Universal Sword God

Chapter 1437: Vision

Emperor Chang Ying soon appeared in front of Feng Ruohan, the master, and reported the situation about Jing Yan.

"You mean ... this Jingyan is dead?" Feng Ruohan's face suddenly gloomed.

He purposely rushed over from the Temple of Manpower, the purpose was to see the story, to draw him into the Temple of Manpower, and to enter his cabinet.

After waiting for more than two months, I got the news that Jing Yan actually died in the Queering Star Tower. If Feng Ruohan was in a good mood at this time, that would be strange.

"Master Ge, I am not sure yet. However, the bright spots on the light curtain wall of the star tower disappeared, and Jing Yan did not come out of the quenched star tower. According to past experience, he should have fallen into it." Chang Ying lowered Head, said helplessly.

If Jing Yan was dead, then it would be meaningless. And he Changying could not get any benefit from this incident. The previous prospects were all fantasy.

Feng Ruohan was dark-faced, and then spoke again after a while: "Go and see!"

Feng Ruohan flashed out of the Star Tower Restaurant, came to the outer square, and stood in front of the light curtain wall.

He stared at the light curtain wall, his eyelids shaking.

"This idiot!" Feng Ruohan yelled with anger.

"Master Ge ..." Chang Ying stood aside.

"This idiot must be deliberately wanting to ascend the ninth floor space before the spirit body can be completely killed. Huh, it's stupid that even the Lord Lord can't climb the stairs to the ninth floor, he thought he Who? Actually trying to reach the ninth floor! "Feng Ruohan was really angry.

Emperor Chang Ying stood on the side, and his face was also unsightly.

"Chang Ying, I still have something to do first." Feng Ruohan waved his arm and left this sentence to Emperor Chang Ying, and flew away with anger.

Obviously, in Feng Ruohan's view, Jing Yan must be dead. In the multi-billion-year history of Wandao World, no one can ascend to the ninth floor of the Quenching Star Tower. Even the Manpower Taoist, the man of the Wanbao Temple, failed to reach the last step. That Jingyan is absolutely impossible to reach the ninth floor.

At this time, the red bright spots on the wall of the light curtain disappeared, which is enough to prove that Jing Yan died in the Quexin Star Tower. Now that Jing Yan is dead, what does Feng Ruohan continue to do?

"Elder Changying!" The Shadow Emperor also came to the front of the light curtain wall, stood with Emperor Changying, and looked at Emperor Changying with a smile.

Chang Ying turned around and glanced at the Shadow Emperor. He didn't speak.

"Master Feng Ruohan Pavilion, this time it's white!" The Shadow Emperor continued, with a bitter tone.

Chang Yingdijun's face shook a bit, but eventually he didn't say a word, and returned silently to Xingta Restaurant.

At this time in the Star Tower Restaurant, Gao Feng and others also noticed that Jing Yan had an accident.

It is difficult for them not to pay attention, and many martial artists in the restaurant are also discussing this matter. Almost everyone believes that Emperor Jing Yan died in the Quenching Star Tower.

Gao Feng and Jing Dongxue were extremely heavy in their hearts.

"Gao Fengdao friends ..."

"Maybe something went wrong. How could a character like Jing Yan Dao You easily die? I think it's possible that Jing Yan Dao You got on the ninth floor. In the world of Mandao, no warrior has ever boarded Go up to the ninth floor. The red bright spot on behalf of Jing Yan and Taoist friends disappeared, maybe because he entered the ninth floor. "Goo looked at Gao Feng and Jing Dongxue and said that they were unstable.

In fact, he didn't even believe it himself.

"Is this really possible?" Gao Feng looked at Goo.

"It is indeed possible!" Ningluo said, "All the warriors entering the Quenching Star Tower will appear on the light curtain wall accordingly. However, no warrior has ever successfully ascended the ninth floor. Ascended to the ninth floor After the layer, it will not be clear whether there will be corresponding red bright spots on the light curtain wall. "

After hearing the words of Gou Ling and Ningluo, Gao Feng and Jing Dongxue had some comfort.

"Two Daoists, don't worry. We will stay here to appreciate the law of the Quenching Star Tower, waiting for Jingyan Taoist to come out of the Quenching Star Tower. Even if you are in a hurry, there is nothing you can do now All you can do is wait, "Gou added.

Both Gao Feng and Jing Dongxue nodded slightly.

As the Lord of God said, there is no other way for them to worry. The only thing they can do is stay here and wait for Jing Yan to come out.

Moreover, Gao Feng and Jing Dongxue did not believe that Jing Yan would die. Jing Yan ascended from the lower world to the realm of God, and then came to the world of Wandao. After experiencing so many dangers, he became the Lord of the Emperor and King, how could he easily die in the Quenching Star Tower.

In their hearts, it seemed as if a voice was telling them that Jing Yan was still alive. They just need to wait for Jing Yan to return at Xingta Restaurant.

Quenching Star Tower, the ninth floor space.

Jing Yan was walking against the violent wind and the yellow sand.

In this space, the energy is extremely chaotic, and Jing Yan tries to fly, but it is very difficult. So he decided to walk.

The strong wind here is not a great threat to Jing Yan, but if the general Lord is in this environment, it is absolutely difficult to persist in breathing time and be destroyed.

The first to eighth floors of the Quenching Star Pagoda are all sculpted by the warrior spirit body. This ninth layer is very special, but Jing Yan believes that the existence of this ninth layer must also make sense. There must be something valuable in this space.

Of course, even if this space really doesn't have any value, Jing Yan can't stay in place, he also needs to find an exit. From the first floor to the eighth floor, there are teleportation arrays that can go out. This ninth floor should be there, right?

Time passes day by day.

The space on the ninth floor is very huge. After walking for more than half a year, Jing Yan still didn't see any end.

However, in the past six months, Jing Yan has mastered some rules. He found a sign that the gale in the ninth space was not the same in every area.

Jing Yan ~ www.readwn.com ~ began to consciously walk in a relatively weak wind direction.

It's another few months.

"You're right!"

"The wind here is at least 50% weaker than before. There must be something unusual in the front." Jing Yan's thoughts began to come alive.

His speed hastened.

Just over ten days later.

"Huh ..." Jing Yan stood still, staring forward.

The scene ahead made Jing Yan's eyes wide open subconsciously, exhaling a long breath in his mouth.

"What's that?" Jing Yan said exclaimed.

He saw a figure, a very huge figure, at least tens of thousands of meters high. Jing Yan's location is far from this figure. However, Jing Yan can see that this is a humanoid shadow, and it seems to be human!

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