heart.

On the second day, Brilliant Danpu received four orders for alchemy. These four orders all required low-level gods, and the fees for alchemy were only over one thousand gods.

On the third day, Brilliant Danpu entrusted the completion of the five single low-grade panacea entrusted to the alchemy on the first day, and each employer received the three high-quality low-potency medicines he wanted. On the spot, someone continued to entrust alchemy.

With the news spreading again, more and more people believed in the alchemy strength of the brilliant Danpu.

Entrust the list of alchemy to win the blowout period. In the third day, a total of twelve orders appeared in the hands of Gui Yan, two of which were commissioned for the refining of middle-class sedans, and the remaining ten orders were for the refining of lower-level elixir.

On the third day, the alchemy fee charged by the brilliant Danpu was as high as 90 million first-class gods.

On the fourth day, orders were slightly less, and on the fifth day, the orders increased again. Because of this day, Brilliant Danpu successfully completed the first entrustment for refining medium-sized god. This led to the glorious Dan shop's reputation on the bottom of the Void Shenzhou, which became completely hot.

Ten days have passed, and the brilliant Danpu alone charges more than one billion first-grade **** crystals by charging alchemy, which is not even the income of various elixirs sold.

Ten days later, Gui Jing began to limit the number of commissions per day under the instruction of Jing Yan. Regardless of the entrustment of low or medium elixir, the brilliant Danpu accepts up to ten applications per day.

Over time, nearly a month later, the brilliant Danpu counter also filled up. Inside the counter, most of the popular elixir for martial arts can be found.

Brilliant Danpu, there is an hour pause every day. This time is also the time for Jing Yan to communicate with Gui Yan.

On this day, during the suspension period, Jing Yan came from the second floor to the first floor, handed over the Guizhou medicine that was refined yesterday, and collected the new materials.

"Guilin Taoist, it's time for the lease of our shop. You can go to the management office and lease for another month." Jing Yan told Guilin.

"Okay, I'll go to the management office to pay the lease fee," Gui Yan said quickly.

The monthly rental fee of 30 million first-level Shenjing is totally drizzle for the current brilliant Danpu, and it is very easy to pay.

In the management office of the trading zone, Gui Yan came flying.

The manager who received Gui Yan was still the one a month ago. After Gui Ming said he wanted to continue leasing the shop for a month, the steward immediately agreed.

"This is the rental fee of 30 million Shenjing." Gui Yan prepared 30 million first grade Shenjing before taking it out and delivered it to him.

"Thirty million first-level gods?"

"Aren't you leasing for a month? The 30 million first-class Shenjing is only enough to lease that shop for six days." The steward did not take Shenjing, but shook his head.


"Master, are you mistaken? The rental fee for our brilliant Danpu shop is one million Shenjings per day. One month ago, we used 30 million first grade Shenjings and leased the shops for one month. "Gui Yan frowned.

"Oh, don't worry, listen to me first, I charge the rental fee, and it's not messy, it is based on the reads;" The manager said slowly and hurriedly, "A month ago, You leased a one-month shop, and it really cost 30 million first-level Shenjing. At that time, the rental cost of that shop was indeed one million first-level Shenjing, which is right. "

"But at this time, and now, that area is no longer a remote place, but a bustling place in the trading area. Of course, this lease fee cannot be compared with the same day." Said with a smile, the head was flashing.

At this time, Gui Yan certainly understood what the other party meant.

The other party obviously knew that the brilliant Danpu was capable of earning Shenjing, and was jealous, so it was necessary to knock out a lot of Shenjing. According to the lease fee of five million first-level Shenjing, that one month time is 150 million first-level Shenjing.

Once Brilliant Danpu decided to continue leasing for one month, it would be equivalent to spending an additional 120 million first-level Shenjing.

Gui Yan can't help but be a little angry, the management office of this trading area really does not pay attention to things.

"I can't decide this matter. I need to go back to find the seniors who will win today." Gui Yan put away 30 million Shenjing and said to the steward.

If he spends more than 18 million **** crystals, he can directly pay. However, the management office was too dark-hearted, and it was necessary to charge an extra 120 million first-level **** crystals at once.

This is simply extortion and extortion!

Brilliant Danpu.

"You said that the management office should charge a fee of 5 million a day for the lease price?" Jing Yan also frowned, with a touch of anger in his heart.

"Yeah! They are too horrible. They just watch our Danpu business earn a lot of Shenjing, so they want to keep up with them," Gui Yan said angrily. "Say today, seniors, or we can directly change to a shop Well, anyway, Danpu ’s fame has already gone out. As long as the brand has not changed, those customers can still find us easily. "

Management office, can't we divide all the shops into bustling areas?

Jing Yan groaned a bit, then shook his head and said, "If you change places, it will definitely have a great impact on our business. The loss of this impact may be far more than 120 million first-level gods."

"What shall we do?" Gui Yan said.

"No way ~ www.readwn.com ~ People are under the roof, so they have to bow their heads. Guiyou Taoist, you send 150 million Shenjing, and lease the shop for another month. One month later, hum, let's Not accompanying. "Jing Yan said coldly.

"It's really cheap these **** vampires." Gui Yan sighed helplessly.

Next, Gui Yan went to the management office and paid 150 million Shenjing rental fees in full, renewing the shop for another month.


Management office, within one premises.

"Superior Master, Brilliant Danpu paid the rental fee." The manager who received Gui Yan walked in from the outside and said to a veteran in black, cheerfully.

"Oh? I'll be soft so soon?" The old man in black narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Oh, do they dare to be soft? Here, it is a dragon, and he has to be calm." The steward laughed and continued. "I don't think the person named Yanjin is very envious, I am afraid it is also an intermediate god. Danshi. "(Qian Kun Sword God ../ 18/18135 /)-(Qian Kun Sword God)

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