readx (); Void Shenzhou, the middle-level trading area management office.

Before half an hour, Kuiya arrived here from the trading area on the ground floor of the Void Shenzhou. The person he wanted to meet was Shen Jun, the director of the middle-level transaction management office.

He has been waiting here for half an hour.

At this time, a supervisor from the management office came to Kuiya.

"Supervisor Kuiya, Elder Shen Jun let you in!" The steward bowed his head slightly to Kuiya.

In the past, the manager of the middle-level trading area management office did not have much respect for the manager of the underlying trading area management office.

In this regard, Kuiya did not have any dissatisfaction. After hearing the words of the steward, his face suddenly showed joy, and he hurriedly walked towards the residence of Elder Shen Jun.

"Kui Ya, what's the matter with you? I didn't tell you. If there is no important thing, don't come to the middle management office at will!" Shen Jun, who was sitting in the room, seemed a little displeased.

His identity on the Void Shenzhou is the director of the middle-level transaction management office. Inside the Purple Spirit Chamber of Commerce, there is a lower elder, who is equivalent to the person in charge at the bottom.

"Brother, I'm here this time, but I have something big to tell you." Kuiya said with a smile.

Kui Ya and Shen Jun are brothers of the same division. Without an outsider present, Kui Ya directly called Brother Shen Jun.

"Say!" Shen Jun lazily said.

"There is a magic teacher named Yanjin who just rose from the bottom to the middle." Kuiya said.

"So what?" Shen Jun remained indifferent.

"This statement today, leased Danpu for two months in the underlying trading area. In these two months, he accepted the entrustment of alchemy from the underlying warriors and earned a huge resource of more than 10 billion Shenjing." Kui The teeth were not tight.

He believed that even the resources of more than 10 billion Shenjing, even Brother Shen Jun, couldn't help it.

You know, 10 billion first-class **** crystals are enough to buy a high-end ferry ticket from Huangji **** realm to Baisha **** realm.

Sure enough, after hearing Kui Ya's words, Shen Jun's eyes opened slightly. In his eyes, a light flashed.

"In two months, earn 10 billion Shenjing? This statement you said today, Alchemy ability is very strong! Alas, the **** master is at ease, and someone will send God Jing to your door easily." Shen Jun mouth corner Said with a weird smile.

"Kui Ya, you came here to tell me about this?" Shen Jun's gaze suddenly stared at Ku Ya.

Kui Ya was a little flustered, and quickly said, "This statement is very arrogant today, no one in my eyes ..."

"All right!"

"Your thoughts, I don't know yet? It must be the **** crystal you are jealous of. You want to take a slice of it, but you have been rejected, so you come to me. And this is a very serious revision High? At least, you ca n’t help him! I feel that your spirit is a bit unstable. Could it be hurt by this person? ”Shen Jun interrupted Kui Ya's words.

"Brother, you have to decide for me! This hybrid is too vicious. My soul is seriously injured. I'm afraid that it will be difficult to deposit in the martial arts!" Kui Ya's old face, actually It was instantly filled with tears.

He said Jing Yan was vicious and hurt his soul, but he did not say that he was the first to sneak in Jing Yan with his soul.

"Okay! What does it look like to be old and not shameful? I know about it, you go back first." Shen Jun issued a chase order.

"Yes! Brother, then I leave first." Kuiya retreated carefully.

When he left the room, a sudden gloom appeared on his face.

"Yan Jin, I can be arrogant for a few days." Kui Ya murmured secretly in his heart. He knew that Brother Shen Jun would definitely shoot at that word.


Two days later, Jing Yan and Gui Yan came to the middle-level trading area management office.

The middle-level trading area is obviously not as large as the bottom-level trading area.

This is also normal. The number of warriors in the middle is far less than the number of warriors in the bottom. However, in the middle-level trading area, there are a lot of intermediate true gods, and there are even many high-level true gods among them.

Jing Yan and the two did not waste time here, but went directly to the management office.

The supervisor of the management office, with two words, changed his eyes slightly. After Jing Yan said he wanted to rent a shop, the steward did not immediately agree, but let Jing Yan wait while he turned around and left.

"Seniors today, there seems to be something wrong!" Gui Yan frowned. "We are just leasing a shop. The manager said that he could not be the master, and he wanted to ask the supervisor here."

Jing Yan nodded slightly, and he had something unusual in it. I am afraid that the person named Kuiya has already come to the middle-level transaction management office before.

"Be calm and restless, let's talk about the abacus that we played," Jing Yan said, shaking his head again.

"Huh!" Gui Yan answered.

After waiting for the tea time, Jing Yan came back to the steward, and in front of this steward, there was another figure. This person is introverted, but Jing Yan can feel the thickness of hiding.

Instantly, Jingyan judged that this person should be a warrior in the realm of Jiuxing true gods, and the top level of existence among Jiuxing true gods. Its strength should be better than many directors of the ninety-nine division of Luo Jiu Shrine.

"Is it Yanjin Master?" Come, it is Shen Jun.

At this point, Shen Jun looked at Jing Yan and said.

Hearing Shen Jun ’s opening, Jing Yan was almost sure that Kui Ya had come ~ ~ Otherwise, he and Gui Yan had just risen from the ground floor to the middle floor for two days. Supervisor, why did you say your name all of a sudden?

"Exactly!" Jing Yan said without change.

"Hehe, I have heard the name of the master of the panacea for a long time." Shen Jun sneered. "I am the manager of the management office, Shen Jun. Only then, the supervisor said you want to rent a shop in the trading area."

"Come here this time, I really want to rent a shop to use." Jing Yan also said with a smile.

"Yan Jindan is leasing the shop, do you want to continue to refine the alchemy?" Shen Jun's eyes narrowed slightly. "I have a proposal, but now I can speak out. Please say that the total of the gods is not feasible."

"Shen Jun director, please." Jing Yan said politely.

"If you rent a shop, the management office can charge no fees, as long as you want to use it." Shen Jun slowed down deliberately.

"Oh? What's the meaning of Director Shen Jun?" Jing Yan's eyes changed. He didn't think that this Shen Jun had no plans. On the Void Shenzhou, Jing Yan also had a self-knowledge. He definitely did not have such a big face, and let people's shops use it for free.

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