Universal Sword God

Chapter 1403: Get together

Jing Dongxue was in the room all the time and couldn't close the door. She had no idea what was happening outside.

She just felt that a sudden wave of mysterious energy suddenly appeared, and even the thought of resistance was too late to give birth to the darkness.

When she was awake, she had already left the room.

Jing Dongxue carefully looked around.

"Mother?" Jing Dongxue saw his mother Gao Feng and stood beside her.

The surprised expression just appeared on Qiao's face, and then her eyes fixed on Jing Yan's face again. Immediately thereafter, the expression on her face became extremely complicated.

She hasn't seen her father's story for thousands of years.

Although, her father's appearance has been deeply engraved in her mind. But now, at this moment, when she really saw Jing Yan with her own eyes, she actually had a hazy feeling, as if the impression of her father's Jing Yan was suddenly blurred in her mind.

When Jing Yan left the lower world, Jing Dongxue's strength was relatively low, and the spirit body was very weak.

Jing Dongxue opened his mouth and stared at Jing Yan like this.

"Dongxue ..." Jing Yan also looked at Jing Dongxue, looking at his own daughter.

Jing Dongxue's name is Gao Fengqi. At that time, Gao Feng knew that Jing Yan was worried about Bai Xue, so he named his daughter as Jing Dongxue. Among them, there is also a profound meaning.

"You ... Are you father?" Jing Dongxue finally made a sound.

Tears burst out, and she fluttered into Jing Yan's arms. Jing Yan also patted her daughter's back gently.

"I know that you and your mother have suffered a lot of grievances. It's okay, I'm here. I won't let you be grieved anymore." Jing Yan said gently.

Hearing Jing Yan say so, Jing Dongxue suddenly looked up.

"Father, there are a lot of people who bully their mothers here. Take us away from here!" Jing Dongxue said, looking at Jing Yan's eyes.

"Well, we will go. In the future, no one can bully your mother, and no one can bully you. Whoever dares to bully you, I will kill someone!" Jing Yan's voice was still soft.

But the tone contains domineering.

Whoever bullies my loved ones must die!

This is Jing Yan's belief, and this is Jing Yan's determination.

"Father, how did you appear here? Listen to my mother, this is neither a divine realm nor a human realm. At the beginning, my mother and I ascended to the divine realm, and I did n’t know how to get here. Then how did you come here, father? "Jing Dongxue remembered this and asked how Jing Yan came to this world.

"I did come from the divine realm, and I can sense your existence. So, following this trace of induction, I came to this world and found you here." Jing Yan explained briefly.

As for the retrospective of time, Jing Yan did not mention it. At that level, Jing Dongxue's mother and daughter can't understand, they are all ordinary virtual gods, and their realm is too much. At least they have to reach the realm of the Lord God in order to access the laws of order.

But this time, when I found Fenger and Dongxue myself, I would think of a way to increase their strength quickly. In a short period of time, it is necessary to make Fenger mother and daughter to become warriors in the realm of true gods.

Speaking of it, with Jing Yan's current ability, it is not difficult to promote Gao Feng and Jing Dongxue to the realm of true god. And when the two become true gods, they can further use elixir like Dao Zhendan.

The warrior is in the realm of virtual gods, and it is too dangerous to use Dao Zhendan. The original use of Jing Yan was because Jing Yan's physical body was relatively strong, and there was the first magic skill of the sky in the body.

Like Gao Feng and Jing Dongxue, you still need to wait for the promotion of true god, and then use Dao Zhendan. At that time, with the help of Tao Zhendan, the mother and daughter can quickly become senior true gods.

From high-level **** array to the main god, it is more difficult. Even the current Jingyan is powerless. The step from the true God to the Lord God, even with those extremely precious resources, may not be able to step out. It depends on the talents and opportunities of the soldiers themselves.

"Xiangong, the guards of the city's main government just now, the one wearing the blue robe should be a general. I heard that those generals are all strong in the realm of Jiuding Lord God. Why is he in front of you, but there is no power to fight? Gao Feng asked Jing Yan at this time.

After all, she has been talking about Shancheng for hundreds of years, and she is working in a restaurant. This is the place to be informed. Therefore, she also knows the ranks and strengths of the guards of the city main government.

Not to mention Jiuding Lord God, those ordinary Lord Gods, for Gao Feng, it is an unattainable high mountain. Jiuding Lord God is even more terrible. In Tanshan City, Jiuding Lord God is definitely an extremely powerful warrior. Even among those great power and large families, the number of Jiuding Lord Gods is not large.

And his own Xianggong Jingyan just waved his hands to throw away those true gods, the guards of the gods, and even the gods of Jiuding.

Is it true that the strength of his Xianggong Jingyan far exceeds that of Jiuding? Is it true that his Xianggong Jingyan is already a strong man at the level of God? Is it a powerful person who is quite the same as the Lord of the City?

Gao Feng didn't dare to imagine it, and she thought it was strange. There were too many questions in her mind.

"A lord of Jiuding is nothing."

"What's more, that person's strength in the Jiuding Lord is only average, and he is far away from the powerful one." Jing Yan smiled and said.

At this time, Jing Dongxue also found anomalies around.

Just now she suddenly saw her father Jing Yan, and her heart was too excited and excited, so she did not realize that the atmosphere was not right here. At this time, she discovered that many people in the restaurant hall looked at her father's scene with frightened eyes.

Although she doesn't know these people ~ www.readwn.com ~, she can guess that they should be guests of the restaurant. Moreover, the breath of these people is very strong, I am afraid that there are many warriors in the realm of the realm.

Why do they look at their father with that fearful look?

Jing Dongxue's eyes rolled, and then her face changed, and she saw the body on the ground. Mo Wei and others, she didn't know, but the director Mao Wen, she did.

Director Mao Wen, why did you die?

Jing Dongxue didn't really like Mao Wen. This person often spoke lightly and insulted to his mother. Now she is a little happy to see Mao Wen die. But why did Director Mao Wen die?

People like Mao Wen are naturally inadequate in the eyes of those talking about Shancheng. However, in Jing Dongxue's view, that was also an extraordinary figure. This person was not only the true god, but also the director of the restaurant.

Could it be his father killed him?

"These people have no good intentions for your mother, so I killed them." Jing Yan said.

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