Universal Sword God

Chapter 1406: Death to my wife and children!

Zhuo Ming landlord gave up the struggle!

What about love! dead? Just die! He lived long enough anyway, and it was impossible for him to be promoted to God in this life.

He shook his head and didn't want to say another word!

Mo Xiangu turned his eyes and glanced at Liu Fan, the head of the Liu family.

If the two homeowners meet on weekdays, it is necessary to give a shudder. The Mo family and Liu family talked well in Shancheng. This point can be seen from the mingling of Mo Wei and Liu Tang.

But at this time, the two homeowners obviously did not have a shudder.

Not even nodding. The two took the strong men of their respective families in a **** situation, and clamped Jing Yan there.

"Did you kill my son Liu Tang?" Liu Fan was angry at Jing Yan.

At the same time that his anger came out, his body moved slightly.

He raised his arm, the divine power flowed, and the power of the law surged.

This force is not directed at Jing Yan's release, but at the high Feng standing next to Jing Yan. It seems that he is going to grab Gao Feng from Jing Yan. Liu Fan also knew that his son Liu Tang was following Mo Wei to Qibao Restaurant, and he was looking for this extremely beautiful woman.

He wanted to do something directly with Jing Yan, but this involved the Mo family. Mo Xiangu's son, Mo Wei, was also killed by that man. If he killed Jing Yan directly or captured Jing Yan, Mo Xiangu would definitely not be happy.

Despite his anger, his thinking was normal. Therefore, he temporarily changed his mind and started with Gao Feng. In the final analysis, the reason why his son will die is that this woman is the fuse.

The first time Liu Fan took the shot, Mo Xiangu noticed that his eyes were first fixed, but after he realized that Liu Fan was attacking the woman named Gao Feng, he did not speak, and did not stop.

Jing Yan felt that in front of the Liu family's master, a wave of mighty energy came, and he sneered.

Raise your arm!

Within the space, the power of the law shook violently.

It can be seen that in the space in front of Jing Yan, a layer of ripples shakes like water ripples.

The handprint of Liu Family's owner Liu Fan, after passing through the space, fell on that layer of ripples.

Then the incredible scene happened. The fingerprints of Liu Fan, the strong Lord, were intercepted directly by the ripples of water.

Not even a sound came out. The immense handprints containing terrible power gradually melted away in the space, as if never before.

This Liu Fan, that is, the ordinary God Lord, has not even reached the level of the third-rate God Lord. In front of Jing Yan, he wanted to capture Gao Feng, it was a delusion.

Liu Fan was shocked when he saw this scene. He knew for himself the power of his shot this time. Although he didn't do his best, it wasn't something that ordinary Jiuding master martial arts could block. Even the top Jiuding Lord God cannot be blocked so easily.

But what he saw was that Jing Yan effortlessly extinguished his attack invisible.

Mo Xiangu's expression also changed slightly. He sensed a faint avenue from Jing Yan's body.

Is this person also a warrior in the realm of God?

Mo Xiangu's eyes stared at Jing Yan.

However, even if this person is in the realm of God, he will die today. Suddenly, the violent mood filled the entire chest of Mo Xiangu again.

"Patriarch Mo! Patriarch Liu!"

At the far end, a purple figure approached quickly.

Zhao Tianmei, the owner of Tan Shancheng, dressed in a purple dress, was here. As Zhao Tianmei spoke, she swept across the hall and saw Jing Yan and others, as well as several bodies on the ground.

She sighed in her heart.

Hearing Zhao Tianmei's voice, Mo Xiangu and Liu Fan both looked around.

"Master City Lord!" The two voices said at the same time.

General Shen Hui also immediately stepped forward and saluted Zhao Tianmei respectfully. Zhao Tianmei waved his hand to Shen Jun, motioned him to step down, and then looked back at Mo Xiangu and Liu Fan.

"I regret the death of Mo Wei and Liu Tang. However, I also asked the two patriarchs to calm down first. How should this matter be handled? The city government will come up with a plan that will satisfy everyone." Zhao Tianmei said to the two. .

Mo Xiangu's face suddenly sneered.

"If the Lord of the City wants to persuade me, then I may not be able to satisfy you!"

"Today, this man will die without doubt! Not only is he going to die, but this woman, I will stab himself to death. The young one is his daughter, right? Let the patriarch Liu handle it, and the patriarch Liu should not dislike it. Mo Xiangu's eyes glanced at Gao Feng and Jing Dongxue, and then he looked at Liu Fan, the head of the Liu family.

"Mr. Mo is saying so much!" Liu Fan also laughed.

Gao Feng and Jing Dongxue heard that Jiao's body was shaking with anger.

Zhao Tianmei, the master of the city, had Liu Mei clustered, and her heart was a little angry. Since she took control of Tanshan City, she can be said to be extremely generous to the Mo family and other family forces. She just wanted to make Tan Shancheng stable and orderly.

But her generosity seems to have always made Mo Xiangu and others think she was weak.

What else did she want to say.

However, before she could speak again, Jing Yan had already acted.

"The one who insults my wife and children, die!" Jing Yan burst out from his mouth.

Jing Yan was really angry.

After Mo Xiangu uttered this sentence, then his life was actually gone. No one can save him now.

To be honest, just before Mo Xiangu said these words, Jing Yan hadn't fully decided whether to kill Mo Xiangu and others directly. But now, Jing Yan's determination is unshakable.

With the words of Jing Yan coming out of his mouth, the breath of his whole body was surging like a raging wind and waves. Layers of killing intentions, immediately covered this piece of the world.

Not only these people who are closer ~ www.readwn.com ~ are like falling ice caves. Even those onlookers who didn't dare to approach in the distance felt the bitter chill.

Immediately afterwards, the power of terror and the power of law set off a storm of energy.

After the words of Jing Yan fell down, a huge palm print was on the top of Mo Xiangu's head, slamming down.

Mo Xiangu only felt that his body seemed to be fixed by this space. All around is the energy of the law, and according to his God-level cultivation, he cannot escape. He even became extremely slow in his divine power. He is the Lord of God and immediately understood that this is the power of the law of space.

But why are these laws of space so powerful?

He didn't have time to think more. The huge palm print above had already fallen.

He raised his head hard, and then his consciousness fell into darkness.

What others saw was that Mo Xiangu, the owner of the Mo family, was directly photographed as a fan by the black palm print.

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