Universal Sword God

Chapter 1581: 8 places

Luo Jiuhong was really anxious.

Among the six major races, the puppet monsters are relatively weak races. Prior to the decline of the human race, their strength also surpassed that of the strange monsters. Now the strange monsters finally had the opportunity to turn around, but this unacceptable change suddenly appeared.

You know, if the Chaos Secret is opened this time, the monsters can't get a place. Then, next time, next time, it is very likely that the elite monsters will not be able to get a place, and it may happen even if they are replaced by some powerful middle ethnic groups.

This has a bearing on the future of the entire ethnic group. Of course, Luo Jiuhong cannot calm down.

If it ’s not because of a big relationship, then with the character of the Jingguai clan, at this time they must not dare to stand up. They are used to making turtles.

Luo Luo Jiuhong said that Jing Yan was dominated by the nine heavenly gods.

However, he didn't want to think about his bad attitude towards Jing Yan and people. If it wasn't for him to be so excessive, how could Jing Yan now treat this strange monster with this attitude?

Speaking of the Jiaotu of that strange strange family, he also asked him to kill Jing Yan. If it weren't for Jing Yan's strength, he would have been killed by Jiao Getu.

Jing Weiguai has such an end, it is completely self-seeking!


"Yan brother is overbearing, what's the matter! Evil monster? A group of ugly things!" Jiutian Shenfeng turned his eyes and looked at Luo Jiuhong sideways.

Obviously, in the eyes of Jiutian Shenfeng, the Jingguai tribe is nothing at all.

In fact, it is indeed the same. In the huge chaotic universe, there are too few and too few affairs that can attract the attention of the initial creatures at the top level.

If it is not because of Jing Yan, then the human race may be a group of dispensable creatures in the view of Jiutian Shenfeng.

"Master Jiutian Shenfeng, you ... you ..." Luo Jiuhong flushed red and white.

"What are you? No more dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you first!" Jiutian Shenfeng sighed coldly.

Luo Luo Jiuhong shut up!

"Aotian!" Jiutian Shenfeng then looked at Chief Speaker Ao Tian and said, "Did you hear that? Yan said that the strange monsters should not get a place to enter the chaos."

"Yes! Esoteric clan, can not get a fixed quota." Ao Tian immediately answered.

"Babel, what do you think?" Ao Tian looked to the second speaker Babel.

"This ..." Babie hesitated at Luo Jiuhong, his eyelids shaking, "I agree."

I can't disagree.

How many creatures dare to rebel in the face of Jiutian Shenfeng, one of the most powerful initial creatures? Although Babel is close to the Supreme, it is not the Supreme after all. Moreover, even if he reaches the level of Chaos Supreme, it is far from being comparable to the existence of the level of nine heavenly phoenixes.

"Ao Tian, ​​your parliament redistributes a fixed number of places in the chaotic secret realm!" Jiutian Shenfeng said to Ao Tian again.

"Yes!" Ao Tianying said.

The new distribution plan came out soon.

"First ancestor, this is how our council allocates places for this chaotic secret place!"

"There are eight places for the beasts, seven places for the human races, six places for the yin and yang races, five places for the tribal races, four places for the underworld races, and no places for the elite monsters." The report said.

The quota of the Tatar people has been directly increased from one to seven. The number of yin and yang people decreased by one, from seven to six. The places of the earth and the underworld are unchanged from the previous ones. As for the strange monsters, they are pathetic.

I heard that the human race would get seven places in Chaos Mystery. Chunyu Tianzun and others were so excited that they even breathed a lot. They thought that it was possible for people to get four or five places by virtue of the relationship between Jingyan and Jiutian Shenfeng. However, it was not expected that the human race would directly get seven fixed places.

This number exceeds their expectations.

This time, the **** emperor who came from the human race, including nine people, counted Jingyan. There are now seven places, which means that only two people will eventually be unable to enter the chaos secret.

Hun Chunyu Tianzun and others were, of course, very happy.

"Brother Yan, what do you think of this distribution plan? The human race's quota is enough?" Jiutian Shenfeng did not tell Ao Tian whether the new plan would work, but asked Jing Yan what it meant.

"The human race has received seven places, which is quite a lot. However, there are six places for the yin and yang people, isn't it a little too much?" Jing Yan said thoughtfully.

Wu Jingyan did not forget that the speaker of the second seat, Babel, wanted to kill himself. Therefore, Jing Yan didn't want to let the Yin and Yang people get six places.

"Jingyan friends!"

"Hey, what happened before was indeed my recklessness. Here, I apologize to Jingyan Xiaoyou."

Jiutian Shenfeng had not spoken yet, and when Babel heard what Jing Yan said, he immediately said to Jing Yan with a smile on his face, and he actually apologized.

Wu Jingyan frowned, and his heart changed.

The strength of the Puyinyang tribe is indeed very strong. In this group, there are hundreds of strong men who are equivalent to the level of human esteem. Before the human race declines, it cannot reach the level comparable to the Yin and Yang races.

次 And the second speaker, Babel, is now counted as an apologist. In front of the powerful people of the ethnic group, he apologized, which made Jing Yan have to think more.

Wu Jingyan himself could not care about the threat from the yin and yang tribe, but he still had to consider it for the entire human race. It is obviously not a good thing to confront the yin and yang peoples.

"Xiaofeng ~ www.readwn.com ~ That's it!" Jing Yan finally agreed to this distribution plan.


"Ao Tian, ​​that's how the fixed quota is allocated! What will happen next?"

After Jiutian Shenfeng nodded slightly to Jing Yan, he looked at Ao Tian again.

The next thing is the lottery of mobile quota. Hundreds of ethnic groups, one by one, will be able to get a place to enter the chaotic secrets, depending on their luck, a one-fifth chance.

The twenty-six ethnic groups also participated in the lottery.

一次 This time, the luck of the human race is really very good. With a one-fifth chance, the Terrans have successfully drawn a mobile quota.

One mobile place plus seven fixed places, that is eight places. Nine **** emperors, that is, only one person cannot enter the chaos secret practice.

几个 Apart from the other ethnic groups, none of them were able to draw mobile places. In other words, in the end, the human race was the same as the beast, and they got eight places to enter the chaos.

The Phantom Monsters are really miserable. They do not have a fixed quota, and they do not even get a mobile quota. A group of spirits of the Jingguai tribe were all tested like funerals, but they were helpless.


"According to our judgment, the mysterious chaos will be opened in the near future and it is possible at any time. Therefore, it is best for you to stay in Kaitian Square and wait for the mysterious chaos to open to prevent missing the time to enter." .

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