Universal Sword God

Chapter 1176: Yan Jin has secrets


After all, who knows in advance the unknown prophet, when he was riding in the Void Shenzhou, he happened to meet a high-level magic master to accept the commission of alchemy?

Riding the Void Shenzhou will try to convert the resources into the spot of the Shenjing. On the Void Shenzhou, there are too many places that need the Shenjing. Please search (品 # 书 ¥ 网) to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

Therefore, after half a year, the orders received by Huihuang Danpu began to decline, and fewer than ten new orders were received each day.

After one year, there were only about five copies left on this order. However, the proportion of high-level panacea orders increased a lot. There were even individual warriors on the top floor of the Void Shenzhou, who came to the brilliant Danpu in the middle-tier trading area to entrust Jing Yan to refine the alchemy.

After three years, there is only one copy of the new order per day on average.

Five years after the brilliant Danpu opened, Jingyan decided to close Danpu. There are enough **** crystals earned, and then until they reach the realm of imperial gods, these **** crystals are completely enough for cultivation and consumption.

After the news that the brilliant Danpu is about to stop accepting new commissions, Danpu's business has ushered in a new wave.

After the last batch of refining and refining medicine was delivered, Brilliant Danpu was officially closed. The opening time lasted more than five years.

On the top floor of Void China, in a luxurious residence.

Shen Jun stood quietly outside the room, waiting for Elder Rui'an to guard the call.

A few hours passed before a voice came out of the room, "Come in and talk!"

The door opened automatically, and Shen Jun quickly lowered his head and walked in.

"Meet the Elders!"

"Brilliant Danpu officially closed today and no longer accepts new alchemy commissions. Yan Jin and the warrior named Gui Yan left the trading area a few hours ago."

"Biaoxi has been secretly investigating the news. Approximately, in the past five years or so, the profitability of Brilliant Danpu has been calculated. The pure profit of Brilliant Danpu is at least 150 billion yuan. It ’s extremely high. No one at our senior spiritual master inside the Purple Spirit Chamber of Commerce can achieve the chance of becoming a dandan. Moreover, this person's alchemy speed is also amazing. Therefore, this person can almost be sure to remove the source of the body A treasure that increases the chance of alchemy beyond your power. "

Shen Jun bowed his head and said slowly.

"Well, there is a secret in this statement. In just a few years, the **** crystals earned have reached 150 billion **** crystals." Rui An narrowed his eyes and nodded.

In the narrowed eyes, the greed flashed away. With more than 100 billion first-class **** crystals, Rui An didn't care too much. However, he was very curious about the secrets of Jing Yan.

"Protect the elder, there is one more thing to report to you. Wen Zhuo, the director of the middle-level Yantai District, has personal contact with that statement. What they talked about, they couldn't detect it." Shen Jun said again.

"That Wen Zhuo, the courage is not small, relying on the old thing to support his back, some small actions in front of me are not one or two times. Well, sooner or later I will pick him up!" Rui An fierce His eyes flashed.

"Well, you go back first, don't act lightly. That word is not something you can handle." Ryan waved his hand.

"Yes!" Shen Jun retreated.


Middle floor, Jingyan residence.

"Seniors today, are we going to the training area now?" Gui Yan just heard Jing Yan said that he was going to the training area, and he said so subconsciously.

"Well, Shenjing has made a lot of money and naturally has to start cultivating. For two hundred years, it can never be wasted. In this middle layer, there are some auras, much stronger than the bottom layer. But this aura can also maintain physical consumption. Just want to practice, far from it, so I can only go to the training area to see. "Jing Yan nodded.

"Let's go together." Jing Yan said with a smile.

The liveliness of the cultivation area is not worse than the trading area and the Huantai area.

"Low-level practice room needs to pay 10,000 Shenjing daily. Intermediate practice room needs to pay 50,000 Shenjing daily. Advanced training room needs to pay 100,000 Shenjing daily."

The director of the cultivation area said blankly to Jing Yan and Gui Yan.

The high-end practice room charges 100,000 Tier 1 crystals per day, which is 3 million a month, 36 million a year, 360 million in ten years, and 3.6 billion in 100 years!

The high cost is enough to discourage many intermediate true gods.

Therefore, even in the middle level of this void Shenzhou, there are not many warriors using high-level training rooms. For ordinary intermediate gods, most choose low-level practice rooms or intermediate-level practice rooms. In other words, the high-level true gods will use the high-end practice room, but they will not be used for an unlimited period of time.

No way, the cost is too high.

"I want an advanced practice room." Jing Yan decided to use an advanced practice room without much consideration.

"Yes, how long?" The manager nodded.

"One hundred years!" Jing Yan said.

"Okay, one hundred ... um? One hundred years?" The manager thought that Jing Yan would use a 100-day senior practice room.

One hundred days means paying 10 million first-level **** crystals. This is relatively common in the middle tier, and there are some senior true gods who use it for a few years at a time. But he soon woke up ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jing Yan said it seemed to be a hundred years, not a hundred days.

"Yes, it's a hundred years," Jing Yan confirmed. "This is the cost of using a 100-year-old high-end practice room. Please check it."

Jing Yan divided 3.6 billion first-grade **** crystals and placed them in Xu Mi's ring, giving them to each other.

The steward was sternly surprised and took a moment before taking the Xu Mi ring. After the breathing time, the inventory was completed, and it was indeed 3.6 billion first-class **** crystals.

The steward took a deep look at Jing Yan again. At this time, his face changed dramatically from before.

After putting away Jingjing, he took out a purple high-end practice room and entered the token to adjust the time and gave it to Jing Yan, let Jing Yan find the high-end practice room with the door open by himself.

"Once a high-end practice room is used, it cannot be stopped, and other practice rooms cannot be replaced halfway. Simply put, as long as you enter the practice room, the door of the room is closed, and the timing starts. You can come out halfway, but time will still be consumed . "The manager then made a description of the practice room for Jing Yan.

"I see." Jing Yan said indifferently, after looking at the token, he directly held it in his hand.

"Guilin." Jing Yan looked at Guilin next to him and took out another Xu Mi ring. "You hold this, it's a long time since you arrived in Huangji God Realm. Don't waste this time, also enter the cultivation room to practice. Come on! I suggest that you also use the advanced practice room. "

Which level of practice room Gui Gui chose, Jing Yan would only suggest it, and would not decide for him. In his Xu Mi ring to Gui Yan, there are 5 billion first-grade **** crystals.

(Fifth more! There is less than a day before February passes, and the Taoist who has a monthly pass will not vote out, but it will expire and be invalidated!)

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