Universal Sword God

Chapter 1553: Death News

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"Brother Ren Jiang! The heavenly demons are here to be hesitant to move? The hand of the magic weapon to deal with Jingyan friends, I am afraid they will let the more powerful demons do it themselves." Wuyou Tianzun looked sad.

"Um! It's just that the demon king didn't enter the burial **** realm, so we can't determine the specific teleportation position of Jingyan's friend." Ren Jiangtian Zun nodded, then shook his head.

His eyes flashed and continued: "The hand of the magic weapon is very powerful, but it also has shortcomings. Jing Yan's friend was teleported away from the Iron Castle, so the hand of death must not be far away. If it is too far away Far away, the power of the hand of death cannot be effectively used, so it is likely that Jingyan's friends are around the burial gods realm. "

"It's not too late, and we immediately searched for the area around the burial gods area immediately." Ren Jiang Tianzun said.

"Okay." Wuyou Tianzun immediately answered.

"Shi Tai, if any other Supreme Master comes to Tiebi Castle in a while, you will tell us what we are doing." Wuyou Tianzun said to General Shi Tai again.

"Observe!" General Shi Tai answered.

The two deities suddenly disappeared over the iron castle wall.

"General Shi Tai, should we send someone to search?" A deity asked General Tai Shi.

Shi Tai shook her head and said, "Master Ren Jiang Tianzun said that Jingyan Daoyou is near the burial **** realm, but the burial **** realm is also very large. For the celestial being strong, it may not take long to search for a circle. But we gods want It ’s very difficult to search the whole funeral realm. We, people, ca n’t help. "

The crowd nodded when they heard what General Tai said.

As General Shi Tai said, even if they went out looking for Jingyan, it was useless. When they found Jing Yan, the daylily was cold.


"Abominable! This devil is too powerful, I can't stop it!" Jing Yan's body rolled in chaos, and blood continued to flow from his mouth and nose.

The whole body seemed to be torn into pieces.

"You can stop me! You humans are saying, you really aren't ordinary. The human **** Emperor God can stop me, you are the first!" Said the demon king.

While talking, he quickly moved his body to approach Jing Yan, and the huge stick in his hand fell to Jing Yan again.

At this time, the Jingyan had reached an end, the ultimate nihilism was limited by the hand of death and could not work. Although the field of gravity had some influence on the demon king, it could not be transformed into a clear advantage. Jing Yan even used the mysterious magic storm, but this devil is really terrifying, and the impact of the storm on him is not great.

Seeing the huge stick fall down, Jing Yan could only do his best to urge the sword of chaos to resist.

"Don't you really escape today? You want to die here?" Jing Yan bit his teeth and stared at the stick figure in front of him.

"Human Jingyan, die!" The demon king's indifferent eyes looked at Jingyan.

The huge stick in his hand could immediately smash this human named Jing Yan into a fan.


Just then, in one direction, that piece of chaotic space suddenly opened without warning.

This cracked chaotic space was filled with an ancient vicissitudes.

The demon king also looked around, looking at this huge gap that opened, with a little doubt.

In the devil's slightly stunned god, a bright red light burst out in the gap. This red light, unhindered, covered Jing Yan who was about to be hit by a long stick. As soon as Jing Yan came into contact with this red light, the spirit body seemed to be covered with a thick layer of gauze. Following him, he lost his consciousness and passed out.

The red light appeared suddenly and disappeared silently. After this red light disappeared, the chaotic space cracks gradually disappeared. In the blink of an eye, it completely disappeared, and there was no trace of it.

The devil looked at the location where the cracks in the chaotic space appeared, and then looked at where Jing Yan was just now.

"how can that be?"

"Absolutely impossible! How can chaotic space suddenly burst? The power of the dead hand still affects this space. It is the strongest of human deities, and it is impossible to enter this space silently. Space, it is even more impossible to tear this chaotic space! "

"What the **** is going on?" The devil looked around carefully, as if trying to find the disappearing scene.

However, after a search, he had nothing to gain.

"Yeah!" The devil yelled angrily with a long stick.

He hadn't expected this to happen before. The chaotic space suddenly burst, then a red energy appeared, and then the human vision disappeared. The most important thing is that he didn't know how Jing Yan disappeared. And the chaotic space crack, he also did not know how it appeared.

He wasn't even sure if the human storytelling was dead or still alive. However, he knew that even if the human scene was dead, it would not be his kill.


Just as the Devil's painful search for Jingyan's traces was fruitless, a scream of indignation came.

Subsequently, Ren Jiang Tianzun appeared. After leaving the Iron Wall Castle, Ren Jiang Tianzun searched the burial gods area as fast as possible. Finally, Kuyu, the demon king of the demon clan, was found here.

And in the space where Kuyu is, there is the hand of the magic weapon death.

Hearing the rage of Ren Jiang Tianzun, the demon king Ku turned his eyes and stared at Ren Jiang Tianzun coldly.

"Kuyu, where is Jingyan!" Ren Jiangtianzun searched this chaotic space, but found no trace of Jingyan. But he knew that Jing Yan must have been teleported here, to the side of the demon king Kuyu.

And now Jing Yan is not seen, then there is only one explanation, that is Jing Jing has been killed ~ www.readwn.com ~ The bones are gone.

"Huh! Ren Jiang Tianzun, you are late!" Kusao said while watching Ren Jiang Tianzun Lengheng.

"Kuyu, you are so despicable. You actually used a magic weapon to kill assassinate a human being!" Ren Jiangtianzun was full of murderous intentions, and you roared angrily.

"So what? I killed that human jingyan, what can you do with Ren Jiang Tianzun?" Of course Ku Kui was not in the mood to explain the abnormal situation in Chaos Space with Ren Jiang Tianzun.

"Abominable! Kushou, pick me a sword!" Ren Jiangtianzun appeared with a blue sword in his hand, and his body grew larger. At the same time, he had killed the past with a sword towards Kuyu.

"Haha! Ren Jiang Tianzun, I'm not interested in fighting with you right now! I want to go, you can't keep me!" Kuyu didn't want to entangle with Ren Jiang Tianzun, he held up the hand of the magic weapon and then faced Lan After Se Jianguang smashed a stick, he took a long walk away.

"Coco, you coward!" Roared Ren Jiangtianzun.

He did not go after the Kuyu Demon King, because he was very clear that Kuyu wanted to leave, and it was impossible for him to stop him alone.

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