Universal Sword God

Chapter 1504: War of end

In this Dan division, many Dan divisions have been personally educated by the Holy Dan division, a Manpower Taoist, and there is no shortage of top-level **** divisions.

For a long time, the most fascinating and fascinating thing about Wanbao Temple is the top-level gods. Therefore, even if the Wanbao Temple does not have elixir like Yunhe Dan, their top-level gods can still attract the attention of many warriors.

In order to attract more powerful men to fight for the Manpower Temple, Manpower Taoists have also worked hard. He knew that if the Holy Land of Mando could not be completely defeated this time, it would be difficult for the Manpower Temple under his control to rule the whole world in the Mando world in the future. Mando World is also difficult to rename as Manbao World.

Star Tower City!

Jing Yan has been in Star Tower City for a while and issued instructions.

Most of the time, Jing Yan is refining various top-level gods. Although there is a Dan division in Wandao Holy Land, it is far from being comparable to the Wanbao Temple. Therefore, many gods, Jing Yan have to personally refine it. Fortunately, although he has not yet reached the Holy Dan Master, his alchemy speed is extremely fast.

In the speed of alchemy, even the sage master of Marlboro cannot compare with Jing Yan. For a long time, Jing Yan's alchemy speed was beyond the reach of other Dan masters.

Qiankun Dandao, coupled with the Qiankun Dan furnace, plus Xiao Hei's assistance, a furnace of top-level gods, is continuously refined.

The Zhenyang Sect was destroyed, ten years later.

The conflict between Wandao Holy Land and Wanbao Temple has become fiercer and larger. The killings that have taken place in the recent past have involved the emperor-level gods.

After years of accumulating strength, both of these huge forces wanted to tear off that last layer of camouflage.

The General Assembly battle is about to start.

Jing Yan also found the chief array master Lun Zhan again.

"Meet the Lord!" Lun Jian was very excited to see Jing Yan.

Compared with Jing Yan's martial arts strength, Jing Yan's frontal strength makes Lun advocate worship. When I saw Jing Yan ten years ago, Jing Yan gave him some pointers on the front, and he benefited a lot. Although only in the past ten years, he has made a new breakthrough in the formation.

"Elder Lun Chin, how is the production of the array?" Jing Yan asked directly.

The number of disk formations of Jiu Xuanlie Fire Formation is of great importance, and it is also a great killing tool for the Wandao Holy Land to wage war on the Wanbao Temple. In the past ten years, the only task of the Master Team of Wandao Holy Land Array is to continuously produce the array of Jiu Xuanlie array.

Under the instruction of Jing Yan, the news was completely blocked, and only a few elders and array of mages knew about it. And all the array mages of the array mage team are under supervision, and even if they want to spread the news, they have no chance at all.

"Master, Jiu Xuanlie fire array, we have produced a total of 244. These arrays, only Jiuding Lord God can be excited at any time, causing devastating blow to the enemy." Incomparably said.

"Two hundred and forty-four? Well, yes. Elder Lun Jian, you worked hard during this time. Later, you will give all the battlefields to Elder Su He." Jing Yan said.

"Yes!" Lun advocated immediately.

Later, Jing Yan gave an order to the elder Suhe to let him summon to Wandao Lingshan and follow the previous plan.

Half a month later, a large group of men from the Holy Land gathered to start from Star Tower City and approached the headquarters of Wanbao Temple. At the same time, the Manpower Temple also made the same move. Manpower Taoists led the many powerful men in the Manpower Temple, starting from the Manpower Temple.

These two huge forces have no intention to stay in their nests and wait for the other side to attack. They plan to conduct this general battle in the wilderness, either you die or I die!

The actions of the Mando Holy Land and the Manbao Shrine also attracted the attention of the whole Mando world.

Countless warriors gathered from all sides. Moreover, these warriors are still relatively strong. True gods and master gods abound, and even virtual gods are very rare.

Everyone wants to know what the end of this war will be.

On the side of Wandao Holy Land, the three kings of King Jingyan, Emperor Chuoyan and Emperor Duan are all powerful men at the level of emperors. In addition, the strong men at the level of deities, including the lords of the four spiritual mountains and some elders, plus some deity martial arts absorbed during the meditation, there are about 20 deities in Wandao Holy Land. There are more gods and lords at the level of emperors and kings, and it is conservatively estimated that there are fifty.

Participating in this war is at least a strong man at the level of ordinary gods. Like those main gods, even Jiuding main **** is not qualified to participate. Jiuding Lord God could not help at all in such a war. Even if they are in large numbers, they will not threaten those powerful gods, so even if they come, there will be no meaning at all. With a slap of gods at the level of gods, they can shoot hundreds of gods.

The same is true of the Manpower Temple. Those who appear in the eyes of everyone are at least ordinary martial arts masters.

The Manpower Taoist, the main man of the Manpower Temple, and Tu Yang, the powerful emperor, are at the forefront, followed by many god-level and emperor-level powers, followed by a large number of gods.

At this glance, the number of people in the Manpower Temple is much larger than that in the Holy Land of Mando.

This is also normal. The Manpower Shrine was suppressed by the Manpower Temple before it could barely breathe. The Mandao Temple was stepped on by its feet. This is not without reason. Star Tower City was robbed by the Wanbao Temple, and all the Holy Lands could only endure. The gap between the two sides' strengths is still very clear. Even if there is a new lord who has become the Holy Land of Wandao, www.readwn.com, this gap cannot be bridged in a short time.


When the two groups met, they stopped far away. Marlboro Taoist, staring at Jing Yan, opened his mouth and shouted the name of Jing Yan.

"Marlboro Taoist!" Jing Yan also raised his eyes, staring at the Wanbao Taoist, his eyes flashing with a burning flame.

Speaking of which, this is the first time the two have met. However, the killing intention is strong and almost condensed into substance.

"Jing Yan! At the beginning, I really despised you. I didn't expect that you, a little guy who had practiced less than 10,000 years, could bring me so much trouble. It was really a surprise."

"But that's it. After the war, Mando Holy Land will be completely history. I originally planned to slowly eliminate the influence of Mando Holy Land in Mando World. Your appearance has accelerated this. Process. "The low voice of Marlboros passed into the ears of everyone present.

Even in the distance, countless dense crowds of onlookers also heard it clearly.



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