Universal Sword God

Chapter 1539: great merit

The human **** emperor warrior who can fight against the demons and demons will not be absent, but it is very rare.

And the human **** emperor warriors, Zhichang **** emperor, and others who can fight with the magic torch at the level of the Middle East toad have never seen or heard of it.

In the battle of the great destruction, the emperor warrior and the demon will fight, usually not one-on-one. If a single emperor warrior encounters a magic general, he will usually choose to avoid it.

But now, they see Jingyan God Emperor and Dong Toad fighting hard!

You know, the toad can persist for a long time in the hands of Ruchen Tianzun. Jingyan God Emperor can fight with East Toad hardly. Doesn't it mean that Ru Tianzun wants to kill Jingyan God Emperor, can't he easily do it?

Emperor Menglu, and the leaders of the Sixth and Ninth Realms are secretly grateful! They were grateful that they did not continue to conflict with King Jingyan. Otherwise, the consequences will be difficult to say. If the Emperor Jing Yan is really angered, I am afraid that even the Emperor Zhichang and others can't stop the King Yan.


"Damn human!"

After Dong Hao and Jing Yan fought once, he knew that he could not kill this human himself.

It didn't make much sense to stay. If he delays, he may be in danger. Human deities are indeed very powerful beings. In the demon clan, only the demon king can compete with human deities.

"Human, I remember you! Hope that in the future, you won't let me meet, otherwise I will eat you!" The toad's voice, like a boulder crushing, rumbling.

"Dong Toad, I'm afraid there's no future!" Jing Yan snorted softly, and raised the Caixia sword in his hand.

"Predecessor Ruchen Tianzun, I will assist you in beheading East Toad!" Jing Yan said to Ruchen Tianzun.

"Huh!" Ruchen Tianzun took a deep look at Jing Yan and nodded.

In fact, Rutianzun was not sure at this time to leave the toad. Dong Toad's special talent is so weird that she can't follow her like dust. As long as the Eastern Toad disappears into a special space, it will be difficult to pursue. Even if you can grasp the traces of the eastern toad again, it will definitely be far away, and it will be too late to chase after it.

"Haha, human, do you want to stay with me?" The toad's huge body trembled, and the space twisted again around his body.


At the same time as the East Toad exerted its special talents, Jing Yan's long-prepared storm of spirits erupted, and fiercely bombarded the East Toad.

In the universe, any real creature is spiritual. As long as there is a soul, then the attack of the storm will be effective. The demons are also creatures, and their spirits will also be attacked by the storm of spirits.

The East Toad, who is exerting his special talent to escape, suddenly felt a sudden pain in the spirit body. The use of his own talent temporarily stopped.

"Gravity Realm!"

Jing Yan immediately urged the field of gravity after casting the Soul Storm.

A powerful gravitational field appeared near the toad's body, and the surrounding space suddenly changed dramatically. Immediately afterwards, a huge force pulled the toad's body out of that special space.

As the dust of Tian Tianzun's eyes flickered, the purple ruler weapon in his hand inspired the purple streamers.

The Eastern Toad had not fully reacted yet, and was bombarded by a purple streamer.

"No!" The Eastern Toad roared.

For the first time in his eyes there was a look of terror. He exhibited his special talent and was actually interrupted by this force. He didn't know how the other party did it, but it happened. Under the influence of talent, special spaces have been formed, but the opponent pulled his body out of the special space.

"Dong Toad, you can't run!" Jing Yan also smiled on his face at this time.

Before the combination of Spirit Storm and the field of gravity, Jing Yan was not sure that these two tricks would definitely work for the Eastern Toad. Now, it seems that these two tricks can really restrain the special talents of the Eastern Toad.

As long as the special talents of the East Toad are rendered useless, then it is only a matter of time for the Heavenly King to cut and kill the East Toad. Furthermore, you can take the time to attack the Eastern Toad with the sword of chaos.

After the toad's rolling body stabilized, he immediately exerted his special talents. He knew very well that if he couldn't escape with special talents, he would probably die here today.

He doesn't want to die!

But, just like the previous time, his body was pulled out of the special space again by giant force.


"No! Damn! Damn humans! Despicable humans!"

The Eastern Toad roared and waved the black sledgehammer in his hand. He knew that the human who restricted his special talent was Jing Yan, so he wanted to kill Jing Yan. As long as he killed Jing Yan, he could use the special talent again to create a special space and escape from the dust.

However, Jing Yan's strength is too strong, he can be blocked by Jing Yan's crazy sledgehammer attack. Not to mention, Tianru Zun beside him intercepted almost all his attacks.

After dozens of breathing times, the eastern toad died unwillingly in grief.

In the huge body of the Eastern Toad, a hidden mysterious world collapsed.

The reason why the demons' bodies are so powerful is because of the mysterious world inside them. This world is very strong, the more powerful the demon, the more stable the internal world is.

And when the internal world is broken, then the demon is dead.

The toad dragged by Jingyan's spirit storm and gravity field ~ www.readwn.com ~ was destined to leave from the beginning. The world inside him was eventually broken by the dusty lord, and in the roar, he died completely.

When the East Toad died, the Emperor Zhichang and others from the lower part also flew out of the Nine Realms in great excitement, came to the chaos above, and saluted to Ruchen Tianzun.

"Thank you Lord Ruchen Tianzhuang for coming in time and killing Dong Toad!" The Emperor Zhichang thanked Ruchen Tianzhu on behalf of everyone.

"Well! After the devastation, I have been paying attention to the movement of the Eastern Toad. This time, after he entered the territory of human beings, I noticed it, so I followed it all the way." Ru Chenzhuang nodded to everyone.

This is why the crowd can come here so soon, even if the Emperor Zhichang did not ask for help through tokens, he would come here like the dust.

"However, even if I do n’t come, Dong Hao ca n’t help you. This ... Jing \ 'little friend, one person is enough to cope with Dong Hao." Ru Chen looks at Jing Yan again, with God in his eyes. Guang Lianlian continued, "If it weren't for Jing Yan's friends, I wouldn't be able to kill the toad. This credit should be attributed to Jing Yan's friends."



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