Universal Sword God

Chapter 1518: Dust settled


King Tu Yang is still dead.

However, he did not die under Jing Yan's Chaos Sword, but was slaped into powder by the elder.

The Emperor Tu Yang and the Elder Blow were originally evenly matched, and it was difficult for the two to fight against each other. However, after Jing Yan casts the sword of chaos and kills Tu Yang, Tu Yang's mind is completely chaotic.

In the battle between the emperor and the emperor, especially when they are evenly matched, how can you be distracted? As soon as the Emperor Tu Yang was distracted, he was shot dead directly by the elder.

At this point, the Manpower Taoist and King Tuyang of the Manpower Temple have fallen. The other warriors in the Wanbao Temple, from the deities and other ordinary gods, have even less will to fight.

"Jingyan Lord!"

"Manbaodao died, and the Manbao Temple has no leader. It will not be possible to compete with Mandao Holy Land in the future. I think this is the end of this matter?" The main sword of the Sect of the Sword Emperor also looked at Jingyan.

At this time, a heart is also uncomfortable.

He regrets it!

Knowing this result long ago, his Holy Sword Sect should be allied with the Holy Land of All Ways. Not only can you get a 10% resource bonus, but you can also wear a pair of pants with Wandao's body.

It's like Zihuazong now.

After Zihuazong, it is difficult to miss the scenery in Wandao World. In this ten thousand worlds, besides the ten thousand sacred places, which other forces can compare with Zihuazong in the future?

It's just that it's too late to regret it.

"What do you think? Why do you think this thing should stop here?" Jing Yan looked around and stepped forward, said sarcastically.

Bu Yi also turned black.

"Jingyan Holy Lord, do you want to slay the Wanbao Temple and our gods of several ancestors? If you do this, then how many **** warriors can be left in the entire world of Mando? The whole world of Mando Strength will plummet! "Bu Yi's mind turned quickly.

"So what?" Jing Yan sneered indifferently.

"Jingyan, don't deceive people too much! If you don't give us a way, it will be a big death. If you can kill us all in the end, you must have a group of people buried with us!" Bu Yi threatened .

By this time, there are still a lot of warriors at the level of God in the Wanbao Temple and Lianzongmen.

From the beginning of the slaughter to the present, although both sides have killed a lot of warriors at the level of the Lord, especially the beginning of the Wanbao Temple was killed by more than two hundred nine mysterious fire arrays and killed a large number of gods. However, many are still alive.

There is almost no casualty at the level of God.

If these people are really desperate, it will take some time even if the three powerful kings of Jing Yan, Bing Yan and Chuo Yan kill them. And during this time, the Lords of the Manpower Temple may still cause damage to members of the Holy Land.

"It's threatening me at this time! Seek death!"

Jing Yan no longer talked with Bu Yi, Cai Xia sword waved, Jian Guang shuttled out.

Sovereign Bu Yi, the powerful man of **** level, faced with the sword of chaos sweeping in, frantically trying to resist, and repeatedly cursed Jing Yan in his mouth. However, he couldn't stop, and he tried his best to stop Jing Yan's Chaos Sword.

A sword swept over, and Bu Yizong died and fell.

The death of Bu Yi made the minds of all the Manpower Temples here extremely tense, and they began to become restless and desperate.

If Jing Yan doesn't give them a way to live at all, they must be desperate. Anyway, it ’s dead all the time, it ’s better to pull a back before you die.

"You guys, listen." Jing Yan said at this time, sweeping through all the members of the Wanbao Temple.

"In the killing just now, I ca n’t hold anyone who did not kill the members of Wandao Holy Land. However, I will never let the person who killed Wandao Holy Land become alive! The wounded blood of the soldiers of Wandao Holy Land People must die! "Jing Yan's voice spread throughout the audience.

Those warriors who did not kill the members of Wandao Holy Land breathed a sigh of relief. And those warriors with the blood of members of Wandao Holy Land were pale.

"Jingyan child, you have to be crazy! I am afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you, we fight with you! Disciples of Qianshou Zong listen to orders, kill!" Qianshou Zongzong came out angrily.

Just now, he killed several lords under the emperors of the Holy Land. According to Jing Yan's words, he was clearly bound to die.

The Emperor Qianshou scolded Jing Yan, but he did not rush towards Jing Yan. When he ordered the disciples of Qian Shouzong to kill, he suddenly turned and hurried in the opposite direction. He was obviously planning to escape. .

"Huh, you think you can run away?" Jing Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

The sword shadow emerged, and the sword light was like a lightning bolt, quickly catching up with the prince of a thousand hands, and beheaded directly.

"Hands on! All those who are stained with blood from our robes will be killed!" Jing Yan said in a faint tone.



"Bang, bang!"

The two sides fought again.

However, ~ www.readwn.com ~ The warriors in the Wanbao Temple camp, those who did not kill the members of the Wandao Holy Land, did not take action, they avoided it far. Of course, there may be warriors who are not afraid of death and need to coexist with the Wanbao Temple, but there are definitely few such people.

Under the control of Jing Yan, Hair Dryer and Chuo Yan, there are five first-class warriors in Wanbao Temple, which are constantly being killed.

After about a dozen breaths, the assassination stopped.

The next thing is very simple.

The Wanbao Temple was dissolved! Mingtai Sect and other five first-class forces have since merged into Wandao Holy Land and become subsidiary forces of Wandao Holy Land.

These five first-class forces will be directly appointed by Wandao Holy Land in the important posts from suzerain to elder. The former elders also need to go through the examination of Wandao Holy Land before they can continue to serve. Failure to pass the review will result in removal.

In this regard, the members of the five first-class forces did not dare to have any objections. For them, it is already very lucky to survive. As for their integration into the Holy Land of All Ways, this is not the worst result.

To be honest, even if Jing Yansheng was disbanded like Wanbao Temple, they had to accept it, just like the Zhenyang Sect.

"Elder Chuo Yan, the next thing here, please take care of it. Take care of the elders. You also have to work hard and take people to the headquarters of the Wanbao Temple to check their treasure house."

"Master Ding Luo, I won't say much if I'm grateful. Later, I also ask you to go to the Wanbao Temple with the elders. After the resources of the Wanbao Temple are counted, Zihuazong can get 10% of them.

Jing Yan said a few words in succession to arrange things. He himself took Xiaofeng away first.

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